Young Love Murdered:Love Bites

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Hello to all, thank you for reading my story. I'm really having fun writing it. I hope you like this chapter, after seeing the picture on the side I knew exactly what to write. =). XOXO


Harry woke to the smell of bacon floating through the air. Rubbing his face, he sat up looking around. He was still at Zayn's house. Glancing towards the kitchen Harry spotted his friend drinking orange juice as he read the newspaper. Looking down he realized he was still naked. Wrapping the blanket around himself he stood. "Z-Zayn?"

"Hmmm," Zayn mumbled turning the page.

"Where are my clothes?"

Zayn looked up and caught sight of Harry's flushed face. Smirking he got another glass down and poured some orange juice in it. "In the wash."


"They were on the floor all night and they got dirty." Zayn chuckled and handed Harry the glass. "You hungry?"

"No," Harry's voice was quiet.

"You're regretting it, aren't you?" Zayn sat on the end table as he stared at Harry.

"A little bit," Harry admitted glancing at Zayn before looking away quickly. "I shouldn't have used you, Zayn."

"It’s ok Hazza," Zayn ruffled Harry's hair.

"No it isn't Zayn!" Harry shouted as the guilt got to him. He felt like a horrible person, who just uses there band mate, there friend in the place of someone else? "It was wrong! You don't deserve to be treated this way! I-"

Zayn kissed Harry cutting him off. "Harry shut up. It’s fine. I'm willing as long as you are. It’s just casual sex, no one has to know; I don't mind really." Pushing his mouth to Harry's again he kissed him much harder.


"Harry shut up," Zayn growled in his ear as he kissed his neck.

"I need clothes!" Harry shouted pushing Zayn back by his shoulders.

"Laundry room," Zayn pointed down the hall. "You know where it is."

"Are they clean?" Harry twisted the blanket nervously.

"Most likely; if not take something of mine," Zayn threw himself onto the couch as Harry walked away. "Nice ass Harry."

"Shut up!" Harry squealed as he ran to the laundry room. All he could hear from the other room was Zayn's laughter. Reaching into the dryer he pulled out his wet clothes. Groaning he threw them back in and turned it on. Looking around the assortment of clean clothes Harry picked up a black t-shirt of Zayn's and a pair of underwear.

"I look stupid." Harry said as he walked back into the living room.

"Nah, you look cute Hazza." Zayn pulled him onto the couch and wrapped an arm around his shoulders. "Lou is probably worried."

Harry sighed and pushed a hand through his curly hair. "No he isn't. He's probably still in bed with Eleanor."

Zayn looked at Harry as he lit a cigarette. "Think so?"

"I know so Zayn." Harry stared at him.

"D'you think we should still be in bed?" Zayn took a long drag letting the smoke settle in his lungs a bit before releasing the smoke into the air, looking over he smiled at the shocked Harry.

"What? NO." Harry shook his head quickly but Zayn was already kissing his jaw. Harry put his hands on Zayn's shoulders to push him away but all he did was end up pulling him closer. "Zayn we shouldn't. Liam or somebody could come over."

"Shh," Zayn said leaning up quick enough to peck Harry on the lips. He was sucking and nipping at one spot on Harry's shoulder that was producing whimpers from the younger boy. "All done."

"What?" Harry looked startled.

"Thought you were scared someone would walk in." Zayn smirked and leaned back on the cushions.

"What do you mean 'all done'?" Harry touched his neck warily. Zayn just smiled at him and gestured towards the mirror. Looking he turned his head to the side to see what Zayn done. He had left a hickey. Blood flooded Harry's face as he clamped a hand over it. "What did you do that for?"

"Let Louis wonder where you went last night." Zayn giggled and gave Harry a kiss. "You really don't know what you've gotten yourself into Haz."

Harry groaned and covered his face. Where had his sanity gone?

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