Young Love Murdered: I don't care

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Hello kitten's, we are all Harry's personal cats. Well since its my day off to lay around the house, I decided to write two new parts to the story. YAY! I hope you like it, it has some sexual content in this chapter. So if you don't do sexy mexy stuff i suggest you don't read. This story has a lot of sexual tendencies to it. Love and Rate XOXO


Harry walked through the door to the flat he shared with Louis. Giggling from the couch followed by Louis's laughter let Harry's suspicions be confirmed. Eleanor was still here. He set his keys down onto the counter and made his way over to the fridge. It was well into the afternoon now. He didn't mean to stay that long at Zayn's. Just the thought of Zayn colored Harry's cheeks. His fingers touched the spot where Zayn had left the bloody hickey.

"Harry? Harry where'd you run off to last night?" Louis called from the couch.

"Shit!" Harry hissed under his breath as he dropped the milk carton he had been holding. "I went for a drink Lou."

Harry turned around to find Louis behind him with a roll of paper towels. "You went for a drink? Without me?" His tone was playful but his eyes were hurt.

"Didn't think it'd be a big deal." Harry tore a few sheets off the roll and started soaking up the spilt milk.

"It’s ok Haz," Louis rocked back on his heels.

"Ok-" Harry started as he got back up from the ground.

"I just mean we always go together. Every time." Louis continued shaking his head. "Why'd you go you without me?"

"I was bored."

"You should have gotten me."

Harry scoffed and tossed the soiled paper towels into the trash. "You were kind of busy, boobear."

Louis lifted his hand, hesitated, then headed back to the couch where Eleanor was still sitting. He could be so weird sometimes, Harry thought sitting at the island. Harry ran a hand through his hair as he sighed.

"Harry! Oh my God! Is that a hickey?" Eleanor shierked as she bounded over to the island.

"W-What? Oh. Uhm, yeah." Harry coughed awkwardly feeling Louis's eyes trained on his neck.

"Who is she?" Eleanor pushed smiling.

"Uhm," Harry rubbed the back of his neck. "I don't want to talk about it. It was a regret Eleanor."

"How boring," she whispered turning back around to face Louis. "Babe, I'm hungry. Let's go out to eat."

"Sure," Louis answered her. "Go get dressed then."

She was gone in a few seconds leaving Harry alone with Louis in silence. He stared at his hands as Louis's eyes bored into his face. "Who was she?"

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