Young Love Murdered: I Need You

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Harry lay awake unable to block the noises coming from Louis's room through the thin walls. Lou had brought Eleanor home with him as Harry knew he would.  The squeaking of the bed; Eleanor's screams; Louis moans.

‘I can’t do this,’ Harry thought as he jumped out of bed. His boxers riding low on his hips, after throwing on a pair of dark washed jeans he threw a black shirt over his head. Harry just couldn't take it anymore his Louis, dammit HIS Louis was in the other room making that.. that GIRL moan and yell out his name. Tears welled up in his eyes that should be him, that should be his voice, his name that Louis was moaning out. Grabbing his keys he ran to his car away from the terrible noises. Tears stung and flew down his face the farther he drove. He knew exactly where he was going it was a road he had taken many of times.

Parking crooked in the driveway he ran to the door beating it with his fists. "Zayn! Zayn open this door dammit!" Harry couldn’t believe he was actually doing this, he was going so low as to be with his other band mate. Zayn had offered himself to Harry a few months ago after Zayn seen the way Harry eye fucked Louis during a rehearsal. Harry was quick to say no, he didn’t want Zayn; not that Zayn wasn’t attractive, but bloody hell he wanted Lou.

The door opened to show a disgruntled and shirtless Zayn Malik. "Harry what the hell? It’s two in the morning-" He trailed off noticing Harry's tears. "What happened?"

"I want you," Harry said before pulling Zayn into a kiss. "I want you Zayn."

"Tell me what happened," Zayn said holding Harry's face between his hands.

"What does it matter? You wanted sex and I'm giving it to you!" Harry attempted to kiss Zayn again but his grip was too strong. Zayn’s caramel eyes stared into Harry’s broken green ones. As much as Zayn wanted this to happen he did have a heart. He was always the one people came to for help.

"Harry," Zayn locked eyes with him causing the tears to fall even harder.

"He's with her Zayn," Harry's lip trembled as he tried to get the words out. "I need you."

Zayn didn't even hesitate. He just pulled Harry inside and crushed his lips into the younger boy's. Harry quickly took his shirt off before pulling Zayn hard against him. Zayn's hands were everywhere. Harry quickly wrapped his legs around Zayn’s waist already feeling his erection grow in size. One of Zayn’s hands was gripping Harry’s thigh while the other was placed at the middle of his back scratching his nails lightly against his skin. Swiftly he carried Harry back to the couch. They never would have made it to the bedroom at the pace they were going. Harry's back thudded against the lumpy cushions as Zayn worked on his belt. Harry felt like he was in a daze. He couldn't believe he was actually doing this with Zayn of all people.

Suddenly his pants were off and the cold air engulfed his half-naked form. Harry's erection strained against the thin fabric of his underwear. Zayn already had his pants off by the time Harry finally looked up at him. Zayn didn't waste a second. He was on Harry before he could take a breath, which had become quite difficult anyways. His lips were everywhere. He rolled his hips into Harry's making him release the moan he had been trying to repress. Zayn's hand was cold as he touched Harry's hips slowly sliding his boxers off.

"Well Hazza," Zayn breathed trying to regain his breath. "Never thought we'd be here."

He drew his fist over Harry's length gaining mulitiple shivers and a long drawn out moan. "Zayn, c'mon please."

"What?" Zayn smirked at the look of pleasure that crossed Harry's face.

"Go faster," Harry bucked his hips into Zayn's hand. Zayn's hand began to slowly build speed. Harry was squirming under him, breath hot and heavy, moans escaping his mouth every few seconds. "Zayn I'm close."

Harry noticed Zayn's hand on his own erection. He pulled Zayn's mouth quickly to his, nipping his lower lip begging for entrance. Zayn's mouth opened with ease as he tangled his tongue with Harry's. Harry took hold of Zayn's length and began to work at the same rhythm Zayn kept on Harry. Their breath mingled and Harry was pressing hot kisses against Zayn's neck, shoulder, jaw, everywhere he could reach. With a shout Harry came all over Zayn's hand. It didn't take long for Zayn after Harry's satisfied moans. They sat there just watching each other for a few minutes. Zayn kissed Harry softly before getting up. He left and came back with a wet towel. Gently he began wiping Harry's hand off and cleaning himself up.

"Didn't know you'd be so damn good, Harry." Zayn smirked at the blush that flooded Harry's face.

What had he just done? And with Zayn of all people. Harry laid down on the couch feeling the tears slip down his face again. He was going numb all over again. Zayn laid down next to him and wrapped an arm around him. "Don't cry Harry."

"I'm sorry," Harry whispered as his voice broke.

"It's ok," Zayn hushed Harry and started to sing an old nursery rhyme. Harry eventually fell asleep, tears gathering on the pillow his head rested on.

Zayn looked down at the boy asleep in his arms; a small smile shown on his face as he watched the beauty slightly snore. His hair was all over the place, simple strands covering his closed eyes. Zayn snuggled into the figure beside him, he rose his hand up moving some of Harry’s beloved curls out of the way. Moving over he kissed his forehead, removing his lips a smile twitched its way back onto his face. “Don’t you worry Hazza; I’ll fix your heart with duct tape if I have too.”

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