Young Love Murdered:Using Him(Part 1)

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Harry sat between Louis and Zayn on the way to the local club. The tension in the car was oblivious to Niall and Liam who were chatting away in the front seat. Harry glanced tentatively at Louis then Zayn. What was he going to do? He was having sex with Zayn but he had kissed Louis. But he had also told Lou to forget about it. That's what was best right? To forget about it? Harry didn't know anymore. All of this was piling up and it was giving him a headache. Honestly he just wanted to take Zayn somewhere secluded and have a quick shag. One single glance from Lou had him regretting that thought. He loved Lou didn't he?

Zayn's arm casually slipped around Harry's shoulders. There was nothing particularly weird about it. It was a casual thing to do. But he could feel the possessives behind it. "Liam d'you think you could drive a bit faster? I need out of this car."

"Not when there's a whole line of traffic in front of me Harry."

Harry groaned and threw his head back. He caught site of Zayn smirking. "What?"

"Nothing," Zayn laughed looking out the window. It just rubbed Harry the wrong way. He shifted away from him and banged his head against Louis's. Moving back he just bumped into Zayn.

"Sorry," Harry rubbed his head as his cheeks tinged a pale pink. Louis just looked away and shrugged. It stung a bit. Usually he would just laugh it off and crack a joke. Something was obviously bothering him. Was it the kiss? Harry shook off the thought. He had to stop thinking about it. What good would it do to keep running it through his mind? None. Zayn leaned towards him and pressed his mouth to his ear. His breath was hot. "It's cute when you get embarrassed Haz."

Harry sighed and put his hands in his hair. What kind of mess had he gotten himself into? Glancing over he caught Louis looking at him. Holding the gaze he took in every inch of Louis's face. Desperately trying to memorize it. The clench of his jaw, the slight agitation that shown in his eyes. For what? Was it Harry? Was it his presence? They seemed to stare at each other for what seemed like an hour. The car jerked to a stop at the curb.

"We're here lads!" Niall cheered opening his door.

Louis looked away quickly as he stepped out of the car. "I'm meeting Eleanor tonight."

Was his intention to hurt Harry by his words? If so, it worked, because Harry stood frozen. Zayn's warm hand on his shoulder was the only thing that brought him back. Harry nodded and scrambled out after Zayn. The cold air swallowed him up as he leaned back against the van. The effect simple words from Lou had on him still surprised him. He headed into the club without a backwards glance at the figure who still had him in the palm of his hand. The music was pulsing and the energy helped Harry spring back into action. Zayn passed a pill to each of the boys before heading upstairs. What the hell? Harry thought popping the pill and chasing Zayn upstairs.

Harry's head was spinning by the time he reached the top. Zayn was swaying back and forth by the banister overlooking the dance floor. Harry pushed himself forward as colors swirled by him. Everything glittered and danced. He reached toward Zayn and kissed him. It was rough. Pushing Zayn into the couch behind him was easy. It was trying to get his pants off that proved difficult. Harry's fingers were too shaky to unbutton his or Zayn's pants. He would have asked Zayn but he was shaking too.

"Forget it," Zayn answered pulling Harry against him. His lips attached to his pulse point and he sucked hard enough to recieve a whimper from Harry. Harry ground his hips into Zayn producing a groan from both boys.

"What the fuck did you give us Zayn? It feels amazing." Harry kissed him roughly again feeling as if he were a live wire.

"Harry what are you doing?" Louis shouted at him. Through the haze Harry made out the words and pulled away from Zayn. Louis's face was contorted with rage. Why? What had Harry done wrong?

"I-I'm," he stumbles over his words but the drug is still working through his veins and he can't talk right. Zayn pulls him against his chest as Harry collapses into sobs that rack his whole body. Harry didn't understand. He covered his ears with his hands and pressed his mouth against Zayn's shoulder to block out his cries. His life was crumbling in front of him.

"Don't touch him!" Louis shouted at Zayn. Harry could still hear him. Nothing was blocking out the noise. Lou was too close to them anyways. His shouts could be heard well over the music.

"Says the guy who put him in this kid of condition. You're not good for him Lou. Never were." Zayn answered brushing his hand through Harry's hair.

"And you are? You're what's good for him?" Louis shouted again causing Harry to shut his eyes tightly. "You're just using him for sex!"

"He's not protesting is he?" Zayn asked. That shut Louis up and before he could think of anymore to say Harry gently whispered, "Go away Lou."

The look of hurt that crossed Louis's face killed Harry. But he couldn't deal with the yelling, with all the fighting right now. Everything was still spinning. Louis retreated before anymore could be said. Harry just lay in Zayn's arms until it was past time to leave and cried. What was he going to do?

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