Young Love Murdered:I'm not letting go

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This is the final chapter!!! See what happens. XOXO


Harry's heart pounded. The worst thing he had done was smoke weed with Louis at a party and smoke with Zayn. He had never done something this extreme. He could hear the blood pumping through his ear. He just wanted to get rid of these feelings. This could get rid of them for a while, couldn't it? He gulped and walked back out into the frigid air. His hands were freezing but he couldn't feel them before anyways.

The guy, he still hadn't told him his name, sat at a small table that had been set up. He dumped the contents onto the table before setting them into lines. He handed Harry the rolled up tube. "Go ahead."

Harry unsure of what to do put his head down and snuffed the line into his nose. His nose felt on fire. He wanted to just scratch it till it bled, but what's-his-face pulled Harry's hand away from his nose. "Don't scratch."

The good feeling started to kick in as Harry looked up at the falling snow. It was better than what he had taken earlier that night. He loved the feeling. Harry let out a long whoop feeling all the things he had felt earlier drain away. That guy was just looking at him with a feral smile. "I just got Harry Styles fucked up."

"And fucked up I am." Harry sang back. He felt on top of the world. Like he could do anything and no one could stop him. "Listen thanks for everything, but I've gotta go babe."

Harry handed the guy some money and kissed him hard. He just sat there frozen as Harry walked through the doorway and out back onto the street. Maybe he wanted to get fucked up more often. It made him feel like king. He raced down the street laughing as people yelled rude comments at him. He felt so free. Harry stopped at the corner when he saw Zayn and Louis arguing. Harry covered his ears and screamed. Severaly people looked over at him worriedly. The only ones who mattered were Zayn and Louis though. It was what he was screaming that got their attention the most.


He was shaking so hard and he was choking back the tears. He looked up at them again and saw them running towards him. Harry panicked and ran into the traffic on the other side dodging cars as they raced by honking their horns. When he made it to the other side he didn't stop. He kept running. Harry didn't even know where he was anymore but he felt on fire from the coke. He needed to do something. Harry looked around and fumbled in his pockets. Nothing of interest to him. He looked up again and saw a metal ladder leading to the roof of a abandoned building. He ran to the ladder and gripped it tightly. It was icy in his hands. He started climbing. The top was coming rapidly into his line of vision. His pulse was jumping by the time he stumbled onto the rooftop. He smiled like a maniac as he stood on the very edge.

"Harry Styles get away from that ledge!" He heard from below. He could tell from his accent. It was Zayn.

"Has Mr. Malik come to save me?" Harry teased closing his eyes. "It would be so easy to just fall Zayn. Just fall forever."

"You wouldn't fall forever Harry. You would die." Zayn's voice was so desperate.

"Don't you know? I can fly now Zayn. I'm king of the world and nothing can stop me." Harry spread his arms out to his side feeling weightless. "I could jump and all the rumors and pain and fame could end like that."

"This isn't the way Harry! I'm sorry I hurt you and drove you to something like this." A new voice called. A voice that gave Harry a pain in his chest.

"You wouldn't care Boo Bear." Harry half-smiled but it was bitter. "I would have been okay if you hadn't found out about me and Z. You see Zayn showed me affection of sorts. Maybe it wasn't the best kind, but it made me not numb. Whereas you made me hurt. A lot. That's why I went to Zayn in the first place."

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