Young Love Murdered:Then Save Me

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Harry sat at the airport staring at his had the text written and ready to go, but he couldn't will himself to press send. He continued to stare as his heart pounded. This was the right decision, right? He couldn't stay any longer. It was causing him too much pain. All of it. Louis, Zayn, the fame. He couldn't handle it. He just needed to get away from it all. He needed something to distract himself. Across from him sat a vender selling cigarettes for a ridicously high price, but Harry needed it. Harry had only smoked once before and that had been with Zayn.

He tried to shake the memory away as he strode towards the vendor. He handed him the money buying a pack of fags and a lighter. Harry honestly did not care if his picture was taken and was put into some cheap tabloid. He did not give one fuck. Striding towards the entrance to the airport careful to keep his face hidden from the passing people he carefully lit it. He kept checking to see if his plane had been called until he realized that he did not want to go home. Harry Styles did not cry and tattle to his mum.

Inhaling he let the feeling take over, the memory take over. He could suffocate in it if he let himself.


Zayn laid in his bed, hair mussed from their previous activites. His cigarette hanging in the corner of his bruised lips lazily. Harry was stretched out beside him watching in fasination as Zayn inhaled then slowly exhaled. He had never had liked cigarettes before. Harry had always wanted Zayn to stop, but watching him now gave him the urge to try. Zayn's eyes caught the younger boy's and smirked around his fag as he inhaled.

"Come here Harry," he whispered blowing smoke towards the younger boy.

So Harry obeyed and leaned up towards Zayn to where they were face to face. Zayn slowly inhaled watching Harry's eyes all the while. Something about the way he was looking at him made his cock twitch. It turned Harry on.

Zayn pushed his lips against Harry's and slowly prodded the youger boy's lips open. As soon as Harry felt the smoke enter his mouth he let out a low growl in his throat. The smoke mingled between them for a minute before fading away. Zayn kissed him hard on the mouth before taking another puff.

"This time inhale it," he advised as he leaned forward again. Harry opened his mouth eagerly and inhaled the smoke as told. He held it for a few seconds before letting it go. Everything about the interaction had turned Harry on completely.

"Fuck you," he muttered looking down at his erection. He was supposed to be going home soon.

"You liked it and you know it, Styles." Zayn laughed putting the cigarette out laughing at Harry's expression.

Harry just leaned forward and kissed him roughly. "You take care of this now," he gestured to his tented boxers. With a half-growl, half-laugh Zayn rolled ontop of him kissing his neck.


Harry felt his throat tighten and threw the fag onto the ground. He ground it under his heel maybe a little more forceful than needed. The cold air February air chilled him until he felt numb. He headed inside and grabbed his bag. He wasn't going home. No Harry was not going to allow his mother to see what mess he had gotten into. Tugging his hood up he weaved through the thick crowd until he reached a pub.

It had begun to snow and his eyelashes glittered with melted snow. He knew he looked like shit, but he was getting some looks from certain people. Men and woman knew who he was. Their eyes raked down his body undressing him. He might as well had been naked. Harry made his way to the back trying to ignore the stares he was getting. Some guy, probably his early twenties, stumbled over to his booth.

"Hey cutie what are you doing back 'er all by yourself?" And it wasn't that he wasn't attractive enough or anything, but he also wasn't Zayn or Louis. Harry straightened up and checked him out openly. "Want to do something fun?"

"Like?" Harry asked cooly gesturing for him to sit across from him. The guy had black hair that fell into his eyes a bit. He was tall but kind of lanky. Not Harry's type at all.

The guy flashed a little plastic bag full of white powder. Man was this guy bold.

"We can go outside in the back. No one will see us there." The guy raised a eyebrow.

Harry's thoughts clawed at each other as he tried to make a decision. "Okay." He said before he even realized that he was already nodding.

The guy smiled as he slid out of his booth and walked to the back door. "C'mon then Mr. Styles."

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