Young Love Murdered:Niall Knows

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Shivering Harry crawled closer to the warmth next to him. The morning light shown through the blinds rousing Harry from his deep sleep. He wanted nothing more than to fall back asleep and go back to his dreams where he laid in Louis's arms. But here he was with Zayn's arm wrapped tightly around his waist.

"Hey handsome," Zayn mumbled into Harry's shoulder leaving a quick nip.

"It's cold," Harry whispered pressing closer to Zayn.

"Maybe that's because you're naked." Zayn giggled quietly leaning up on his elbow. "I had fun last night."

Harry raised an eyebrow. It'd been almost a month since they had begun this relationship. He pushed himself up enough to where he could tease Zayn with light brushes of his lips. "You really weren't supposed to spend the night."

"I know," he whispered kissing Harry fully on the mouth. "But someone wore me out."

"Like it’s my entire fault." Harry giggled as Zayn rolled on top of him. He bit Harry's shoulders producing shivers from him. "Zayn you need to go before Louis or someone walks in."

"Do you," Zayn kissed him hard on the mouth, "want breakfast?"

Harry kissed him deeply slipping his tongue in as he pulled him closer. "What type of breakfast?"

"Mr. Styles that's quite scandalous." Zayn answered rolling off. He leaned up and stretched. "Y'know you've gotten better."

"At what?" Harry asked confused.

"Sex," Zayn answered with a laugh. "You were kind of terrible at the beginning."

"Fuck you Zayn." Harry said nipping Zayn below his jaw. He let his hand trail down his chest until he reached Zayn's waist when the when the door opened.

"Harry Louis wants to talk to-" Niall stopped mid-sentence mouth hanging open and stared. "What are you doing?"

"Niall shut the door!" Harry yelled as he blushed.

Niall shut the door as told and stepped farther into the room. "Did you guys fuck last night or?"

"Yes," Zayn said at the same time as Harry shouted, "NO."

They stared at each other for a minute before Zayn looked back at Niall. "Yes we did Niall. You can't tell anybody. Not even Liam."

"You really think I'd tell?" Niall pouted.

"Honestly yes." Harry stated moving away from Zayn quickly. He noted the hurt look Zayn gave him. What was that for?

"Scout's honor," Niall stated saluting them. "But Louis really wants to talk to you Harry."

Harry looked at Zayn and shrugged. "You should probably go."

"Yeah," Zayn clenched his jaw as he began to put his clothes back on.

Harry put on a pair of pants before leaving the room without a backwards glance. What did Louis want? He never wanted to talk anymore. He had Kelly. What could he possibly want from Harry? He had reached Louis's room. Knocking he felt his palms start to sweat.

"Lou?" Harry called out. His voice cracked and he tried to hide it with a cough.

"Yeah come on in Harry."

Harry pushed the door open and walked slowly in. Louis came out of his closet putting on his shirt. Harry could feel his heart speed up just at the sign of him. 'What'd you want boobear?"

Louis smiled and walked closer to Harry. "I wanted to apologize."

"For what?" Harry asked puzzled.

"For, um, being so distant lately. We're best friends aren't we?" Louis touched Harry's shoulder. Harry suddenly became hyper aware that he was shirtless.

"Of course," Harry answered licking his lips. His heart was beating out of his chest. Louis had to be able to hear it. Harry could have sworn that Louis's eyes flicked towards his lips. Maybe that was just wishful thinking. Maybe it was until Louis kissed him. It was soft and sweet. Tender. Completely the opposite of Zayn's harsh kisses. Harry leaned into it pressing himself into Louis. Finally he pulled away.

"I shouldn't have done that. I'm sorry." Louis said instantly. He regretted it.

"It’s ok," Harry whispered. "I-I shouldn't have kissed you back. We'll just forget about it, eh?"

With that Harry fled the scene and back to his now vacant room. The tears ran down his face. Louis regretted kissing him. But why would he enjoy it?

Zayn took a drag off of his cigarette as he stared at the ground. What was going on with him? So what if Harry still had feeling for Louis? It shouldn't bother him. No they were just having fun. They were just fuck buddies. There was nothing more to their relationship other than that and the friendship they had before that. But Zayn couldn't help finding himself wanting Harry for more than his body.

He wanted to take Harry out for dates. He wanted everyone to know that he had Harry Styles in the palm of his hand. That Harry was his for the taking.

Zayn dropped his cigarette as he realized what it all meant. He was devolving feelings for him. He had fallen for Harry Styles.

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