Young Love Murdered:Going Home

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I hope you guys like it!! You might hate me you Larry lovers; but this is a Zarry fanfic, Zarry is my favorite. Actually anything with Zayn in it is my favorite. Although, I do think Niall and Liam is cute too. Anyways. you guys might get mad at me after reading this but sit still cause there is more to come. XOXO


Harry lay in Zayn's bed as the older boy slept, arm thrown across his chest, trying to work out the night's events in his head. Louis had caught him and Zayn. He had yelled until Harry had cried. How could Harry even be thinking about going back to him and begging for forgiveness? Zayn had confessed his love for Harry. Why did he love Harry? He didn't know why anyone would want to love him. All he had to offer Zayn was sex. Didn't he? His heart skipped a beat as he thought of Zayn confessing again. Could Harry really love him in return? Was it possible to love two people at the same time? This all confused Harry, why couldn’t Louis just love him and Zayn.. Zayn.

Harry sighed and ran his hand through Zayn's short hair. He couldn't hurt Zayn but he couldn't hurt Louis either. What was he going to do? Zayn rolled away from him onto his side taking the blankets with him. Harry shivered for a few minutes before getting out of bed and pulling his clothes back on. He looked back at Zayn and gave a small smile. He looked just like a little kid. With a pang in his heart Harry walked out the front door.

Pulling the hood of his jacket he walked down the road until he reached his house. It was time to face Louis. It was now or never. As he walked up the walk to the front door he felt his hands begin to shake again. What was he going to tell him? Hi Lou.. Why won’t you love me? Harry shook his head quickly before pulling the front door open.

"Louis?" He tried but his voice cracked and was too high for normal. "Louis?" He tried again. Turning his head he saw Louis, sitting on the love seat in the livening room. A bottle was rested in his hand, almost empty. Harry didn’t know where he got it from; they didn’t keep liquor in the house, beer yea but never liquor.

"Where have you been?" Louis asked as he tilted the bottle he was holding back draining the last drop.

"I-I was at Z-Zayn's." Harry tumbled over his words as he rubbed the back of his neck.

"Shagging him like the slut you are, eh?" Louis's voice was harsh and it cut through Harry.

"Lou...I can e-explain." Harry couldn’t believe what Louis had called him, he wasn’t a slut. He was just... He didn’t really know what to call himself but he wasn’t a slut. Tears stung the back of Harry’s eyes but he wasn’t going to let them fall.

"What is there to explain Harry?" Louis asked jumping to his feet and walking towards Harry. His breath reeked of alcohol as he grabbed Harry by his hair. He pressed his lips to Harry's trembling ones. "Come on Harry, be the slut you are."

"Louis," Harry breathed trying to push him away. "Stop it."

Louis's lips attached to Harry's neck as he nipped at it roughly. "Don't you want it? I'm good enough for a slut like you right?" His voice was rough and breathy as he pulled Harry into himself.

Harry whimpered as Louis slammed him into the wall. He grinded his hips into Harry making his knees weak; "Lou," Harry moaned bringing Louis's lips back to his.

"You're such a whore Hazza," Louis whispered against Harry's lips. "Does Zayn touch you like this?"

Louis started palming Harry through his jeans gaining whimpers from the younger boy. Harry looked up at Louis through heavy lids to see the look of anger on his face. It scared Harry. "Stop!"

Louis ignored him as he attached his lips to his collar bone. Harry pushed him back causing him to stumble and fall. "Louis you're drunk! You need to stop!"

"Slut," Louis growled and Harry winced. It hurt him. Harry clenched his jaw and straightened his clothes.

"I'm leaving," Harry said walking to his room.

"Running away to Zayn so you can fuck?"

"No!" Harry shouted turning around. "Why are you being such a prick? You have never cared about me the way I've cared about you! Why are you doing this Louis?"

"Because maybe I care!" He shouted leaning against the door frame.

"Funny way of showing it." Harry growled throwing clothes into a bag.

"Where are you going to go?" Louis's voice softened.

"I don't know," Harry whispered as Louis came up behind him. Louis had wrapped his arms around Harry's torso pulling him against his chest.

"I'm sorry Haz," Louis kissed the back of his neck. "Don't leave me."

"I have to boobear." Harry felt the tears start to fall down his face. "You're not good for me."

Louis turned him around and kissed the tears that lingered on his cheeks. "Baby stay with me a little while."

"No," Harry moved away slinging the bag over his shoulder. "I said no Lou."

Harry didn’t know what hit him, he seen out of the corner of his eye as Louis raised his hand up, before he could move a stinging sensation occurred. Louis had smacked him… "Go then."

Harry came to a decision at that moment. "Fine."

That was the moment he decided he was leaving One Direction and going home for good.

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