Young Love Murdered:Using Him(Part 2)

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I'm so sorry guys its short, and it might suck but I needed this connection to show whats going on inside Zayn's mind. I'm thinking I'm going to do more of what Zayn is feeling then Harry. Leave me some feed back and tell me if you guys like this story. I'm also going to do more one shots, I did my first one and posted it and I cried writing it and you guys loved it so I'm going to do more. I think my next one I'm going to do Louis and Liam.. Maybe.. Anyways XOXO


Harry looked out the window as the rain poured down. Zayn had gotten a taxi to take them home. Harry didn't want to go and face Louis. But wasn't it better to do it now rather than later? What was the worst that could happen. Louis could hate him for all entireties and never want to talk to him again. Harry shook his head, he didn’t want to think those thoughts; especially not now anyways. Harry clutched Zayn's hand tightly. The drug had finally left his system after he had stopped crying but he was still shaking. "Are you sure you want to do this?"

"Isn't it the right thing to do?" Harry asked turning to meet Zayn's eyes. "I don't want to hurt anyone but he deserves an explanation."

Zayn opened his mouth, hesitated, then shut his mouth again and leaned back against the seat. Zayn didn’t want Harry to have to explain anything; Zayn wanted Harry to just leave Lou alone. Lou was his best mate but when it came to Harry, Lou did nothing but hurt him; Zayn felt so... helpless.  Harry watched him wondering what was going on inside his head. "Zayn?"


"Are you ok?" Harry asked raising his eyebrows.

"No," Zayn wouldn't quite meet his eyes.

Harry moved closer and bumped his shoulder against Zayn's. "Why?"

Zayn finally looked up and Harry could see the tears in his eyes. "Because you're killing me Harry. Why do you keep going back to Louis? He isn't going to give you anything but pain!"

Harry was stunned into silence, since he was breaking the news to everyone he guessed he should let Zayn in on what happened earlier. "We kissed today."

"Because that makes everything ok, right? A little kiss from Lou, eh? Even when he treats you like shit for the rest of the day?" Zayn wiped his hand across his face. "I don't get you Harry Styles."

"I love him, Zayn. You know that I do."

Zayn shook his head and gave a bitter laugh. "I'm sorry then."

His voice was husky from crying and he was breathing shallow. "Zayn you have to understand. I thought you understood! I need you Zayn."

"Admit it," Zayn shrugged as he whispered the last part of his sentence. "You don't need me Harry."

Harry's throat tightened and he gripped Zayn's hand harder. "I do need you Zayn."

"Why?" The word was so cold. Like a shard of ice cutting through Harry.

"You're the only who can make me feel better. You make me not numb." Tears stung Harry’s eyes as he watched Zayn; Harry didn’t really know what he was saying, he knew he couldn’t lose Zayn. No he couldn’t, he would die if he did.

Zayn's free hand went to Harry's thigh and squeezed it gently. "Like that?"

Harry swallowed around the lump in his throat and nodded. Zayn slid his hand up further as Harry shivered. "You only want me physically, Haz."

"That was the deal though." Harry stated as confusion clouded his brain.

"It was the deal," Zayn pressed his mouth against Harry's ear gently nipping. "It was the deal before I fell in love with you."

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