Chapter 1: Haunting beginning

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The chill of the evening air sent a shiver through Lily as she stood in front of her old school. The wind whipped around her, pulling at her jacket, forcing her to clutch it tighter as she stared at the familiar building. The place where she had spent countless days, laughing, studying, and growing into the person she was now.

Her throat tightened as she took in the sight—her school, her friends, and her memories. She could almost hear their voices in the empty courtyard, echoing as if it still held fragments of her past. A bittersweet smile tugged at her lips, but it quickly faded as reality set in. This was the last time she'd stand here, the last time she'd ever look at her school this way. Everything was about to change.

She thought back to the time spent with Riley and Colin, her best friends since forever. The memories flooded her—a flashback to the three of them sitting in the cafeteria, the usual spot, laughing about random things, talking about life, and sharing moments that she couldn't imagine living without.

But it wasn't just her friends that she was leaving behind. Colin was more than just her best friend; he was also her boyfriend, the one who had stood by her through every storm. And Riley—her rock, the girl she couldn't even think of facing life without. It hurt to think about it, but deep down, she knew this change was necessary.

Her mom had been insistent. "You have so much potential, Lily. You need to go to a better school if you want to get into an Ivy League." And though Lily understood the logic, the dread still gnawed at her. What if the new school wasn't good enough? What if the people there weren't like the friends she had here? What if they were rude or indifferent?

She shook the thoughts away. It was too late for doubts.

Her phone buzzed, breaking her from the spiral of worries.

"Honey, where are you? Come home quickly, your friends are here." Her mom's voice was warm but firm on the other end of the line.

"Okay, Mom... I was just saying goodbye to the school one last time." Her voice cracked slightly.

"I know it's hard, but you know you have to do this, right?" her mom said, understanding but resolute.

Lily took a deep breath. "Yeah, I know."

With one last lingering glance at the building, she turned on her heel and walked away, leaving behind the place that had been her world for so long.

Back at home, the familiar warmth of her house did little to ease the sadness. As soon as she stepped inside, she was greeted by the sight of Riley and Colin waiting for her. Riley rushed forward and enveloped her in a tight hug.

"I'm going to miss you so much, Lil."

"Me too," Lily whispered, her voice catching in her throat. She pulled away, turning to Colin, who offered her a gentle smile before wrapping her in his arms.

"You'll do great, Lily," Riley added, always the supportive one. But Lily couldn't shake the fear. What if the new school wasn't as welcoming? What if she didn't fit in?

"I'm scared, Riley. What if it's not the same? What if... what if I don't make any friends?"

Riley squeezed her hand. "You're going to be fine. You've got this. We'll always be here for you, no matter what."

Colin nodded in agreement. "We're just a phone call away, Lil. And I'll visit you as much as I can, okay?"

Before she could respond, her mom called from the kitchen. "Dinner's ready! Come on, everyone!"

They all gathered around the table, trying to keep the mood light with chatter and laughter, but Lily could feel the weight of everything pressing down on her. The move, the new school, the fear of the unknown—it all loomed large in the back of her mind. After dinner, as they were clearing the table, Colin pulled her aside.

His eyes softened as he held her hand. "I'm going to miss you so much, Lil." His voice was quiet, a little vulnerable in a way she rarely saw.

"I'll miss you too," she replied, her heart aching at the thought of leaving him.

Colin took a deep breath. "I'll keep visiting you, no matter what. You know that, right? And... I just want you to know that I..."

He hesitated, his words hanging in the air, before finally blurting out, "I like you, Lily. I really like you."

Lily smiled, her chest tightening as she whispered back, "I like you too, Colin. You're the best boyfriend—and the best friend—I could ever ask for."

They kissed, a soft, lingering kiss that made her heart ache even more. She knew this goodbye was only temporary, but it still hurt. When the kiss broke, she rested her forehead against his, whispering, "I'll never forget you."

And that's where Lily's story begins—on the edge of a new life, leaving behind everything she's ever known, with only the uncertain future ahead.

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