Chapter 21

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Zane leaned against the cold brick wall outside the party, the bass of the music vibrating through the night air. Inside, laughter and chatter echoed, but he felt distant from it all. The party was supposed to be an escape, a way to drown out the whirlwind of thoughts swirling in his mind. But the more he drank, the heavier his heart felt.

What if he ended up hurting Lily? The words his mother had spoken earlier played on repeat in his head. She didn't understand him or the feelings he had for Lily. "You're just like your father, Zane. You'll hurt her, just like he hurt you." Those words stung more than he cared to admit.

As he stared into his cup, the amber liquid swirling, Zane felt an overwhelming urge to let loose. He wanted to forget—forget the pressures of being someone he felt he could never be. So, he stepped back inside, hoping the atmosphere would numb his confusion.

Amid the crowd, he spotted Emily, a familiar face from his past, her smile bright and inviting. She had always had a crush on him, and tonight, she seemed particularly intent on catching his attention. They chatted for a while, but with every laugh and flirtatious glance, Zane felt himself slipping deeper into a haze of uncertainty.

"Come on, Zane," Emily coaxed, her voice low and sultry. "Let's have some fun. Just you and me."

Zane hesitated, grappling with the conflicting feelings in his chest. In that moment, he could feel the weight of his choices bearing down on him. "I can't do this," he murmured, shaking his head, but the alcohol dulled his instincts.

Before he could protest further, Emily leaned in, her lips brushing against his. For a fleeting moment, he surrendered to the kiss, but a rush of guilt crashed over him. As soon as their lips met, he pulled back, panic flooding his veins. He didn't want this; he wanted Lily.

"No, I can't," he said, stepping away from Emily, his heart pounding. "I like someone already."

Emily's expression shifted, a mix of disappointment and understanding crossing her face. "I get it," she said softly, her tone no longer flirtatious. "I hope she knows how lucky she is." With that, she stepped away, leaving Zane alone with his thoughts.

Zane stood outside the party, trying to shake off the remnants of his earlier mistake. He hadn't meant for things to spiral out of control. The moment with Emily had been a lapse in judgment, but it wasn't what he truly wanted.

As he leaned against the wall, he caught sight of his friends huddled together, laughing and drinking. One of them, Jake, sauntered over with a sly grin. "Hey, man! Heard Lily showed up earlier and she looked pretty upset."

Zane's heart raced. "What do you mean? Where did you see her?"

Jake shrugged, taking a sip from his cup. "Somewhere nearby. Apparently, she was crying about something. Don't know the details, but it's not good, bro."

In that moment, it clicked. Panic surged through Zane as he put the pieces together. Lily saw him kissing Emily. The realization hit him like a punch to the gut. He couldn't believe he had let things get that far, and now it was clear why she would be hurt.

"Damn it," he muttered, running a hand through his hair. "I need to talk to her."

Without wasting another moment, he pulled out his phone, fingers trembling as he typed. "Please, Lily. I'm so sorry. Can we meet?"

He hit send and waited, anxiety twisting in his stomach.

When she saw the notification pop up on her phone, it felt like a cruel joke. Zane's message blinked at her, but she couldn't bear to read it. All she could think about was the betrayal she had just witnessed. Instead of responding, she pressed her phone to her chest, letting the tears fall freely as she turned away, needing to escape the heartache.

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