Chapter 14

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Lily chose a quiet café in a nearby park, hoping the ambiance would soften the blow of the conversation she dreaded. She arrived early, her heart racing with anxiety. She felt guilty just thinking about how she was about to end things with Colin, but she knew it was the right choice.

When Colin arrived, he looked tense, a scowl etched on his face. He didn't greet her with his usual warmth; instead, he sat down heavily across from her, arms crossed.

"What's this about, Lily?" he asked, his voice clipped.

Lily swallowed hard. "I... I wanted to talk about us."

"Yeah, I figured that out," he said, rolling his eyes. "You've been distant lately. What's going on? Are you even happy?"

"I'm not unhappy. I just think... I think we need to talk about our relationship," she started, her voice trembling.

Colin leaned in, narrowing his eyes. "What does that even mean? You've barely called. You barely text. You're acting like you don't care."

"I do care, Colin! That's the problem!" She took a deep breath. "I think I have feelings for someone else."

Colin's expression darkened. "Who? Is it that guy Zane? The one everyone's been talking about?"

Lily flinched. "It's not like that..."

"Then what is it? You think I'm just going to sit here and let you throw everything away? I've been supportive of you, and this is how you repay me?" His voice raised, drawing glances from nearby tables.

"Colin, please—"

"No! You don't get to turn this back on me. You've changed, Lily. I can see it. You're not the same girl I started dating. What's wrong with you?"

Tears began to well in Lily's eyes, her heart breaking under the weight of his words. "I'm so sorry. I didn't mean for it to happen. I just... I feel drawn to him in a way I can't explain."

Colin slammed his hand on the table, making her jump. "So that's it? You're just going to throw us away for him? You think he's going to treat you better than I did?"

"No! I'm not saying that!" She cried, the tears spilling over. "I never wanted to hurt you. I just... I can't keep pretending that everything is okay when it's not. It's not fair to you."

Colin's anger seemed to simmer down, but the hurt in his eyes was evident. "You know what? I don't want to hear your excuses. If you want to be with him, go ahead. But don't come crawling back when you realize you made a mistake."

Lily felt a deep ache in her chest as she looked at Colin. "I'm so sorry, Colin. I never meant to hurt you."

He stood up abruptly, the chair scraping against the floor. "Save it. I'll get my stuff later." He turned to leave, leaving Lily alone at the table, tears streaming down her face as the weight of guilt crushed her.

As she sat there, her emotions overwhelming her, the café around her faded into the background. She felt utterly alone, the reality of her choices hitting her hard. After a moment, she pulled out her phone, her hands trembling.

With tears blurring her vision, she dialed Zane's number. The phone rang, each tone echoing her rising panic. When he picked up, she could barely hold it together.

"Zane?" she said, her voice quivering. "Can you please pick me up?"

There was a pause on the other end, then his calm voice replied, "Where are you?"

"I'm at the park café..." she whispered, unable to suppress the sob that escaped.

"Okay, I'm on my way."

Lily hung up, relief flooding her momentarily before the guilt returned, heavier than ever. She wiped her tears but felt a deep sense of loss, both for Colin and for the confusion that lay ahead.

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