Chapter 12

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As the days passed, Lily found herself in a comfortable rhythm with Zane. They exchanged smiles and meaningful glances in class, their chemistry undeniable. She loved the way he made her laugh with his quick wit, and how they would sometimes sit together, sharing jokes and ideas about their project. Each meeting felt like a small victory, a step closer to something more profound.

One afternoon, as they worked on their project in the library, the air buzzed with anticipation. They sat close, their elbows occasionally brushing against each other, sending sparks of electricity through Lily.

"Okay, so for this part, should the characters be more serious or playful?" Zane asked, glancing at her with those captivating eyes.

"I think playful would work better," Lily replied, her heart racing as their eyes met. "It adds depth to their relationship. Plus, it contrasts the serious theme of the story."

"Good point," Zane said, nodding. "What if one character says something completely ridiculous to lighten the mood?"

Lily laughed. "Like, 'If we don't finish this project, I'll have to sell my cat to pay for my tuition!'"

Zane chuckled, the sound warm and inviting. "Exactly! And then the other character could respond with something like, 'You don't even have a cat!'"

Their laughter echoed softly in the library, blending seamlessly into the atmosphere of creativity and camaraderie. But just as they were getting into a groove, Lily's phone buzzed on the table, disrupting the moment.

She glanced down and her heart skipped a beat. "Oh, it's Colin!" she exclaimed, a spark of excitement igniting within her. "I should take this."

"Go ahead," Zane said, a flicker of something unreadable in his expression.

Lily stood up and walked to a quieter corner of the library, the call connecting as she pressed the phone to her ear. "Hey, Colin! How's it going?"

"Hey, Lily! I'm good. Just finishing up some homework. How about you?" Colin replied, his voice familiar and comforting.

"I'm great! Just working on this project with Zane," she said casually, unaware of the shift in Zane's demeanor as she mentioned his name.

"Zane? Your classmate?" Colin asked, his tone slightly sharper than before.

"Yeah! He's really smart, and we've been getting along well," Lily said, excitement lacing her words. "It's nice to have someone to work with."

"Right," Colin replied, the tension palpable even through the phone. "So, are you guys... like, friends now?"

Lily paused, sensing a hint of possessiveness in his voice. "Well, yeah! We've been having fun. It's been nice."

"Fun?" Colin echoed, his tone tight. "Just fun?"

She felt a flash of annoyance. "Colin, we're just working on a project. You know how school is. It's good to have someone I can talk to."

"Sure, I get it. But remember, I'm still your boyfriend, right?" he said, the tension simmering beneath his words.

"Of course, you are! I didn't mean it like that," Lily replied quickly, trying to defuse the situation. "You're my best friend, and I'm really glad we can talk like this."

"Alright. Just checking in, I guess. Anyway, I'll let you get back to it. Call me later?"

"Definitely! I'll talk to you later, Colin," she said, hanging up and feeling a mix of relief and confusion.

Returning to the table, she was surprised to find Zane gone. A strange emptiness settled in her chest as she scanned the library, searching for him.

"Where did he go?" she murmured to herself, a flicker of worry igniting her mind.

Just then, one of their classmates walked by. "Hey, did you see Zane? He just left. Looked pretty upset."

"Upset?" Lily echoed, feeling a knot form in her stomach. She didn't understand why he would be upset, but the unease lingered.

As she sat back down, a heavy silence enveloped her. The laughter and camaraderie they had shared earlier felt like a distant memory, replaced by an unfamiliar tension.

Why did Colin's words seem to cast a shadow over her happiness with Zane? The thrill of their friendship hung precariously in the balance, and she couldn't shake the feeling that something had changed.

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