Chapter 23

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The café was quiet now, the last few patrons leaving as Zane and Lily sat together, lost in the comfort of each other's company. The soft kiss they shared earlier had left their hearts racing, and even though they'd confessed their love, it felt like the beginning of something new.

Zane looked across the table at Lily, his expression filled with warmth. "Can we head home?" he asked softly, his voice gentle but carrying a depth of emotion.

Lily's eyes searched his for a moment before she nodded. "Yeah, let's go."

They stood, hands naturally intertwining as they left the café. The drive to Zane's house was quiet, but not uncomfortable. It was as if they both knew something was shifting between them, something deeper. Zane glanced at her every now and then, his thoughts filled with how lucky he felt to have her by his side.

When they finally arrived, Zane parked the car and turned to her, his lips curving into a soft smile. They walked inside, and Zane locked the door behind them with a quiet click. The atmosphere was different now—more intimate, more personal.

He turned to her, his voice barely above a whisper as he said, "I love you."

Lily let out a small laugh, shaking her head as she looked at him. "You already told me that."

Zane stepped closer, his hands finding their way to her waist, pulling her gently toward him. "I know," he murmured, his eyes never leaving hers. "But I want to say it again... and again. I love you, Lily. More than anything. And I want you to know it."

Lily's heart swelled at his words, and she couldn't help but smile, her fingers brushing lightly against his chest. "I get it, Zane. I love you, too."

Zane took a deep breath, his eyes softening as he spoke. "I want to change for you, Lily. I want to be someone you can proudly say is your boyfriend. Someone you're not afraid to introduce to the world. I want to be better... for you."

Lily stared at him for a long moment, her hand rising to gently cup his cheek. "I already am proud of you, Zane. You don't need to change for me. You're exactly who I want."

Her words hit him hard, the sincerity in her voice leaving him breathless. He leaned down, capturing her lips in a slow, tender kiss. The kiss deepened quickly, and in that moment, the rest of the world faded away.

Without breaking the kiss, Zane whispered against her lips, "Let's go to my room."

They stumbled toward the bedroom, their kisses growing more frantic with every step. Once inside, Zane closed the door behind them, locking it as if to shut out the rest of the world.

He pressed Lily against the wall, their bodies aligning perfectly as he kissed her again, deeper this time. His hands roamed her body, exploring the curves he had longed to touch. She responded with a soft moan, her fingers tangling in his hair as she pulled him closer.

"Zane..." she breathed, the heat pooling in her core.

"Are you sure?" he asked again, his breath warm against her neck.

"Yes," she whispered, desire burning brightly in her eyes. "I want you."

With a small, satisfied smile, Zane lifted her, and she wrapped her legs around his waist. He carried her to the bed, laying her down gently, as if she were the most precious thing in the world. He hovered above her, his eyes locked onto hers, searching for any hesitation.

"I want to be with you, Lily," he murmured. "I want to feel everything with you."

"I want that too," she replied, her heart racing.

Zane leaned down, capturing her lips in another heated kiss as he began to explore her body, his hands roaming over her sides, pulling her closer. Their kisses became more passionate, more desperate, as the air around them thickened with longing.

As their clothes began to come off, Zane's gaze remained fixed on Lily, ensuring that she was comfortable. He marveled at her beauty, at the way she looked at him, filled with trust and desire.

"Lily..." he breathed, his voice a mix of awe and hunger. "You're so beautiful."

"And you make me feel safe," she replied, reaching up to trace his jawline, feeling the stubble beneath her fingertips.

They took their time, savoring each touch, each kiss, every gasp that escaped their lips. Zane buried his face in her neck, kissing his way down her collarbone, igniting a trail of fire across her skin.

With every moment they shared, they shed their past insecurities, their fears, and stepped into a new beginning together. The intimacy they created was both tender and electric, each caress speaking volumes of the love that had bloomed between them.

As they moved together, the world outside faded away, leaving only the two of them in a cocoon of warmth and passion. They lost themselves in each other, bodies entwined, hearts racing as they embraced the beautiful chaos of their newfound love.

With every breath, every touch, they forged an unbreakable bond, solidifying the promise of forever. And as they finally surrendered to the wave of pleasure that washed over them, it felt like the beginning of something beautiful—something they would never want to end.

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