Chapter 2

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The next morning arrived far too quickly for Lily's liking. The sun streamed through her window, casting golden light across the packed suitcases scattered around her room. She stood in front of the mirror, staring at her reflection, trying to steady the nervous thrum in her chest. With a deep breath, she whispered to herself, "You've got this, Lily. This is for your dream, for the Ivy League, for mom."

She closed her eyes for a moment, trying to summon the courage she knew she needed. The weight of her decision pressed down on her. This wasn't just about a new school. It was about leaving behind everything she knew, everyone she loved.

After a final glance at her room, she made her way downstairs. Her mom was at the kitchen table, a cup of coffee cradled in her hands, but her eyes were distant, lost in thoughts that Lily knew all too well. As Lily approached, her mom looked up. Her eyes were red-rimmed, and the tears threatened to spill over at any moment.

"Mom..." Lily's voice wavered as she sat down next to her. "I'll be visiting, I promise. You don't have to worry about me. I'll do my best at Ridgeview."

Her mom smiled weakly, brushing a tear away. "I know, honey. I know you'll do great. It's just... you've never been away from me. Not like this. And it's hard to let you go, even if I know it's time. I just want you to be happy, to stay focused on what you want in life, and not let anyone take that from you."

"I won't, mom," Lily said, her voice soft but firm. "I'll make you proud."

Her mom stood up, her back turned as she tried to compose herself. "How about some pancakes for your last breakfast at home?"

Lily forced a smile. "That sounds perfect."

The morning felt surreal, everything moving too fast. Before long, the car was packed, and it was time to leave. Lily's stomach churned as she stepped outside, taking in the sight of the house she had grown up in, the street where she had made so many memories. It felt like her entire life was being left behind, and the weight of it nearly overwhelmed her.

Her mom drove in silence for the first stretch of the journey. Lily stared out of the window, watching familiar landmarks pass by, trying to memorize every tree, every turn, as if capturing them in her mind would somehow make this easier.

The drive felt endless, the tension between the past she was leaving behind and the future she couldn't yet picture. Ridgeview Academy. It sounded prestigious, the kind of place meant for someone aiming high. But to her, it was just a name. A fancy name that carried the promise of change and the fear of the unknown.

Lily closed her eyes, hoping to quiet her thoughts, if only for a little while.

When she opened them, her heart skipped a beat. The car had slowed to a stop in front of her new school. Ridgeview Academy loomed large, its towering brick buildings casting long shadows in the late afternoon light. It was intimidating, grand, everything her old school wasn't.

Her mother pulled the car into a nearby parking spot. They both sat there for a moment, neither of them moving. Lily looked over at her mom, and for the first time, she saw just how hard this was for her too.

"Mom..." Lily's voice broke as she spoke, her hand resting on the door handle.

"I know, sweetheart," her mom replied softly. "This is the start of something big for you. Just... don't forget where you came from."

Lily swallowed hard, then stepped out of the car. As she stood in front of Ridgeview's massive entrance, the wind picked up again, the same biting cold that had greeted her the night before at her old school. She pulled her jacket tighter, feeling the weight of both the cold and the change settling deep in her bones.

This was it. New beginnings. A haunting goodbye to everything familiar.

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