Chapter 4

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The morning sun streamed through the window, illuminating Lily's new room with a warm glow. Today marked her first day of classes at Ridgeview Academy, and she felt a mix of excitement and anxiety swirling within her. She glanced in the mirror, giving herself a determined nod. *You've got this, Lily. Just breathe.*

After a quick breakfast with Molly and Harper, they set off together to find their classrooms. As they walked through the sprawling campus, Lily marveled at the sheer size of everything. The hallways buzzed with energy; students were chatting, laughing, and rushing to their classes.

"This place is huge!" Lily exclaimed, her eyes wide as they approached their first classroom.

"I know, right? But you'll get used to it," Molly replied, her enthusiasm infectious.

As they entered their economics classroom, Lily's breath caught in her throat. The room was grand, with high ceilings and rows of seats that stretched far into the distance. *This is like something out of a movie,* she thought, her nerves creeping back as she found a seat next to Molly.

Just then, the professor walked in, commanding attention with his presence. "Good morning, class! I'm Professor Anderson, and today we're diving into the fundamentals of economics. We'll cover supply and demand, market equilibrium, and consumer behavior."

Lily listened intently, her heart racing as Professor Anderson posed a question. "Can anyone tell me how supply and demand affect pricing?"

Looking around, she noticed that no one seemed willing to answer. The silence in the room was palpable. Taking a deep breath, she raised her hand, her heart pounding in her chest. "Um, I think... when demand increases, but supply remains the same, prices go up because more people are competing for the same product."

Professor Anderson's eyes lit up with interest. "Excellent! Yes, exactly! When demand exceeds supply, prices will rise. Well done!"

Molly nudged her with a grin, whispering, "Wow, you're awesome!"

Lily smiled, feeling a swell of pride. *Maybe I can do this,* she thought, the encouragement from her new friend bolstering her confidence. After class, as they packed up their things, Molly turned to her.

"Seriously, Lily, you're pretty smart. I'm impressed!"

"Thanks," Lily said, her cheeks warming. She brushed off the compliment, not wanting to dwell on it too much. "Anyway, I'm starving. Let's grab something to eat."

As they made their way back to the cafeteria, Lily felt lighter, the morning's nervousness fading. The cafeteria buzzed with chatter, laughter, and the clinking of trays. They found a table near the window and began to eat, sharing stories about their families and what they hoped to achieve at Ridgeview.

Suddenly, Lily's attention was drawn to a commotion at the other end of the cafeteria. A tall figure stood over a smaller guy, his tattoos glistening under the fluorescent lights. The boy had an intimidating presence, radiating danger. Lily's heart raced as she watched the scene unfold, her mouth agape in disbelief.

"What the hell is happening there?" she muttered, her instincts screaming at her to intervene.

"Lily, don't!" Molly exclaimed, her eyes wide. "That's Zane. Just stay away from him. He's trouble, and if you get involved with him, he'll make your life a living hell."

Lily's gaze was locked onto Zane as he delivered a punch, the smaller guy stumbling backward. She couldn't tear her eyes away from him, a mix of fear and intrigue washing over her. There was something about the way he moved, the confidence in his demeanor that captivated her, even as he wreaked havoc.

Their eyes locked for a brief moment, and it was as if time stood still. In that instant, Lily felt a strange pull, a connection that both terrified and thrilled her. Zane's expression was unreadable, a dull look that seemed to see straight through her. Then, just as quickly, he turned and walked away, leaving her breathless.

"What just happened?" Lily whispered, shaken.

Molly shook her head, her voice low. "He's not someone you want to get involved with. Trust me."

Lily sat back in her chair, her mind racing. She tried to shake off the encounter, but the image of Zane lingered in her thoughts throughout the day.

Classes passed in a blur, but it was Zane who occupied her mind, drawing her deeper into a whirlwind of confusion. The excitement of her new school faded into the background as guilt crept in. *I shouldn't be thinking about him. I have Collins.* But the pull of the unknown was too strong.

When they returned to their dorm later that evening, Lily's mind was a storm of emotions. She felt restless and agitated, unable to shake off the unsettling feeling from earlier. After a brief conversation with Molly and Harper, she retreated to her bed, staring at the ceiling as thoughts of Zane swirled around in her head.

*What was it about him?* she wondered, tossing and turning, unable to find peace. The connection she felt earlier was overwhelming, and no matter how hard she tried, she couldn't push it away. The more she thought about it, the more frustrated she became.

The room was dark, and her roommates were already asleep, but sleep eluded her. As she lay there, the haunting image of Zane's gaze remained etched in her mind, pulling her deeper into a spiral of longing and uncertainty. She finally sat up, her heart racing, the weight of her thoughts suffocating. *What does this mean?* she thought, helpless against the pull of the boy who had captured her attention in an instant.

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