movie scene 1

149 8 7

a/n mentions of violence and torture 

Rain poured down against the dark concrete Hydra base, concealed in a thick forest. Four figures crouched behind a row of crates, watching the guards outside the building. 

"We have to take them out quietly," Steve said, his voice low. "We cant let them alert the whole building." 

"Ill handle the ones at the far left, Bucky you go right." Natasha replied quietly. 

"Sam, take the ones at the door." Steve continued. Sam nodded and uncurled his wings and soared into the rainy sky. He made his way to the roof careful not to draw attention from the guards. With one swift move, he swooped down and knocked them unconscious. 

The team moved into the building, entering a dim hallway. The fluorescent lights flickered as they moved down, careful not to draw attention to themselves. Luckily the rain drowned out there footsteps, mixed with the distant hums of machines in the building. They turned a corner to be faced with a group of guards, their backs turned. Bucky didn't waste a second and delivered a powerful punch and a kick, knocking them to the floor. 

Natasha disarmed the remaining soldier and took him down with a swift kick. "Keep it down," Steve warned. They moved through the rest of the base, quietly taking down anyone in their path. At the deepest point of the building they met a door saying AUTHORISED PERSONALL ONLY. Sadly the door was locked but that can't stop the avengers. Steve got his shield and smashed it onto the lock, breaking it clean. 

"Keep it down," Natasha smirked. The four entered the room with weapons ready to find it empty of people. Instead monitors and screens lined the wall with a desk below, the technology humming quietly. Steve walked closer, examining the wall. He spotted a hard drive forgotten on the table and picked it up. 

"Hey guys, check this out." he said slowly. Sam looked at what Steve was holding. 

"Why is it labeled Rogers?" Sam asked, staring at Steve's last name. "Bets me," Steve replied. He plugged it into a monitor. It was locked by a secure firewall but nothing Natasha Romanoff can't do.

She began typing, her fingers darting over the keys. After a couple tense minutes she broke in to find many folders. She clicked on one and a video file popped up on the central monitor, titled THE ROGERS EXPERIMENT DAY 1. Nat looked at steve and he nodded. She clicked play and a scientist began talking.

"Wait I know him. That's Armin Zola." Bucky said. "When was this made?" Steve asked. 

"1945." Nat replied. "that's the year I went under ice." Steve said. The man on the screen began talking.

"Hydra is making great success with the winter soldier and now I have high hopes for this one. With Steve Rogers meddling with our work, what better way to punish him than take his only family? Today is the first day of experimenting with our new recruit." 

Steve's heart dropped. What does he mean, only family? His mind thought of someone but denied it. No, wait not possible. She's gone. Old age. The video cut to grainy footage of a young girl, no older then 16, strapped in a familiar chair. 

Bucky's mind began thinking of the horrible memories in that chair. Steve audibly gasped. "No no no please don't be her," he begged at the screen. Behind him Nat and Sam was confused and shocked, they've never seen Steve like this. 

The video continued and Bucky knew waht was going to happen, and there was nothing he could do. They watched helplessly as she began to scream. Steve smashed the main monitor with his shield but the video kept playing on the other screens, the sound of torture echoing in the room. Natasha felt sick watching this poor girl.

"Steve what's wrong?" Sam asked. "It's her," he mumbled. Bucky looked at the girl on the screen. He realised who it was as memories of his childhood came to him. 

"Um, guys, sorry but you're not telling us who it is." Nat said. 

"It's Steve's younger sister. Autumn" Bucky said. "No, it's not, because she died from old age. I've seen the files, been to her grave. If she went missing, kidnapped, Peggy would have told me, for gods sake!" Steve burst out. 

"Steve. . ." Sam said. Natasha typed away on a computer. "Guys? Check this out." she said. 

"Look if its more videos," Steve began. "No, look at the files. The most recent one was this week, a mission report from her. She's still alive." Nat said, looking at steve. He suddenly became determined and put his shield on his back. 

"Then we have to find her. Now." 

The four left the Hydra base determined to find and rescue the girl. Little did they know that she was more powerful then they could imagine.


Autumn's blue eyes opened to find herself strapped in a chair. Her eyes came into focus as she saw masked scientists taking notes and adjusting machines. Her whole body ached and her head pounded away. She began to panic, and thrashed around on the chair and guards came to hold her down. Trying to make sense of where she was, she began to remember random memories. Brooklyn. Steve, her brother. Steve getting the supersoldier serum, leaving for war, finding out bucky died on a mission, trapped in a dark alley as masked men closed on her. And now here. 

But before she could react, a machine lowered down on her and sharp pain shot through her body. Her body shook on the chair and she could barley keep her eyes open. Something felt wrong. Her heartbeat quickened and her skin burned. She looked down and her eyes widened in horror. 

Her viens on her arm were glowing a vivid purple, as it travelled down to her hands. She could feel it, wild and dangerous. Coursing through her whole body. But it was out of control, untamed and powerful. 

The scientists around her froze, exchanging nervous looks. They began rushing around, tapping on a control panel frantically. The beeping of machines grew and warning alarms began blaring. Autumn could feel the power surging through her, and tried to hold it back but it seemed to grow. She began to shake under the strain of energy, and sparks began to fly around the room. 

The Hydra scientists tried to take cover but by then it was too late. The power inside Autumn broke and with and explosion of energy realsed, disintergrating everyone in the room. Glass shattered and machines around her broke down in sparks. Purple rays of energy bounced around the room and when the dust cleared, the glow on Autumns hands faded, the purple in her veins travelling back inside her body. She watched the scene of the room with horror in her eyes as they changed from purple back to blue.

A group of soldiers burst into the room and stabbed her arm with a sedate, and that was the last thing she remembered.

a/n 1171 words

so from now on the chapters will switch occasionally between y/n acting and the movie itself, so its like two stories in one

also try to guess where she got her power from

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