school (ew)

145 6 12

~y/n pov~

Its been three weeks since we started filming, and I've gotten to know the cast more and became friends with them. Unfortunately the end of term holidays is over which means I will be seeing them less. I used to go to the set almost everyday for six hours and film and practised stunts and lines, but now we can only film scenes with me on weekends, but I am more then welcome to visit the set after school. As long as I don't have homework. 

I wish I could be homeschooled but my mum refuses and says she wants me to have friends, a social life, live a normal life basically. So today is the first day back to school, yay. Sadly my mum's plan for me to have a social life and lots of friends is kind of failing. I only have one friend who is in a different homeroom, so I'm alone, like, all the time. 

I got up and started getting ready for school. Funny to think the last time I was doing this I got that call. My mum had already left to go to the hospital. She works very hard to have a decent lifestyle but I feel really bad for her. Hopefully this will be my big break and I can get discovered more and she can work less. 

I got off the bus and entered my school. Went to my homeroom to find the 'popular' girls bad mouthing anyone who walked into the room and commenting on their outfits (we literally wear a uniform) and the group of loud annoying guys shouting over each other. Ew. Anyways I just sit at the back of the class and avoid human contact for the rest of the thirty minutes of homeroom. I pull out my phone and check the cast chat.

da cast gc

shmaptian shmerica

Anyone going to be at the set today? I need some company

scar 🫶

Me and Lizzy are gonna be there


Chris you'll survive

shmaptian shmerica

No I will not 😢 😢 😢


Omg Evans you discovered emojis 😱

shmaptian shmerica

Shut up

C Hemmy

Since uh when

shmaptian shmerica

Guys I'm not an old man


yesterday you asked me how to make a Insta acc


damn caught in the act evans

C Hemmy

Wait y/n aren't you supposed to be in school?



scar 🫶

Get off your phone gurl


I will dw but scar I'll come to the set after school anyways byee

shmaptian shmerica

Wait what does dw mean



scar 🫶

Oh I will come pick you up y/n

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