Chapter 16

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Chapter 16

Orion blinked slowly, the fog of exhaustion still clouding his mind. His body ached all over, but there was a new sensation rising within him—a deep, yearning curiosity. The haze of pain was finally lifting, and the reality of what had just happened began to sink in.

His voice was quiet, shaky with both exhaustion and anticipation. “Articus… can I hold my baby?”

Articus’s eyes softened at the question, a gentle smile spreading across his face. “Of course, sweet boy,” he whispered, his voice tender. He stood and moved to where the healer was wrapping the newborn in a soft, warm blanket.

The moment stretched as Articus carefully lifted the small bundle and brought the baby over to Orion. Everything else in the world seemed to fade as the tiny, wriggling form was placed in Orion’s trembling arms.

The moment the baby was in his arms, Orion’s breath hitched. The world seemed to still, and time stood frozen. He looked down at the small face, red and scrunched with new life, the baby’s tiny hands curling in reflex. Tears filled Orion’s eyes instantly, his heart swelling with so much love and awe that it felt like it might burst.

“Hi,” Orion whispered softly, his voice cracking as tears spilled freely down his cheeks. “Hi, my little one.”

The baby squirmed gently, making soft noises, and Orion’s heart melted even more. He leaned down and kissed the top of the baby’s head, feeling the warmth of the small life he had worked so hard to bring into the world.

Articus knelt beside him, his hand resting gently on Orion’s back. “You did it,” he whispered. “You’re a father now.”

Orion nodded, unable to speak, overcome by emotion. He held the baby close to his chest, cradling them with a gentle touch. His body was still tired, his mind still foggy, but in this moment, all that mattered was the tiny life in his arms.

The pain, the exhaustion, the fear—it all faded into the background. All that remained was love. Pure, overwhelming love for the little one he now held in his arms.

And as Orion gazed down at his baby, tears of joy and relief mingling on his face, he knew that every second of the struggle had been worth it.

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