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The names used in this story are borrowed from the original work *Mo Dao Shi* (also known as *The Untamed*) and belong to its rightful creators. However, the storyline and plot are entirely original and belong to me, the author. Unauthorized copying, reproduction, or distribution of my work without explicit permission is an illegal offense and will be subject to legal consequences.

Warning ⚠️ ⚠️ ⚠️
Lots of characters are in female form so you are not comfortable with it then skip this book.


Days turned into weeks, and with each passing moment, Wei Ying found herself increasingly drawn to Lan Zhan, the God of Technology. The connection she felt toward him grew stronger, almost impossible to ignore. She had always prided herself on maintaining perfect balance in all things, but when it came to her feelings for him, Wei Ying felt a distinct shift within her-a gentle tipping of the scales that she struggled to control.

Then, word came down from the higher-ups in the Celestial Realm: an emergency meeting was to be held, and the gods and goddesses were summoned to discuss preparations for a grand event. The occasion was none other than the upcoming birthday celebration of the Celestial Queen, a revered figure who held dominion over all the gods and goddesses. The responsibility of organizing this momentous event was entrusted to a select few-Goddess Mianmian, Goddess Nie Huisang, and God of Technology Lan Zhan.

The trio accepted the honor with grace and enthusiasm. The task ahead was immense, but they were eager to rise to the challenge. They began their work with passion, each bringing their unique strengths to the table. Mianmian's vast knowledge guided them as they planned the intricate details of the event, while Lan Zhan's innovative mind crafted dazzling technological wonders to enhance the celebration. Wei Ying, as always, maintained the delicate balance between creativity and order, ensuring that everything would proceed flawlessly.

Despite the seriousness of their task, the time spent working closely with Lan Zhan was both exhilarating and agonizing for Wei Ying. She reveled in their shared moments, in the easy flow of conversation and the unspoken understanding between them. Yet, beneath her calm exterior, her heart was in turmoil, torn between her duty and the growing feelings she could no longer deny.

One evening, after a long day of planning, the three of them set out to return home. Lan Zhan had offered to escort Nie Huisang back to her place first, and the goddess of Justice accepted with her usual composed nod. As they walked, the conversation was light, filled with laughter and camaraderie. But all too soon, they arrived at Nie Huisang's residence, a grand structure that reflected her unwavering sense of order and fairness.

"Thank you for the company," Nie Huisang said, giving Wei Ying a knowing glance before bidding them goodnight. Wei Ying nodded in response, knowing that Nie Huisang, as perceptive as ever, had likely noticed the shift in her emotions.

As Nie Huisang disappeared into her home, Wei Ying and Lan Zhan were left alone, walking side by side in the quiet of the evening. The sky above them was a deep indigo, dotted with countless stars that shimmered like diamonds in the darkness. The cool night air was a welcome contrast to the warmth of the day, and the atmosphere between them was comfortable, familiar.

They spoke of the day's work, of the intricate plans they had laid out for the Celestial Queen's celebration. Their conversation flowed effortlessly, as it always did, until, without warning, it shifted to a topic that caught Wei Ying off guard.

"Wei Ying," Lan Zhan began, his voice softer now, more thoughtful, "do you ever think about love?"

Wei Ying's heart skipped a beat at the unexpected question. She forced herself to remain calm, to keep her voice steady. "I do," she replied, choosing her words carefully. "Love is... a powerful force. It has the ability to tip the balance in ways we cannot always predict."

The Goddess of Balance Where stories live. Discover now