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The names used in this story are borrowed from the original work *Mo Dao Shi* (also known as *The Untamed*) and belong to its rightful creators. However, the storyline and plot are entirely original and belong to me, the author. Unauthorized copying, reproduction, or distribution of my work without explicit permission is an illegal offense and will be subject to legal consequences.

Warning ⚠️ ⚠️ ⚠️
Lots of characters are in female form so you are not comfortable with it then skip this book.


The announcement of the High Goddesses' return to the Celestial Realm spread like wildfire, filling the heavens with anticipation and excitement. As the news reached their circle of friends, the atmosphere was charged with a mix of joy and relief. After months of absence, Nie Huisang, Wen Ning, and Wei Ying were finally coming home. The timing couldn’t have been more perfect, with Wei Ying’s birthday fast approaching, giving everyone a reason to celebrate not just their return, but the remarkable woman who had been the heart of their group.

For Lan Zhan, the High God of Technology, the news was a beacon of hope. The endless days without Wei Ying had taken their toll, and he had spent countless nights wrestling with regret and longing. Now, it felt as though the Almighty had granted him another chance, an opportunity to make things right, or at the very least, to see her again. His heart pounded with a mix of anticipation and nervousness. What would she be like now? Would she even want to speak to him after all that had happened? These questions gnawed at him, but the prospect of seeing her outweighed any fear.

The Celestial Queen and King spared no expense in welcoming the three High Goddesses back. The banquet held in their honor was a dazzling affair, with the grand hall adorned in shimmering lights and celestial flowers that bloomed in iridescent hues. The air was filled with the sound of celestial harps and laughter as everyone gathered to celebrate the return of their beloved goddesses.

When Wei Ying entered the banquet hall alongside Nie Huisang and Wen Ning, a collective gasp rippled through the crowd. She had always been beautiful, but now there was something different about her—an ethereal glow that seemed to radiate from within. Her silver hair cascaded like liquid moonlight down her back, and her eyes held a depth of wisdom and serenity that spoke of her experiences over the past months. She was no longer just the High Goddess of Balance; she was a force of nature, embodying a sense of calm and strength that captivated everyone in the room.

Nie Huisang and Wen Ning were equally stunning, their own auras reflecting the trials they had faced together with Wei Ying. They moved with a quiet confidence, their bond stronger than ever, and it was clear that their time away had forged an even deeper connection between them.

Lan Zhan watched Wei Ying from across the room, his heart swelling with emotion. She was more radiant than he remembered, more distant and untouchable, like a star that had drifted just out of his reach. As she greeted the Celestial Queen and King with grace, he couldn’t help but feel a pang of jealousy, wishing he could be the one by her side, sharing in her light.

But before he could make his way over to her, a new presence appeared—High God Jin Zixuan, newly promoted and eager to make his mark. He approached Wei Ying’s table with a confident smile, bowing respectfully before extending his hand to her.

“High Goddess Wei Ying, may I have the honor of this dance?” Jin Zixuan asked, his voice smooth and courteous.

Wei Ying looked up at him, her eyes sparkling with amusement. “I would be delighted, High God Jin Zixuan,” she replied, placing her hand in his.

As they moved to the center of the hall, the music swelled, and the two began to dance. Their movements were graceful and in perfect harmony, drawing the attention of everyone in the room. Jin Zixuan led with skill and charm, but it was Wei Ying who truly shone, her presence commanding and her smile radiant.

Nie Huisang and Wen Ning watched from their seats, sharing a knowing look. They were genuinely happy for their friend, who seemed to be enjoying herself for the first time in a long while. They noticed the way Jin Zixuan gazed at Wei Ying with admiration, and they couldn’t help but feel a sense of pride. Wei Ying deserved happiness, and if Jin Zixuan could offer that, they would support it wholeheartedly.

But as they glanced across the room, their eyes fell on Lan Zhan. He stood near the edge of the dance floor, his expression darkening as he watched Wei Ying in Jin Zixuan’s arms. The jealousy was palpable, burning in his chest like a fire he couldn’t extinguish. Every smile Wei Ying gave Jin Zixuan felt like a dagger to his heart, a reminder of what he had lost—or perhaps never truly had.

Nie Huisang leaned closer to Wen Ning, her voice low. “He’s burning with jealousy, isn’t he?”

Wen Ning nodded, her eyes softening with sympathy. “He is. I can’t blame him, though. He knows he messed up, and seeing her with someone else must be unbearable.”

Nie Huisang sighed, her gaze drifting back to Wei Ying. “I just hope he doesn’t do something foolish. A-ying deserves peace, not more heartache.”

As the dance continued, Jin Zixuan’s hands clenched into fists at his sides. He knew he had no right to feel this way—not after everything he had done. Yet, seeing Wei Ying's smile at Jin Zixuan, seeing her enjoy herself in the arms of another, made him realize just how much he still cared for her. The guilt and regret gnawed at him, but so did the overwhelming need to talk to her, to apologize, to try to explain the impossible.

When the dance ended, Jin Zixuan leaned in to whisper something in Wei Ying’s ear, making her laugh softly. Lan Zhan’s heart twisted at the sight, and he could no longer stay where he was. He had to speak with her, to at least offer his congratulations if nothing else.

But as he took a step forward, Nie Huisang and Wen Ning appeared at his side, their expressions gentle but firm. “Lan Zhan,” Nie Huisang said quietly, “let her have this moment. She deserves to be happy.”

Lan Zhan paused, his eyes flicking between the two goddesses. He saw the understanding in their gazes, the silent warning not to disrupt the peace that Wei Ying had finally found. With a heavy heart, he nodded, stepping back.

“You’re right,” he murmured. “She does.”

And so, he watched from a distance as Wei Ying laughed and mingled with her friends, her radiance lighting up the room. The banquet continued in full swing, filled with joy and celebration, but for Lan Zhan, the night was bittersweet. He had been given a chance to see her again, but as he looked at her now, he realized that perhaps the greatest act of love he could offer was to let her go and allow her to find the happiness she deserved—even if it wasn’t with him.

Written By LanCeline93
Published Date : Oct 05 2024

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