The Kiss

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The names used in this story are borrowed from the original work *Mo Dao Shi* (also known as *The Untamed*) and belong to its rightful creators. However, the storyline and plot are entirely original and belong to me, the author. Unauthorized copying, reproduction, or distribution of my work without explicit permission is an illegal offense and will be subject to legal consequences.

Warning ⚠️ ⚠️ ⚠️
Lots of characters are in female form so you are not comfortable with it then skip this book.


The tension in the air was palpable as Lan Zhan, the High God of Technology, watched Mianmian, the High Goddess of Knowledge, with a mixture of sadness and resolve. Their conversation had been long overdue, and as they sat in the quiet of his garden, surrounded by the soft glow of twilight, the weight of their words hung between them like a heavy curtain. Mianmian’s voice had been steady, though tinged with emotion, as she explained her feelings and the choice she had made. Lan Zhan listened intently, his heart aching as he recognized the truth in her words.

When Mianmian finally finished, there was a moment of silence, where both of them seemed to process what had just been said. Lan Zhan’s response was measured, understanding, and filled with the maturity of a god who had lived for centuries. He acknowledged her feelings, admitting that he too had been conflicted for some time. While their love had once been strong, it had faded, transforming into something different—something that was no longer sustainable as a romantic relationship.

With mutual respect, they agreed to end their relationship, vowing to remain friends and to continue supporting each other as they had done since their early days as deities. The conversation, though difficult, left them both with a sense of relief. They had done the right thing, and there was no bitterness between them. Lan Zhan embraced Mianmian, and she returned the gesture, both of them knowing that this was not an ending, but a new beginning for them both.

Two weeks passed, and the news of Mianmian’s new relationship with Lan Xichen, the High God of Arts, spread throughout the Celestial Realms. Their friends were overjoyed, especially Nie Huisang and Wen Ning, who had always noticed the subtle connection between the two. The announcement was met with celebrations, and it wasn’t long before  Lan Xichen and Mianmian decided to host a gathering to commemorate their new union.

The celebration was a grand affair, held in one of the most beautiful gardens in the Celestial Realms, where flowers bloomed in vibrant colors, and the air was filled with the scent of divine nectar. Their friends gathered, laughing and sharing stories, toasting to the happiness of the new couple. Wei Ying, the High Goddess of Balance, arrived with Nie Huisang and Wen Ning, looking stunning in a peach gown that accentuated her ethereal beauty. The gown flowed around her like liquid light, and her silver hair shimmered in the moonlight, making her appear otherworldly.

Lan Zhan had been waiting for her, his heart skipping a beat the moment he saw her enter the garden. He had always been drawn to Wei Ying, but after ending his relationship with Mianmian, his feelings for her had only intensified. He had spent the past two weeks thinking about her constantly, yearning to be close to her again, to rekindle what they once had. And tonight, seeing her in that breathtaking gown, all his resolve to stay composed vanished.

Throughout the evening, Lan Zhan found himself unable to take his eyes off Wei Ying. Her laughter, her smile, the way she interacted with their friends—all of it made his heart race. But the sight of Jin Zixuan, the newly promoted High God, hovering around her, offering her drinks, and making her laugh, ignited a spark of jealousy in Lan Zhan that he couldn’t ignore.

As the night wore on, he could no longer contain his emotions. He watched Wei Ying from across the garden, feeling the pull of his desire for her grow stronger with each passing minute. When she finally excused herself from the group to take a walk down one of the garden’s secluded pathways, Lan Zhan saw his opportunity.

He followed her, his footsteps silent on the soft grass. When he caught up to her, she turned in surprise, her eyes widening as she saw the intensity in his gaze. Before she could say a word, Lan Zhan closed the distance between them, his hands gently yet firmly pinning her against the wall of the garden’s stone archway. The cool stone contrasted sharply with the heat between them as he leaned in, his breath warm against her skin.

Without giving her a chance to react, Lan Zhan captured her lips in a passionate kiss. It was a kiss that spoke of all the longing, the regret, and the unspoken words that had built up between them. Wei Ying’s initial shock melted away as she felt his familiar warmth, the fire that had always been between them reigniting with fierce intensity. She couldn’t hold back—her hands found their way to his chest, clutching his tunic as she returned the kiss with equal fervor.

Lan Zhan’s heart pounded in his chest as he deepened the kiss, his hands moving to cradle her face, as if he couldn’t bear to let her go. He had waited so long for this moment, and now that it was here, he wanted to make it last. The taste of her lips, the feel of her body pressed against his, everything about Wei Ying's felt right, as if she was the missing piece he had been searching for all along.

When they finally pulled apart, both of them were breathless, their eyes locked in a silent exchange. Lan Zhan’s voice was low and rough with emotion as he whispered against her lips, “I’ve been holding back for so long, Wei Ying. I can’t do it anymore. I want you… I’ve always wanted you.”

Wei Ying’s heart raced, her thoughts a whirlwind of emotions. She knew that what they were doing was complicated, but in that moment, all she could think about was how much she had missed him, how much she still loved him. She opened her mouth to respond, but Lan Zhan silenced her with another kiss, this one softer, more tender, as if he was trying to convey everything he felt through that single act.

When he finally pulled away, he rested his forehead against hers, his eyes closing as he whispered, “I won’t give up on you, Wei Ying. Not now, not ever. No matter how long it takes, I’ll keep fighting for you.”

Wei Ying’s breath caught in her throat at his words. She knew that the road ahead wouldn’t be easy, but hearing Lan Zhan’s vow stirred something deep within her. As he kissed her one last time before stepping back, leaving her standing there with her heart racing and her emotions in turmoil, Wei Ying realized that this was only the beginning of a new chapter in their complicated, intertwined destinies.

Written By LanCeline93
Published Date : Oct 05 2025

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