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The names used in this story are borrowed from the original work *Mo Dao Shi* (also known as *The Untamed*) and belong to its rightful creators. However, the storyline and plot are entirely original and belong to me, the author. Unauthorized copying, reproduction, or distribution of my work without explicit permission is an illegal offense and will be subject to legal consequences.

Warning ⚠️ ⚠️ ⚠️
Lots of characters are in female form so you are not comfortable with it then skip this book.


Days bled into weeks, and weeks stretched into months, yet for Wei Ying, the High Goddess of Balance, time seemed to blur into a continuous, numbing fog. The pain of Lan Zhan's betrayal still throbbed within her, a wound that refused to heal. To keep her mind off the heartache, she threw herself into her duties, taking on one mission after another with relentless determination. The higher-ups, aware of the circumstances, granted her requests, offering her assignments that kept her far from the Celestial Realm. They knew she was running from something—someone—and they pitied her, hoping that work would help ease her suffering.

Nie Huisang and Wen Ning, the High Goddesses of Justice and Peace, were never far behind. They accompanied Wei Ying on nearly every mission, their presence a silent yet steadfast support. They understood what she was doing, and though they worried about her well-being, they knew she needed time. Time to heal, time to distance herself from the man who had broken her heart. The three goddesses formed an unbreakable bond during those long, arduous missions, finding solace in their shared experiences and the deep friendship that had sustained them through so much.

Meanwhile, back in the Celestial Realm, Lan Zhan, the High God of Technology, found himself haunted by thoughts of Wei Ying. He had tried to visit her several times, hoping to speak with her, to explain himself, or perhaps just to see her again. But every time he arrived at her place, her devoted staff would inform him that she was away on yet another mission, with no indication of when she might return. The doors to her sanctuary remained closed to him, and with each passing day, he felt the weight of his choices more heavily.

Lan Zhan missed Wei Ying more than he cared to admit. Even as he continued his relationship with Mianmian, the High Goddess of Knowledge, his thoughts were often with Wei Ying. He knew he had hurt her deeply, and though he loved Mianmian, there was a part of him that couldn’t let go of Wei Ying. Memories of their time together lingered in his mind, resurfacing in his dreams. He would often wake in the middle of the night, the image of Wei Ying’s face—her silver hair shimmering in the moonlight—burned into his consciousness.

He regretted the way things had unfolded. He regretted not being honest with her sooner, not fully understanding the depth of his own feelings until it was too late. He did love her, in his own way, but he also loved Mianmian. It was a cruel twist of fate that he found himself torn between two goddesses who both meant so much to him, yet in the end, it was Wei Ying who bore the brunt of his indecision.

The months dragged on, and the Celestial Realm began to feel emptier without Wei Ying's presence. Lan Zhan could sense it everywhere he went—the lack of her energy, her balance, which had always brought harmony to their world. The longer she stayed away, the more he realized just how much he had depended on her, not just as a colleague or a friend, but as something more, something he hadn’t fully appreciated until it was gone.

Mianmian noticed the change in him, of course. She saw the way his eyes would glaze over, lost in thought, or how he would sometimes say Wei Ying’s name in his sleep. It hurt her, but she didn’t say anything. Mianmian knew she had won Lan Zhan’s heart, but she also knew that part of him still belonged to Wei Ying. It was an unspoken truth between them, one that cast a shadow over their relationship, but one they both chose to ignore for the sake of what they had.

And so, the days continued to pass, with Lan Zhan dreaming of Wei Ying each night and waking with a sense of loss he couldn’t shake. He missed her laughter, her wisdom, the way she could always find the right balance between duty and emotion. More than anything, he missed the way she had looked at him, with eyes full of unspoken words and hidden feelings. Those eyes haunted him, reminding him of what he had thrown away.

Yet, no matter how much he missed her, or how often he dreamed of what might have been, Wei Ying remained out of reach, lost in a world of missions and duties that kept her far from the Celestial Realm and far from him. And as time marched on, Lan Zhan began to fear that he might never see her again—that the High Goddess of Balance, the one person who had always brought equilibrium to his life, might have slipped away forever.

Written By LanCeline93
Published Date Oct 05 2024

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