Liams pov

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Liam's POV

Liam paced back and forth outside of Valerie's class, his mind racing as he tried to figure out what to say. He had to talk to her. After that kiss, everything was messed up, and he needed to know where she stood. More importantly, he needed to tell her how he felt, but part of him was afraid of her reaction. What if she regretted it? What if she was going to pretend it didn't happen?

He leaned against the wall, taking a deep breath. He hated this feeling—the uncertainty, the knots in his stomach. Usually, he had things under control, but with Valerie, it was different. She made him feel things he wasn't used to. He glanced at his phone, checking the time. Class should be over any minute now.

Finally, the door opened, and students began pouring out. His heart sped up when he saw her—Valerie, her hair pulled back, her eyes focused straight ahead as she walked out with her books in hand. For a moment, he just watched her, the memory of their kiss flashing through his mind again. Now or never, he thought, pushing off the wall.

"Val!" he called out, his voice steady even though his nerves were buzzing underneath. She stopped in her tracks, turning toward him, her expression unreadable.

"Liam," she said softly, her tone guarded. He could tell she was just as unsure as he was.

"I need to talk to you," he said, stepping closer. His voice was more serious than usual. No sarcasm, no teasing. He wasn't here to joke around this time. "About the other day. About... what happened."

Valerie shifted awkwardly, glancing around as if making sure no one else was listening. "I—yeah, we do need to talk," she admitted, her voice quieter now.

Liam opened his mouth, ready to spill everything he'd been holding back, but before he could get the words out, a familiar voice interrupted.

"Valerie, there you are!"

Liam's stomach dropped as he saw Julien walking toward them, his smile wide and oblivious. He walked right up to Valerie, slipping an arm around her waist as if Liam wasn't even there. Julien glanced at Liam, his face all polite but with that fake, smooth charm Liam despised.

"Oh, hey, man. Didn't see you there," Julien said with a grin, but Liam could sense the tension beneath the surface. It wasn't like they were friends, and Julien clearly didn't want him around.

Liam clenched his jaw but forced a nod. "Julien," he muttered, his voice colder than usual.

Julien turned back to Valerie, completely ignoring whatever tension hung between the three of them. "I was just on my way to pick you up," Julien said to her. "We've got that dinner with my parents tonight, remember?"

Valerie hesitated, her eyes flicking between Liam and Julien. For a second, Liam thought she might say something, maybe push Julien away or ask for more time. But instead, she just nodded. "Yeah, I remember."

Liam's chest tightened as he watched her slip back into the routine, back into being his fiancée, like nothing had changed. Like that kiss had never happened.

Julien flashed his perfect smile again and kissed Valerie's cheek, oblivious to the storm that was brewing in Liam's chest. "We should get going. You ready?"

Valerie glanced at Liam one last time, her eyes filled with something he couldn't quite place—regret? Uncertainty? Guilt? He wasn't sure. But then she turned to Julien, her voice soft and resigned. "Yeah, I'm ready."

Liam felt the words he wanted to say choke in his throat. He watched as Julien led her away, his arm still casually draped over her shoulders. His hands clenched into fists at his sides, frustration boiling inside him.

That should be me. The thought slammed into him hard, but there was nothing he could do now. Not with Julien right there, not with Valerie already walking away.

As they disappeared down the hall, Liam stood there, the words he had wanted to say echoing uselessly in his mind. He'd have to wait. But how long could he keep waiting while she was with Julien?

This isn't over, he thought, his jaw set in determination. He would talk to her, and when he did, he wasn't going to let anyone—especially Julien—get in the way.

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