Liams pov

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Liam's POV

As I pulled into Valerie's driveway, a mix of anticipation and anxiety coursed through me. I was still trying to process the kiss we had shared earlier. It felt surreal, yet electric, and my mind raced with thoughts of what it all meant. I had never expected to feel that way about her, especially given that she was Julien's fiancée. But the moment our lips touched, everything changed. It was as if the world had faded away, leaving just the two of us suspended in time.

I stepped out of the car, shaking off the remnants of that kiss, reminding myself of the reality I was stepping into. I was here to work on a project, but the weight of my feelings for Valerie felt heavier than any school assignment. Part of me was excited to see her again, to gauge whether that kiss had meant anything more than a fleeting moment of passion. But another part was scared—scared of what it might mean for her and Julien.

As I walked up to the front door, I took a deep breath, trying to calm my racing heart. I knocked, and Valerie opened the door, a bright smile gracing her face. She looked beautiful, and for a second, all the doubts faded. I stepped inside, and as soon as the door closed behind me, the air shifted.

"Hey, Liam," she said, her voice a little too light, as if she was trying to mask something.

"Hi," I replied, trying to keep my tone casual. "Ready to tackle this project?"

"Yeah, I did my part, so we should be able to finish up pretty quickly."

As we moved to the table, I caught sight of her fidgeting with her hands. It reminded me of that kiss—how she had melted into it, yet now she seemed so distant. I couldn't help but wonder if she was second-guessing everything.

"Okay, so let's see what you've got," I said, wanting to ease the tension that had settled over us. But when I looked at her, I could see the flicker of something in her eyes—something that told me she was wrestling with more than just our project.

As we started working, I tried to keep things light, but it wasn't long before the weight of unspoken words filled the room. The air was charged with the kind of energy that made it hard to focus on anything else. Every time our eyes met, I felt that electric connection sparking between us, and it was maddening.

When she dropped the paper, I instinctively reached down to help her pick it up, and in that moment, everything shifted. We locked eyes, and it was as if the world around us fell away. There was a longing in her gaze, a desire that mirrored my own.

That kiss—we had crossed a line that couldn't be uncrossed. In that split second, I could feel every ounce of my longing bubbling to the surface, and before I knew it, I leaned in. Our lips met again, and the kiss was everything I had imagined and more. It was urgent, passionate, a culmination of all the moments that had built up between us.

But just as quickly as it began, it ended. The ringing of Valerie's phone broke through the moment, and I pulled away, breathless. Her expression shifted, the warmth from our kiss replaced by an unmistakable tension.

"Julien," she whispered, glancing down at her phone, the color draining from her face. It was as if a storm cloud had rolled back in, and I could feel the weight of reality crashing down on us.

"Oh, uh, I guess I should go," I said, trying to mask the disappointment in my voice.

Valerie nodded, her eyes filled with an emotion I couldn't quite decipher. "Yeah, it's probably for the best."

As I walked toward the door, I felt a part of me wanting to stay, to push through the confusion and find out what this connection meant. But I couldn't. She was engaged, and as much as I wanted to explore this thing between us, I didn't want to be the reason for her heartache.

Once outside, I paused, taking a moment to gather my thoughts. The night air was crisp, and as I inhaled deeply, the reality of my situation hit me like a wave. I cared about Valerie, maybe more than I should have, and I couldn't shake the feeling that what we shared wasn't just a fleeting moment.

As I got into my car, I glanced back at her house, my heart heavy with uncertainty. What was I doing? I had crossed a line that I couldn't uncross, and now I was left wondering if I had just ruined everything.

I turned the key in the ignition, but the engine didn't start right away. The thought of walking away felt impossible. I wanted to turn back, to tell her how I felt, but I couldn't do that to Julien. The moment slipped away, and I felt the weight of unspoken words and unresolved feelings heavy in my chest.

Driving home, I couldn't shake the thought of her. The kiss, the way she looked at me—it all felt like a secret waiting to unravel. But for now, all I could do was wonder if we would ever have a chance to explore what was between us, or if I would have to bury these feelings deep down, pretending they didn't exist.

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