Diamond Eyes

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Scott and Ramona were sitting close to one another, on a balcony staring at the constellations in the sky. Finding the sight to be inspiring yet also captivating in a way that made sense to both of them. So much could be said about the way the constellations look and it seemed like they were having the time of their life. Scott hasn't been this happy in ages, not since he dated Kim that is.

 But alas, even Ramona has her fair share of flaws like his other partners. However, there's something different about her, this spark that makes her stand out more if you will. That makes her more desirable, and loveable to Scott in a way he can't quite describe. They've got a lot to think about, their future together, plans they might have, and the longevity of their relationship in the first place. Ramona broke the silence and looked at Scott.

"Is something on your mind Scott?" Ramona asked him. He pondered about it, Scott's a notorious overthinker and at times, makes very reckless decisions. He has to be careful with how he words himself but still fumbles a bit and makes an ass of himself. It's what makes him... well himself. Scott exhaled before responding. 

"I-dunno just thinking about stuff I guess. I always worry about not being good enough for you. That I'll bore you and you'll leave me. I know it's stupid but it's hard to shake these thoughts off you know?" Ramona looked at him. 

"Scott, they're not stupid. I'll admit you can be a bit clingy at times, but I know it's how you express affection. You're not trying too hard okay? And you're not going to scare me away." Ramona tried to reassure him. "Thanks, I needed that. Is there anything you're wrestling with?" Scott asked her. Ramona nodded.

"Yeah, there is. I might have similar worries. You know, there are so many girls you could be with instead of me. That are better, and not as reserved or stoic as I am. I'm a horrible communicator, and I've pushed people away before. Dating me is a huge risk. Are you sure I'm who you want to spend the rest of your life with?" Ramona seemed curious. 

Scott held her hand. "Ramona of course I am! I fought seven people for you, and it wasn't easy. But it was sure as hell worth it in my book. Other girls don't interest me, you're all I want, all that I need. I'm not expecting you to be some perfect fairy tale Disney princess, because you're not. And I'm no prince either." Ramona chuckled at that. 

"Touche, Pilgrim. Also cheesier than I was anticipating." Scott snickered. "I'm a dork who's seen every Star Wars movie to date, I'm a super nerd," Ramona smirked. "Yeah, you're not wrong there. You manage to out-geek half of Reddit." Scott wasn't surprised by the sentiment.

"Ramona, you know we have more in common than you think." Ramona raised an eyebrow at that statement. Unsure, of where Scott was going to go with this. "We do?" Ramona seemed to contemplate it. 

"Yeah, I mean rocky dating history, emotional issues. I have abandonment issues, you have attachment issues. We're both damn good fighters, and we like similar things." Ramona processed what he was saying and couldn't seem to refute it if she tried. 

"You're cornier than corn on the cob, Scott Pilgrim. You're lucky, I find you cute." Scott blushed at that statement. "Yeah, I am." Ramona playfully punched his shoulder. "You are the biggest sap I swear! But I love you anyway." Scott didn't take long to respond. "I love you too." The two then moved closer and shared a kiss that lasted two minutes, before breaking it off to breathe.

It was a calm night, nothing too violent, or crazy was happening they were merely enjoying each other's company. Being delighted by the time they have together. It seemed like nothing could interfere, or get in their way. However, an interruption would make itself known. Right as they were about to cuddle, two people spotted them. Kim Pine and Roxy Richter. 

"Sheesh, you two should get a room!" Kim exclaimed. "I would agree, but it's just cuddling Kim it's not like they're fu-" Scott would interject. "You two are dating?" He seemed curious. "Yeah, we are," Roxy responded. "You got a problem with that?" Kim asked. Scott didn't take long to respond at all.

 "No, I don't. I think you two are perfect for each other." Kim was flabbergasted. "Scott Pilgrim being reasonable?! GAH, Ramona are you sure the real Scott Pilgrim wasn't abducted by aliens or something?!" Ramona spoke up. "Yeah, I'm one percent hundred percent sure."

Kim would smirk smugly. "Damn, I dunno what you've done to Scott but keep up the good work!" Roxy laughed. "Kim, you're the funniest I swear." Kim laughed. "I know, let's get outta here already! I'm tempted to drink some vodka!" The two would then walk off leaving Scott and Ramona to themselves. 

"That was... uh interesting." Scott was trying to make sense of the encounter. "Yeah, it most certainly was. Didn't think they'd date each other but that's certainly something." Scott nodded his head. "I didn't think so either but it's interesting." 

The two would continue to gaze at the sky. "Hey Ramona..." Ramona looked at him. "Yeah?" Scott took some time to gather his thoughts. "You're the best." Ramona rolled her eyes. "No, you are." The two would eventually walk home together, and continue to live contently. To Scott, Ramona shined elegantly, and brightly like Diamond Eyes.

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