The Anniversary Gift

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Scott Pilgrim is a perplexing individual. One that's known to be reckless, idiotic, and impulsive making decisions that most people would find questionable to a large extent. What he lacks in intelligence, he makes up for with his honesty, kindness, and determination traits, which some might value, and ones that others might find repulsive. He has his fair share of friends and enemies alike for various reasons. 

Right now, he's thinking of the perfect anniversary gift to give to his special one, Ramona Flowers. Trying to woo her was far from easy he had to defeat seven evil exes and come to terms with himself to pull it off. Some find it odd that he achieved such a feat, and others might question Ramona's sanity but he did pull it off now, he's struggling more than ever before.

Scott was in the living room of the house he shared with Ramona. The two had been dating for a few years now and moved in together. He had a few hours before she got back from work, giving him plenty of ample time to come up with something. However, he couldn't make up his damn mind if he tried. 

"UGH, why is this so hard?! It should be super easy, but it isn't. Come on why am I getting frustrated over this? I got to give her something special, something that shows how much she means to me but, what?" Scott proceeded to bang his head against a wall in frustration. 

He then grabbed out a notepad and wrote a list of people to talk to maybe, they could give him ideas. The list included Wallace Wells, Young Neil, and Kim Pine in that order. 

"Wallace might be a good start at least, though it's hard telling how he might react if I ask him questions about anniversary gifts. He's about as blunt as Kim is, if not more so. Can't hurt to try." Scott then exited the house and began walking over to Wallace's apartment.

Once he had arrived, he rang the doorbell. It didn't take long for him to see a very disgruntled Wallace standing before him after opening the door. Wallace groaned in irritation but eventually exhaled. Figuring that it had to be something important and that Scott wouldn't stick around too long, or so Wallace hoped at least. 

"Look, Scott, I love you, platonically man, but I swear if this is over something... dumb. I'll make you leave. Now come in." Pilgrim blinked but entered the apartment, Wallace closed the door behind him.

"So, Wallace, I'm trying to think of a great anniversary present for Ramona. I was curious if you had any ideas." Wallace squinted at him and scoffed heavily upon hearing such a request. Finding it absurd but far from the dumbest thing he's heard out of Scott's mouth. "And you can't come up with anything yourself because why exactly?" Wallace asked.

"My mind is like an empty void of nothingness. So, I've been drawing verbal blanks all day, and I want to make it special for her." Wallace cringed. 

"Void of nothingness? Yeah, that sounds about right, Captain Moron. I'm probably the last person you should be getting advice from. I dunno... try getting her a crocodile." Scott for some reason, decided to write that down in a notepad, not picking up on the sarcasm. 

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