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Scott opened his eyes, he didn't seem to be in hell, or anything remotely close to that. If anything it seemed like he was in purgatory at first glance. It appears that he's in Subspace again. A place he's all too familiar with, every time he dreams or nearly dies, he finds himself always coming back to this place. 

Always returns, and is seemingly baffled by why he's there in the first place. He remembered destroying Nega Scott and reducing him to ashes, maybe that's a factor in why he isn't conscious right now and has no recollection of what occurred before. Of course, this is irritating to him, but far from surprising. As he's sitting around on a bench, he sees what appears to be an older version of himself.

This older Scott speaks up in a gruff voice. Trying to explain things in a way that makes sense, or at least seems semi-feasible. Given the duality of what transpired it seemed like he had a lot to deal with. "So, you're probably wondering why you're here again right? Well... Nega Scott sucks. Like he's the genuine worst. But, he's kind of like the yin and yang of your life. Both of you need to co-exist to be conscious. And I know... it's annoying to put up with him but you have to." Scott groaned in annoyance. 

"That's real assuring. I'm so grateful to know that..." Scott rolled his eyes in annoyance. Older Scott looked at him. "Yeah, it's not ideal I know. But you have to talk to him to get out of here... so best to not prolong it right?" Older Scott asked. "I guess you have a point older, scruffier me." Older Scott nodded.

The older version of himself wasn't too surprised by the sentiment. "Yeah, I do. I mean life's full of crappy stuff we don't want to do. This is ONE of those things. You'll be alright man." Scott exhaled. Knowing that this was going to be a long and excruciating day for him. Nega Scott annoys him to no end, he's the worst version of himself there is. It's like staring into a mirror and having your darkest insecurities looking back at you. 

It's infuriating but Scott knows that he has to deal with it. This day couldn't have been any worse if it tried. "Where is the bastard? I want to knock some sense into myself." Scott cracked his knuckles. "Oh, he's uh right over there." Older Scott pointed to Nega Scott being a few blocks ahead of him. "Thanks." Scott rushed over to his evil counterpart.

Nega Scott smirked at him. "Oh, look who's crawling back huh? Yeah, I'm not going anywhere. You can get rid of my physical form, but I'll always be crawling around in your head. Making you remember everything you hate about yourself." Scott glared at him. 

"It's one thing to remind me of my failures, it's another to threaten my girlfriend and make blatant assumptions about her!" Nega Scott snarled. "Well, from my point of v-" Nega Scott was cut off lightning fast. "No, don't from my point of view your way out of this! You went too far and you know it. If I have to merge myself with you, I need to set some ground rules." Nega Scott was flabbergasted. "Uh okay... which ones?" Nega Scott was perplexed.

Scott groaned in annoyance. "For starters, don't threaten my girlfriend. Don't bother me when I'm with Ramona. Secondly, don't make false assumptions about Ramona as a person. Thirdly, don't start fights with me for no damn reason! Lastly, quit screwing with my sanity." Nega Scott was surprised that Scott Pilgrim was giving him a list of boundaries.

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