Chapter Six

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It had been nearly four weeks since Giyuu's illness, and during that time, something had shifted between him and Sanemi. The change was subtle, but Giyuu felt it in the small, quiet moments they shared. He hadn't expected to grow closer to Sanemi, yet he didn't dislike it either.

The first two weeks were spent mostly in Giyuu's room, where he was, much to his frustration, confined to bed rest. Sanemi took charge during that time, ensuring Giyuu ate regularly, often bringing meals up to him and sitting down to chat about missions, the latest news from headquarters, or just to ask how he was feeling. Sometimes, they wouldn't speak at all, and instead, the two of them would simply exist in the same space, letting the quiet linger. Strangely, Giyuu found comfort in those silences, feeling no pressure to fill the void with needless words. Sanemi didn't mind staying for hours, even when Giyuu had nothing to say.

By the third week, Giyuu had grown restless. He was tired of the inactivity, having already spent six long months recuperating from past injuries while in his coma, and he had decided that enough was enough. He wasn't bedridden anymore, and staying idle grated on his nerves.

"I'm not staying in bed another day," Giyuu had announced one morning, as he slowly pushed himself out of bed, testing his strength.

Sanemi gave him a sideways glance, his arms crossed. "You sure about that? Don't need you collapsing on the floor."

Giyuu, determined to prove he was well, moved to the kitchen without another word. From that day onward, he insisted on contributing in some small way, starting with preparing tea each morning before Sanemi arrived from his smaller unit out back. The tea was always ready by the time Sanemi entered the main house, and while Sanemi didn't comment on it, Giyuu noticed the faintest hint of appreciation in his eyes.

Breakfast became a routine between them. Sanemi would take charge of cooking, and Giyuu would help with the more menial tasks, usually washing and cutting vegetables. They worked in close proximity, often in silence, but it wasn't awkward. Occasionally, they would exchange a few words—about the weather, a sparring technique Sanemi was working on—but mostly, it was comfortable quiet.

They'd sit down to eat together, and then Sanemi would head out to the courtyard for training. More often than not, Obanai would show up, ready for a sparring match. Giyuu, still recovering his strength, would watch from the sidelines. He found himself quietly analyzing their techniques, noting the subtle shifts in their stances, the sharpness of each strike. Sanemi fought with a ferocity that always seemed on the verge of breaking through, while Obanai's movements were more controlled, more fluid. It was fascinating to observe the differences between them.

In the evenings, once the day's training or tasks were complete, Giyuu and Sanemi would find themselves in the sitting room, basking in the warmth of the crackling fire. Giyuu would sit with a book in hand, though sometimes he barely read, his eyes glancing over the pages without truly taking in the words. Sanemi often stared into the flames, lost in thought. It was peaceful, almost domestic in a way that surprised Giyuu.

There were days when Sanemi had to leave for missions, and during those times, the house felt too quiet. Mei and Nina would keep things running smoothly, preparing meals and doing their chores, but the absence of Sanemi left an odd stillness in the air. On those days, Giyuu found himself wandering the main house and the surrounding yard, trying to shake off the strange loneliness that settled over him. He explored most of the house, but Sanemi's room remained untouched—something about it still felt too personal, a boundary Giyuu wasn't quite ready to cross.

Despite the growing closeness between them, Sanemi was always respectful of Giyuu's space. He never pushed or hovered unnecessarily. True to their unspoken agreement, they would share meals, clean up, and linger in each other's company for a while before Sanemi would either head out to the yard or retreat back to his own unit. It was all very... measured. Controlled.

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