Chapter One

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So, just very quickly, I wrote the first few chapters of this story about four or five months ago, then I completely forgot about this story entirely💀  I went back through this book like a week ago and hated the first few chapters so much,  because my writing style has changed a lot, and I'm more confident in my writing at present.

So, I went through and edited those chapters, and I took unnecessary segments out, so if the chapters seem slightly wonky, then that's why. But it fixes itself part way through chapter two, then it's back to normal after that.


I woke up with a splitting headache and sunlight that could blind a bat pouring through the windows, making my eyes burn. My mouth was so dry it felt like I'd been eating sandpaper, and swallowing was like forcing down shards of glass. My limbs were heavy, as though someone had glued me to the bed. Odd.

Despite just waking up, I felt more exhausted than I had in weeks. There was this dull pressure in my chest, like the weight of the world had decided to take up residence right on top of me.

"Why can't I move?" I muttered, my voice barely more than a rasp.

"Water," I managed to croak out. At least, I thought I did.

"Huh?" A voice huffed from the corner, followed by footsteps shuffling toward me.

A young man with glasses and a clipboard appeared at my bedside. He looked shocked, though there was a flicker of relief behind his wide eyes.

"Lord Tomioka, you're awake!" he exclaimed, as if I wasn't painfully aware. "It's a miracle!" He began furiously scribbling on his clipboard.

"Water," I repeated, trying to lift my head from the pillow.

Realization hit him, and he rushed to get a glass of water. He brought it over and carefully helped me sip from it. It wasn't nearly enough. I gestured for more, and he obliged until I finally felt a bit more like myself.

"How long have I been here?" I asked, my throat now a little less like sandpaper.

The man glanced up from his clipboard. "Your muscles are likely weak from disuse, but you should regain full strength in a couple of weeks," he said, dodging my question entirely.

"That's nice and all, but how long have I been unconscious?" I pressed, trying—and failing—to sit up.

He gave a nervous smile and cleared his throat. "All your questions will be answered soon. I'll inform your doctor that you're awake—"

"Aren't *you* my doctor?" I interrupted, squinting at him.

The man chuckled, shaking his head. "No, no. I'm flattered, but I'm just one of the nurses assigned to your care. My name's Tyon." He gave a quick, polite bow.

"Thank you, Tyon," I said, returning the bow as best I could from the confines of the bed.

"Not a problem, Lord Tomioka." He scribbled something else on his clipboard before looking up again. "You've had visitors in the hall every day. They'll be thrilled to know you're awake, though I'll need to check with the doctor first before anyone can see you."

I nodded, wondering who could possibly care enough to visit every day. Probably some of the Hashira—or Tanjiro and Nezuko, if they knew.

As I tried to focus, something gnawed at me, a sense of dread. What had happened? Why was I here?

"Is Shinobu here?" I asked, surprising myself with the question.

Tyon paused, as if weighing how to answer. "I'm not sure. I haven't seen her today. Is there anyone else you were hoping to see?"

Amnesia: The Taste Of Solitude (SaneGiyuu)Where stories live. Discover now