Chapter Two

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Giyuu had spent several days holed up in his estate, retreating into the familiar isolation that had become his shield. He ignored Rengoku's persistent visits, his letters piling up unanswered on the table. The revelation of his forgotten past, of once being romantically involved with Sanemi Shinazugawa, was a truth too absurd for him to process. It felt like a punchline to some twisted joke. The sheer improbability of it gnawed at him.

But there was no denying the unease that twisted in his gut when he recalled the look on Sanemi's face—pinned beneath Obanai's weight, eyes darkened by disbelief and anger. It was a reaction that clung to Giyuu's mind, one that demanded answers.

Now, standing outside the Butterfly Mansion, Giyuu found himself hesitating. He rarely felt nervous, but something about this moment made his chest tighten. His knuckles brushed the door, the light knock echoing in the otherwise tranquil air.

When Shinobu opened the door, her expression was calm, almost too composed. Giyuu was struck by how unbothered she seemed, despite his six-month coma, despite everything.

"What brings you here, Tomioka?" Shinobu's voice was light, but Giyuu noticed the strain in it, the tightness in her smile. It didn't match the calm exterior she wore like a mask.

"Shinobu, I-" Giyuu began, unsure how to cut through the formalities. "I understand if you're busy. But I needed to talk to you."

Shinobu's eyes flickered, something unreadable crossing her face before she stepped aside. "Come in, then."

The room felt familiar, serene, and filled with the subtle scent of medicinal herbs. Giyuu's senses sharpened as he entered, his awareness attuned to Shinobu's every move. She was always composed, but today something was different. There was a tension, a guardedness in her posture that only made Giyuu more uneasy.

Shinobu took a seat across from him, her gaze steady. "You're here about your memory, aren't you?"

Giyuu nodded, his throat tightening. "Yes. I've lost three years, and I need to know what happened. I heard... things I can't make sense of."

Shinobu's lips pressed into a thin line, her eyes narrowing slightly. "And what have you heard?"

"About Sanemi. And about us." He met her gaze, trying to read the flicker of emotion in her eyes. "I don't remember anything. But Uzui said that I... we were close. And that Shinazugawa and I were—" He broke off, unable to finish.

Shinobu's expression softened slightly, but there was still a distance in her eyes. "Yes, you and Shinazugawa were involved. It wasn't exactly smooth sailing."

Giyuu's heart raced. "Why didn't anyone tell me? Why was it all kept a secret from me when I woke up?"

Shinobu sighed, her fingers tapping lightly on her lap. "It wasn't about keeping secrets. It was about giving you time to adjust. Your memory loss wasn't just hard on you—it was hard on everyone, Shinazugawa most of all. We didn't want to overwhelm you. Quite frankly, Uzui is a moron who shouldn't have been allowed within a hundred feet of you, during your recovery."

"But I needed to know," Giyuu insisted, his voice rising. "How could I understand anything about myself if I don't know my past? Uzui did me a favour by telling me what everyone else was too scared to."

Shinobu pressed her lips into a thin line, "You may be right," she spoke, though she still looked rather annoyed about Uzui's interference.

Giyuu leaned forward, resting his elbows on his legs, as he wrung his hands, "Tell me about him... Shinazugawa and I... please."

Shinobu looked away for a moment, her voice softening. "You and Sanemi... things were... complicated. You two cared for each other, but there were always barriers. Conflicts, misunderstandings—both of you had your own demons to face."

Amnesia: The Taste Of Solitude (SaneGiyuu)Where stories live. Discover now