Join a human-turned-pony on an adventure through Equestria and beyond with many friends and those who are considered more than friends.
Rated Mature for sexual language and adult themes with other species, not just ponies.
Fade into a long overhead shot of the town square during the day. Ponies go about their business everywhere and young laughter drifts up as the camera pans to the Cutie Mark Crusaders' clubhouse. The bell rings at the schoolhouse, which stands a short distance away in the background.
Close-up of the floor, which is covered with spilled glue, paint, and scraps of paper, ribbon, and other arts-and-crafts materials. Apple Bloom walks through the mess, visible from the chest down.
APPLE BLOOM: I just don't feel like it's quite...finished.
A different angle frames her head and the glue bottle in her teeth, along with the head of Sweetie Belle when she stands up. The glop has ended up on the walls as well, and a poster depicts a pony silhouette marked with a large heart. Scootaloo approaches
SWEETIE BELLE: I know what you mean. If it's for Miss Cheerilee, it needs to be perfect. Hearts and Hooves Day only comes once a year, after all.
Scootaloo holds up a spool of ribbon.
SCOOTALOO: I say we add a little more ribbon!
Sweetie nods with Apple Bloom.
SWEETIE BELLE: Mmm-hmm, yeah.
Scootaloo jumps across with it; Sweetie ducks down.
Sweetie picks up a strip of lace.
SWEETIE BELLE: And just a tiny bit more lace.
The lace is thrown across to fill the screen; when it drops, Apple Bloom walks over to an open paint can of bright violet paint and cheerfully dunks a front hoof in it.
APPLE BLOOM: A few more hoofprints!
A splash of paint drains away to show her stomping her daubed hooves across the floor, which is just barely cut off by the bottom edge of the screen. Now Scootaloo moves in with a small bucket of...
SCOOTALOO: Glitter! It could definitely use just a little more glitter.
Scootaloo pours, sending up a swirl of sparkly dust, and the camera shifts to frame the lacy, beribboned edge of the Crusaders' creation. Sweetie Belle runs a critical eye over the thing and smiles, and her two cohorts look on with approval.
APPLE BLOOM: Now that'll show Miss Cheerilee how much we care about her!
Cut to a close-up of the work and zoom out slowly. It is an enormous heart made from pink construction paper, with a lace border and plenty of glitter. Bows in four colors—red, yellow, pink, and violet—are stuck on around the edge, and the whole is liberally marked with hoofprints in white, pink, and violet.
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The zoom frames the Crusaders at the start of the next line.
APPLE BLOOM: Just have to get it to the Hearts and Hooves party at school.