Chapter Seven

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Dear Adrien,

For a long time, I thought about writing this letter to you. I know nothing I say will justify my actions, but I want you to know I love you. The months move quickly, and the closer we get to the end of the trial, the more I convince myself I'll never see you again.
I'm almost certain the jury will find me guilty, and I suppose that is what I deserve. I committed terrible crimes, and my time here has made me realize that I should've never done this. I was selfish, and I ask you to forgive me. I've seen Nathalie almost every week since I was arrested, and she tells me you won't eat, and you won't talk. I've begged her not to leave you, and she's promised me she won't. I'd give anything to turn back time, and save you from all of this. Only being here has made me realize how wrong I was about everything. I've destroyed everything, and now I'll be trapped in here forever.
With the deepest sense of sorrow I ask for your forgiveness. I want you to know I love you, and I'll always love you. And even if I never showed it, you were the best thing in my life. Since the day you were born I knew l'd always love you.

Now and forever,

Your Father.

-Sent from the jailhouse in downtown Paris

He never received a response, but Gabriel didn't need one either. All he needed was to tell his son how much he loves him...


Present Time-

After he was unmasked as Hawk Moth, Gabriel thought he'd never see his son again. Adrien was barely sixteen years old, he was only a teenager when Gabriel left, and still not capable of being alone. Far too young to have lost his parents, but his fate had already been sealed since the day Gabriel decided to put his own desires over his only son. But Gabriel had always felt so proud of the son he had received, and constantly thought about him with such love during his time in prison. Adrien was a good boy. He was polite, and he was generous, he was everything the perfect child could be. But as the years went by, Gabriel began to realize he couldn't continue to picture his son as a boy. Adrien wasn't a boy anymore, he was a grown man, and the idea always made his head spin. Gabriel couldn't exactly picture him as an adult since the image he had was the one of a sixteen year old boy, but he tried his best. Yet, it was always somewhat difficult to not think of him as a boy. He'd imagine his features from time to time. He'd imagine them to have become more prominent and bold. Taller for sure, and definitely more attractive, Adrien had always been a good looking boy. And it was as if his fatherly instincts had been the ones to create such images because Adrien appears rather similar to what Gabriel had envisioned. But aside from all those thoughts, for the most part, Gabriel always seemed to think of his son as a young boy.

Funny how most of his years were spent imagining his son as the same sixteen year old boy he had left behind, Gabriel hadn't even thought of Adrien as a married man let alone a father.

But here he is, being somewhat ignored, somewhat presented with it all. It feels strange entering his son's home. The home Adrien has created alongside his wife. Years thinking he'd die in prison only to find himself inside this home. It has such a warming scent, it's so modern yet so comforting, and every little piece he's able to see is marked with a sweet touch of mellowness and love. It's so homely and so pleasant. Not too large, but just the perfect size. Gabriel had never seen a home like this or perhaps he had, but he won't remember anymore. Prison erased all memories of anything that could be considered a warm and welcoming environment.

He isn't sure what he should do or what he should say. Maybe coming here wasn't the best idea, but then he remembers the fear he felt when he was attacked. He remembers the threats written on the notes, and his heart trembles all over again.

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