Chapter 3

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"Leadanah"? I called to her, desperate.

"Leadanah come forth I need you. Leadanah?

          I stumbled around a vast darkness seeking her. Every step felt like I would fall through the floor. I could hear cracking class as my toes sought out a safe path through the pitch block around me. I inched forward only when the sound didn't come.

"Leadanah"! I cried.

        my voice becoming a sob. Never had she failed to answer me before. I would take even her snapping teeth in the back of my mind telling me to shut up.
     I slowly became aware of a glow around me and the darkness began to retract. Soon I could see the space before me and longed for the blessed darkness once more. There was nothing. Only empty space surrounding me. No ground, no sky, no wall or tree. Leadanah was nowhere in my sight. I wanted to move forward and look for her but now that I could see there was no ground to walk upon, I was frozen in terror.

"Leadanah come back"! I screamed into The nothingness.

     My panic was setting in and I trembled sinking to my knees, sobbing.

"Andley! Andley! Wake up!"

      I jerked forward from my sleeping body gasping as though I'd been under water. I looked around the dim room frantically, not recognizing my surroundings at all.

"Leadanah"? I thought desperately.

"Andley you were screaming what has happened"? the soft annoyed rumble of Leadanah's voice rolled through me.

"I had a nightmare" I said rubbing my face with my palms. I was startled to find wet soft fur sorrounding my cheeks.

"Oh!" I gasped. As I realized my wings were also outstretched.

"I've lost my self" I thought feeling like a small child who found she has wet the bed.

"Andley are you alright? I could not see your nightmare" Leadanah said.

       This was not uncommon, we do not always share our minds when we were both alseep. I told Leadanah of my nightmare and how she was gone from me and there was no ground to walk on.

"Andley, you fool your dream shows your true fears. No ground andley? I was not there?

"What?" I asked confused.

"Andley, we share a body if not our minds. Don't you see you did not need me in that nightmare. You did not even need the ground to walk upon. You forced our therio, out you had the answer."

"Wings". I rolled my eyes. "Wings, yes our wings. My wings, I can fly". Now I felt stupid.

"I am afraid Leadanah. All my life not since my parents died I have not known fear, not like this, this long doom I feel coming."

"Andley, I know you are afraid. You need to keep your wits"

I breathed heavily, wrapping our wings around me. I stroked their soft feathers for comfort.

"Our parents, Andley."

Leadanah finished after a time. I felt her remembering, snatching short glimpses like sunlight peeking through a curtain. I started to feel a bit calmer.
"Ours" I agreed. She lost them too. "Was I really screaming? I asked.

"No, not outwardly, I don't think". Said Leadanah.

I looked around the wood paneled room lit by a dim oil lamp. I watched the crystal swaying gently around it. The silk slid along the fur and feathers on my body. It was so soft I thought I'd slip right off the bed if we hit a bump.

"Andley sweety"! The kindly voice of Sylvie called. "Do join me for tea you have slept in so late breakfast is done".

There was a short pause as she slid the curtain to my cabin away and stepped inside gaily.

"Oh! Goodness"! She exclaimed.

I shrieked and pulled the comforter up high to cover myself. Instinctively surrounding myself with my wings. There was a brief extension of quills and spikes before my shock receded.

"Sylvie, I wish you had knocked." I gasped.

"My Lady I apologies", Sylvie turned away retreating from my cabin.

I drew a shaky breath and returned to my human form.

"It's ok Sylvie, you may enter. I am sorry i frightened you".

Sylvie peeked though the curtain still looking embarrassed.

"My Lady forgive me. I didn't mean to react so rudely. I am sorry I was startled. I didn't expect..."

"I know my Therio is a little startling. Most do not have feathers quills and fur all at once". I said.

"And wings! Oh they were magnificent" She exclaimed.

"Ah yes. Wings."

"Andley my I see? I promise I will not be startled". She plead.

"No." I said flatly. "That is, I don't like people to see my Therio, you have seen I think more than anyone ever has even now".

"Except my wild ones" Leadanah laughed. "Now she is intimate with us"

"Shush" I thought back.

"I am, well Sylvie, I am a little greedy about it to be truthful". I admitted.

Sylvie smiled knowingly.

"Well, you'd not be such a mystery if you flaunted yourself about like a common floozy. It's a good thing. The strongest women maintain an air of mystery I think" she said brightly.

I smiled trying not to like her as she chatted on.

"Now you know what? it's a good thing I glanced you! I shall help to spread the gossip and increase your mystique". She winked.

"You have tea?" I asked.

"Yes Lady it is in the dinning room."

"Is the Prince there? I asked cautiously.

Sylvie frowned.

"No dear."

The tension left my shoulder blades slightly. I was doing my utmost to stay clear of him since our first encounter in the carriage.

"He is with Kandrah, he is unlikely to come out of his cabin". She said reassuringly.

Possessing Andley       Part 1Where stories live. Discover now