Chapter 5

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As we approached the castle gates we were met by a delegation from the King's guard. Their horses were decorated with colorful ribbons and sashes, each held its rider's coat of arms, draped beneath its saddle like a skirt. The armor adorning the horses was hidden beneath the bright sashes but I could perceive their sharp edges and decorative etching to match their riders. The riders themselves wore extravagant sets of armor. All were richly decorated through means of bluing and etching creating a flow of patterns in the hard steel to make them look as though the most delicate of artistic hands had been upon them.
They were painted in rich hues and altogether created a rainbow of glittering steel to fool anyone into a sense of gaiety rather than see the forbidding nature of their adornments. Beneath the bright colors and silk woven coats of arms, were beasts of war and death, ready to commit what ever action required to fulfill their mission to protect the King and his family from, who else but their own citizenship. Why though must they be so prepared? In the forest Rathon and all the nobles walked freely with no fear of molestation.
"But for how much longer will that be?" Leadanah interrupted my thoughts. "The noblemen fear the people because the people are pressed to obtain their needs while the rich want for nothing".
I shuddered as I remembered the reports of starvation in the hinterlands of the forest, while in the capital we had felt nothing of this. I knew I would have been the very last to notice even a slight reduction to my own meals or attention to my other wants.
Our carriage drove the center of the wide street with the mounted soldiers surrounding us heavily. They waved heavy armoured hands to the crowds smiling with pointed teeth at the curious people who'd gathered to watch the parade. I had asked Sylvie to gain understanding of her perspective, why the men were so heavily armed in the city. She looked confused.
"Are they so?" I have never noticed. She peered out her window at one man striding beside us.
"Well, so they are! Their armour and weapons are concealed in all the ridiculous costume. How clever."
She smiled knowingly at me. I smiled sweetly back at her, taking note of her apparent ignorance. I wondered if it was just her or if it was a privilege of all with a high station in the city not to notice such things. Although, it is possible she was being coy.
The buildings were all made of a gray stone which seemed blended together to make one giant flat wall. Sylvie said this was plaster and clay mixed in with stone. Apparently this made the building strong to last hundreds of years. I thought it was hideous. I don't know what I'd expected, I knew the city wasn't in a forest. I had imagined something closer to grass huts and logs. It took a long time to get to the castle. All the people came out of their homes and watched us pass. Children waved and Sylvie gleefully called back, throwing out candies to them. Most people seemed genuinely pleased to see the procession. There were however some sour faces sprinkled throughout the fanfare. Those whose grim smiles seemed more like a snarl. Men crossing their arms over barrel chests, the fur upon their arms rising. Many of these men called out,
"Long live the king" or "God grant immortality to the king."
"What does it mean Sylvie? They look so angry."
"Oh, dear don't worry about the peasantry, they've really got no teeth. Besides it is right that they love their King."
"Sylvie, no one looks like that when they say they love a King" I retorted.
She pressed her lips tight and took a short breath inward.
"Andley not everyone loves everyone. Some do not love the Prince. That's all. They want their good King to live forever."
"Nothing more?" I asked doubtfully.
Sylvie looked forward watching the castle as we approached. She raised one eyebrow and frowned. The expression was so short that if I had not been already looking at her, I would have missed it. For in an instant she plastered a bright smile upon her lips and ensured it met her sparkling eyes.
"Andley see the castle? It glitters this time of day. It is made of a beautiful stone called goshenite. It took decades to complete hundreds of years ago. Isn't it remarkable?"
The castle seemed to rise from the earth like a collection of spears tearing the sky. It indeed did glitter and sparkle as the sun danced upon it. I couldn't help but be mesmerized by the ever changing shift of light glinting throughout its face.
"I wish we'd come in the sunset, it is magical to see then." Sylvie said "Come Andley, it's time to get dressed."
Sylvie led me to the dressing room far in the rear cabin where servants had prepared wet hot towels for us to wash with. They had laid out clean gowns for each of us, there was a third gown laid next to Sylvie's. She halted when she saw it and marched to the back entry. I could nearly feel rage flying off of her as she opened the door.
"There has been a third gown laid out, I expect someone has made a mistake. There are two ladies to dress. Do come remove it this instant! I do not expect anyone intended to wound with their carelessness. But it has indeed wounded me".
A young woman scuttled into the dressing room with her head down muttering apologies. Calling herself an idiot she and the other girls hadn't known.
Sylvie watched her move across the room and snatch up the gown.
"Carelessness is equal to cruelty" she said, her face red.
The young woman left bowing and crying with apologies. Sylvie didn't look at her as she closed the door quietly behind her. I thought to myself that this must be the closest to yelling and door slamming Sylvie gets. I stood staring, trying to see Sylvie maybe for the first time. But she relaxed her shoulders and drew her smile up once again.
"I will give you privacy Andley, and dress in my room. I washed this morning. Just pop this door open if you require assistance the girls will come."
I watched her silently as she glided past me, picked up her own gown and was gone. The gown left out for me was more of a contraption than clothing and I did need assistance. It consisted of a satin material which wrapped precariously around my breasts and waist, spiraling down one leg. The wrap ended in a tapered strap around my ankle. The top layer was a thin intricate gold lace which was carefully clipped to the edges of the wrap. The skirt hung loosely about my calves. Looking in the mirror I was mildly horrified to see that the wrap barely covered my private parts and my breasts threatened to slide out from beneath the soft material.
Does everyone get to see me naked next? I wondered aghast. As I moved the wrap threatened to ride up exposing me on both sides.
The servant said "My lady it will not move, you may walk normally."
"How?" I exclaimed, exasperated.
"My lady the material grips your skin as you move it will tighten and hold when you walk."
I squinted at her and cautiously moved my body around. Daring the wrap to slide. Sure enough I could feel it grip my skin and tighten around me with every movement as though it were alive. I raised my arms into the air rapidly and felt the wrap grip my breasts tightly. The servant giggled.
"You see my lady? You are quite safe."
I starred at the remarkable thing on my body and began examining it.
"What is it?" I asked.
"My lady it is a dress." the servant said confused.
"No, the material what is it made of?"
"Oh lady I am sure someone knows, but I do not. The other girls think wizards make it."
"Wizards." I repeated bluntly.
"This is what the girls say, I have never seen a wizard, so I do not know if they are real." She said.
She stared at me expectantly. My hair and make up were complete she had painted intricate wings beside my eyes and temples and sprinkled a shining cover upon my exposed skin. My hair was piled in a high braid secured from the top of my forehand to the back of my neck. It hung loosely from the nap of my neck and down my back. She had weaved gemstones throughout the braid and clipped still more in the loose hair down my back.
"Yes, thank you that is all." I said.

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