Chapter 5 continued

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I felt the carriage stop at that moment and heard Sylvie call from the door for me to come to her. I came out and saw her there. Wearing a simple gown of pale gold colour. In her hair she had weaved colourful gemstones much like my own. Her make -up was plain. She smiled at me and couldn't fully hide her sorrow. This frightened me a little bit.
"Andley, I Hope the journey away was mostly enjoyable for you. I know there was some unpleasantness. I want you to know that I am here always. I will show you the concubine quarters when I get the chance and you are always welcome with us. It is not improper for the Headmate to be seen with the others. It is up to you. She reached for my hands and held them both. I haven't yet told you of Anabelle. She is the Prince's, well she's not Headmate anymore. She has his children however and I, I implore you not to interfere with her. She's not a bad person, she has children to protect. She takes much of the Prince's attention. I expect this won't bother you.
"The Prince can't hurt you. Do not be afraid." She said hurriedly as the sound of heavy footsteps lumbered toward us.
"Remember Rathon, remember your home when you are afraid". She placed a cool hand on my cheek. "I am sorry Andley. I hope you will be well".
The Prince entered the room and approached from behind Sylvie. Her concerned expression quickly lit up as she hitched the blue sparkle back into her eyes and smiled once more.
"My Prince, you look so handsome. I regret my time with you is over." she said flirtatiously.
"Don't worry Sylvie, I do not forget you. Not with all that mouth does." He gripped her chin in his large hand and raised her face.
"You do mean the jokes with which I entertain you?" She giggled.
He placed his other hand on top of her head.
"Good girl Sylvie, yes you are funny. I will come see you for more jokes."
Sylvie looked genuinely pleased. I watched as her chest rose and her hand wandered longingly to his chest.
"Desire is the true beast here." Leadanah commented. "She gets wet just looking at him."
"But she still looks afraid." I thought back.
"The Prince is as evil as he is handsome. They say that about the devil." Leadanah mused back.
Marston said, "I am sorry for Kandrah. Tell the girls will you."
"We will celebrate Kandrah's life darling. May I send funds to her family?" She asked, still smiling.
"Yes of course, what ever you think appropriate, I will tell Annabelle to agree to whatever you request." He said smoothly.
He released her and stepped back.
"Best you walk behind us now Sylvie, take your place. Annabelle will have a hard enough time adjusting without seeing you standing beside me too."
"Of course, my lord. I will support her." She said with a polite courtesy.
"Come Andley, place your hand on my arm now. We must go into the castle together. And smile, I don't like long faces." He said pleasantly.
I stared into his eyes, so misleading in their beauty. The sun was shining directly into them but they seemed to absorb the light and give none back.
"This man is a void of suffering". I thought to myself.
I placed my hand on his arm. And smiled brightly.
"For your people" He said taunting.
"You have made it so." I said.
We walked together down the carriage's high staircase. Below I could see an arrangement of nobles and royalty. The King stood before us with a woman who must be his Headmate, the Prince's Mother. The King was smiling up at us, but his mate held her face in quiet contempt. A look I would become familiar with in the coming weeks and months. The Prince reached the base of the staircase and extended his hand to his father and bowed low. I stood stupidly next to him.
"Andley," He hissed. "Bow."
I started slightly and dropped into a low courtesy, my neck stiff. I could feel myself shifting slightly and fine fur began to crop up around my body.
"Alright rise" the Queen hissed. "This is enough, my love, let us go in."
Turning abruptly, she strode angrily into the palace. The King turned and followed his mate with a shrug.
"Come Andley, Mother seems to hate you already. Wonderful!" He said jovially.
He flashed a winning smirk my way, one of his pointed teeth caught the light as he turned, tugging me along, he transformed into his demidium. I felt his forearm grow and flex with hard muscle as coarse hair sprung up from it. His already tall stature rose several inches. Suddenly he loomed over me, blocking the sunlight.
"Your going to have one hell of an evening Andley, I wish Rathon were here to see."
There was a harmony of joyous shrieks at the top of the staircase and 3 small children scampered down, one of whom was fully in their therio.
"My babies!" Marston shouted with equal and genuine joy.
He pulled his arm away from me reaching for the first child, a little princess who looked to be around five. He scooped her up with his massive hands and held her to his face, plastering kisses all over her cheeks and forehead, while she held his face in her tiny hands, giggling. The other two children reached him and wrapped their arms about his legs laughing. The little beast seemed the youngest, he released his Father's leg and scampered up his back holding onto his shoulders and nuzzled his father with a happy bark. Marston ruffled his fur and leaned into him for more cuddles.
Leadanah, watched intently from the back of my mind.
"Remember this Andley, no man is so evil that nothing can bring him hurt. All that love have a weakness. That man loves his family".
I knew I should put a stop to such talk, but like a cold shadow's insidious creeping along a floor as the sun draws away, it's progress so slow that it seems negligible, I have felt myself beginning to lean into Leadanah's darkness. Thinking of Kandrah's frail body, bruised and torn to ribbons only helped to expel thoughts or resisting it.

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