Chapter 3 continued

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Presently, I climbed to the top of the canopy and moved away from the pack. The others will be alerted soon to my presence.
"How boring". I groaned.
I won't be able to get closer than a mile to any of them now. I changed my trajectory to move deeper into the forest and picked up speed to get well ahead of the caravan and Rathon's pack. By the time they catch up to me, I hoped to be finished with my business. The big ones typically make their dwelling where the forest is darkest. Hopefully I could find a pretty one. I thought fondly of the ordeal to ensue and still couldn't decide if I wanted to fuck or fight. Maybe I'll get both. I grinned, beating my wings harder thrusting myself deeper into the forest.
The scent of a wild den wafted through the canopy as I skimmed the treetops. A male's musk thick with earth, raw meat and burnt wood. I grasped the top of the tree and pulled myself downward headfirst along the tree, using my tail to aid me in a circular slithering movement around branches until I came to the base where the main branches and the trunk began. I watched him for a time move about his encampment. Once the Therio has taken over completely there is no human half to shift into. They loose their centered dimidium forms. This one was in his Therio likely if his human half lived it was very weak. I could sense that another male lived here with him but i could not see him.
The male was tall and sleek in stature with the kind of muscles built by living in nature. His hair trimmed short on the top and front of his head but he allowed it to hang long down his back. Standing tall through the hair were sharp horns which ran in single file from the top of his head and down his back and down a long whiplike tail. His face had high cheekbones with small scales protecting the outside edge of his brows. His nose extended into a small snout but the lower half of his jaw held a sharp curve of a man's, much like a mask. His eyes had vertical slit pupils and were light green with golden flex like sunlight. The scales adorning his ribs and hips glittered in shades of blue and green. For all the reptilian features, his form was mostly that of a man with only long talons on his extended toes and claws instead of finger nails.
He was starting a fire, apparently to prepare his evening meal of,
"Oh dear" I thought amused.
Laying in a heap next to the large stone fire pit was the human body of what I could only assume was his companion. Cannibalism isn't as uncommon as the civilized would hope. In fact, on the fringes of society's veil, it is very common.
As the fire rose from the pit, he placed a steel pot filled with water on the stone center and added handfuls of herbs and berries. Chokecherries, wild mint, and a dash of camomile. First tea, then his friend would be soup. He began chopping roots and potatoes.
"He must have a garden nearby. Cute". I thought.
He put the food in a neat pile then began working on the body.
I watched with passive interest as he prepared his dinner while humming a doleful woodman song in a deep baritone. Once he was done, he broke the bones and scraped out the marrow keeping only the two femurs for the soup stock. He carried the rest of the corpse into the trees well enough away from his own camp.
When he returned, the water was finally boiling. He poured some out into a pitcher carved out of wood, then placed the soup ingredients into the pot. He sat there peacefully on a couch made of logs covered with soft moss and leaned back watching the fire.
He was so serene sitting there with his back to the cold dark forest drinking fresh hot tea. I wondered what could have occurred between the two men to have lead to one of them eating the other. There was no sign of starvation, no semblance even of a struggle. It was obvious that two men had lived here together. There were two nests made up near to the fire pit and the belongings of two very different characters lay about loosely.
He finished his tea in a last long draught and dropped the pitcher to his side. He hung his head back, looking straight into the trees. From his angle he could probably see a gap in the canopy and so was looking at the stars, his neck exposed, so easy to slide open. He let out a deep satisfied sigh and seemed to slump into the couch with one arm up around the back rest, his other shoulder dropped down. Soon I could see slight movement coming from that hidden shoulder. It rose slightly, slowly, in a rhythmic motion. I was pleased to realize he was jerking off. His head still hung relaxed upward, his mouth a grinning slit, the points of his teeth sticking out slightly. He let out another small sigh that had a light, growling undertone. Not wanting to miss the show I slithered back up the tree so I could move undetected between the tree tops for a frontal view.
I always enjoy watching a man jerking off. I propped myself silently in a tree just before the light of his fire and watched his abs flex as his hips started their small forward thrust into the movement of his hand. The slow long caresses that if I let him go on, would become a series of strong sharp strokes. I watched his forearms flex with each upward movement as his thick hard cock seemed to already be throbbing with cum. Oh no, I couldn't let that happen. I slunk to the base of the tree pulling myself forward on the grass as I rose to my feet. I pulled the quills on my head back to hold them like hair down my back and I dropped my wings down, wrapping them like a low skirt around my hips.
"Excuse me". I purred, smiling as politely as an Angel.
He paused his star gazing looking around curiously but unalarmed, Only mildly surprised. His eyes fell on me and he barred his teeth as though warning me. He left his arm around the back of the couch though and the movement of his hand only slowed a little.
"Would you care to join me?" He asked smiling. "I have some soup if you'd like to stay for dinner after".
"It smells very good, I may stay if there's time".
I walked forward through the light of his fire and he started with surprise.
"Are those real wings?"
"Why yes they are, do you like them?"
"You fly?" He asked incredulously.
"Yes, how do you think I dropped in on you so".
He never stopped his slow stroking as we talked. From this close up I could see how his cock generously filled his palm so that each of his clawed fingers barely met around it.
"May I"? I asked grinning.
I sat down on his log couch beside him and leaned placing my hand over his own so we were stoking him together.
"Mm that's nice." He said, removing his hand and placing it behind his head.
I stroked his cock feeling the texture of it in my hand, as he lifted his hips slightly with each deep stroke. I stopped abruptly and removed my hand to watch it throb.
"Why'd you stop?"
"Felt like stopping." I laughed. "Think I'll leave."
I pretended to get up and he grabbed my wrist.
"This your little game?" He asked.
He pulled my hand back and forced it to recommence the motion on his cock.
"Your game is a lot like my game." he said.
He reached forward with his free hand and ran his clawed fingers through my quills. They made a sound like rain on leaves as they moved against each other.
"These are nice". He said "You look dangerous.
He placed his hand around my throat and calmly started squeezing.
I smiled.
"Stop" I said.
He kept working my hand up and down squeezing his own tight over mine. I felt my nipples rise with my fur and heat began to radiate from below.
"You don't seem to mind." he cooed, releasing my hand so I could keep up the rhythm on my own. He reached forward and pressed his clawed fingers into me, thrusting deep.
"You don't seem to mind at all." He said smiling.
His hand gripped my throat tighter and I felt my pussy clench with excitement. I dug my claws between the delicate scales on the back of his hand, drawing blood. He released my throat and I snatched his hand back forcing his fingers in between my teeth band bit down, also drawing blood.
He ripped his fingers from between my legs with a cry of pain and seizing my waist, he threw me to the ground. I landed on my ass in the dirt. recovering quickly from the unceremonious handling and laughing, I leaned back on my elbows exposing my breasts invitingly.
"Oh you want get fucked like that do you?" He said, shaking his hand rapidly as though attempting to fling the pain away. "That fucken hurt". He said, sucking his wounded fingers.
I grinned wickedly up at him as he bore down on me.
As he sank his cock into me, he also sank his teeth into my shoulder breaking the small delicate feathers penetrating my skin. I gasped with pain and clawed his back. I found that the scales there were thicker and over lapped in a solid plating of armour. So I grabbed the spiked horn on the back of his head and pulled forcing him to release my shoulder. The wound began healing but the feathers would take forever to molt and regrow. Next he placed his sharp mouth around my breast and bit down with surprising lightness and began flicking his tongue around my nipple. I let go of his back and ran my hands through my quills pulling on them in distracted pleasure. I felt his claws raking my skin, drawing hot wet blood to stain my fur and feathers. He plunged into me ruthlessly, without tiring until I felt the pressure rising inside me, with each push forward he struck the little spot which is so rarely found. It seemed to spark like a jolt of electricity each time. With every jolt I felt myself getting closer to the surge of orgasm.
He stopped, pulling his long dick out slowly while I tried to use my legs to press him forward and back in.
standing over me while I looked up at him from my back, I m noticed the stars when his face filled my view. He reached down and grabbed me by the throat once again and lifted me up to drag me towards the tree line. Slightly alarmed, I clawed the back of his hand again but he did not flinch. I wondered briefly if this idiot thought he could kill me. Maybe that's why his friend was dead. Likes to finish with a kill.
"Your here to get fucked aren't you?" He asked maliciously.
He slammed me against a tree and I felt a twinge of actual anger as my head slammed into the trunk. Before I could rub my throbbing head, he pulled me forward by the base of my quills holding me up on my knees.
"Oh my god, yes!" I cried out and began to laugh.
As I opened my mouth, he jammed two fingers into it, gagging me. He drew back and forth, sliding his fingers in and out of my throat. I relaxed my jaw as he held me there holding me up by my quills, fingering my throat.

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