Chapter 4 continued

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Sylvie was right. I had never seen anything like this before. Although, I don't think it had the effect on me that she expected. The sun was floating below the horizon throwing the city into pink and orange hues and blue shadows. I watched its light glint off the windows of the buildings like glitter. Despite its glamour, I could still see the disparity between the beauty and the reality of that place. The rainbow of the sunset couldn't conceal the gray walls surrounding it, and towers rising like knives, penetrating the sky.
I looked over at Sylvie as she stared with a faint smile at the rising city, the sun once again making love to her playing on her skin deepening the blush of her cheeks and setting her hair alight. Despite everything she appeared genuinely happy as though she, not I was seeking a city for the first time in her life.
"How does someone live the way she does and still look so happy? How can she smile in the setting sun when her friend is dead?" I wondered.
Leadanah said "what would happen if she let the darkness touch her Andley? Perhaps she is a bit mad. she has to be like this."
I had such a nice life. I thought to myself. The city crept closer, coming to take it all away from me. A flare of rage rose in me and I found myself angry with Rathon.
He sold us.
The thought seemed so distant from my own mind. The words carried my rage like a cold wind signaling the promise of a storm. I had been holding it back for so long.
"Leadanah stop". I glowered angrily at her.
"What? Don't blame me, that's all you. " she touted.
"He didn't have a choice". I responded, seeking reassurance. The sunlight pierced my eyes making them sting.
"Andley if you want my opinion you can have it. No, I don't believe he had a choice. Prince Marston demanded you as a mate to spite him. He'd rather kill the man and be done with the whole thing. But still, Selling people? Hard to say war wasn't more humane." She mused. "Should one suffer so many can have peace? Should many die so one can live? Should your people die to keep their virtue? At the right price, are all people for sale? Those are the questions you should ask Andley. Not, is Rathon good or bad? He is neither, he is a man."
"I hadn't thought you would have given this so much thought Leadanah" I said.
"Nothing has ever happened to us to require so much of it. We have never been sold before". She responded cooly. "I am not sure which is most evil, to be the seller or the purchaser of a person"

Possessing Andley       Part 1Where stories live. Discover now