Chapter 2

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        I followed the stone path out from the shade of the last tree into the glade where Rathon waited for me to be taken away. Nobles and lords of the court, all the most important people of the tribes and forest trailed sombrely behind me. Leandah waited behind my mind. She was oddly aroused, excited at the prospect of leaving the vast wilderness of the forest. In her mind, we were visiting the city. She thought she would leave precisely when she became bored. I wore a flowing evergreen gown to match the home I was leaving. I followed the stone path out from the shade of the last tree into the glade where Rathon waited for me to be taken away. Nobles and lords of the court, all the most important people of the tribes and forest trailed sombrely behind me. Leandah waited behind my mind. She was oddly aroused, excited at the prospect of leaving the vast wilderness of the forest. In her mind, we were visiting the city. She thought she would leave precisely when she became bored.
        I wore a flowing evergreen gown to match the home I was leaving. The skirt flowed down my sleek legs ending conservatively at my pointed toes, brushing the grass daintily. It had long sheer and silky golden sleeves ending in tight cuffs, buttoning elegantly at my wrists. In stark contrast, the neckline plunged dramatically between my breasts, ending scandalously beneath my navel, leaving fully half of my chest exposed. Delicate, ornate wooden beads were laced loosely across the gap. Carved upon them were tiny Lilies. These types of beads are exceptionally rare, carved by hand with the most delicate tools by a master carver specifically for the wearer. These had been sent to me at the signing of the treaty, a gift from Prince Marston. I'd have been delighted with them if I wasn't so angry.  Historically, beads such as these were worn by a woman to express her desire for the affection of her love. He is meant to lean in to examine the special details carved upon them, an intimate and private encounter meant only for him. Typically though, they are given to brides to wear on the first occasion she will Meet her new mate. It always horrifies me how traditions come to be deformed by the convenient interpretations of those in power. Once a romantic and intimate gesture between lovers, becomes an empty formality and a symbol of, what? Control? ownership? I can't quite form the feeling into a coherent thought but it disgusts me regardless.
        Rathon stood in his Dimidium on the path facing North where the Prince's delegation would appear, carefully not looking at me.
       "You look beautiful my Lady." He said distantly.
       "Rathon. Must I be a Lady with you today?"
       "This is a dignitary delegation, all the nobles are present. Please spare me more suffering. This suit is itchy." He added glowering as his leg twitched, wishing to scratch himself.
      "How do you know I am beautiful, you have not looked at me". I said.
       Rathon said "I have looked upon you, you just didn't see. So, you look lovely. The Prince will be pleased".
      "I did not dress to please the Prince" I whispered. "Won't you look more closely upon me?"                             
      "Why? Do you want to see my tears?" He said bluntly.
I fell silent. Once again ashamed.
     "What has gotten into me?" I thought.  "I am sorry Rathon". I whispered.
        "I wish we could be alone Andley, and I would tell you all that I feel".
I turned to look at Rathon, my King, guardian and best friend. A plain wolf type therio, like the rest of his blood tribe but magnificent nonetheless. He was tall standing on his wolfish legs, His tail hung limply beneath the traditional mesh grass skirt. It fluttered slightly in the breeze and his fur glimmered slightly in the light. The grass skirt hung low on his hips where the muscles ran along his hip bones and drew the eye suggestively downwards. His chest was still that of a man's with white fur running over his shoulders and between his pectoral muscles like a hanging cloak. His face had wolf-like features, his nose extended slightly into a short muzzle speckled with freckles. His velvety ers protruded from the side of his head extending through his long black hair. They hung downwards at the moment along with the corners of his mouth. His whole demeanor seemed to be frowning with dread. His arm was raised holding the ceremonial spear, but he was uncharacteristically leaning into it, a slight slumping in his broad shoulders. His bicep flexed intensely as he gripped its shaft. I noticed his claws digging into the palm of his clawed hand. His sharp yellow eyes staring soberly into the distance down the road.
       "No one can hear us Rathon". I said teasing. Knowing full well that his pride would not permit him to speak so freely.
        He turned his gaze downward to my face. His eyes glared.
        "I will be glad to no longer endure your torments". He hissed.
         "That was hurtful" I said sullen.
           It really was. I felt a terrible sinking beneath his stare. I could feel the loss of him already. We had a strange relationship. In the beginning, we were nothing more than two noble children growing up within the court, not really having a reason to interact. His Father was the duke, reigning over all the forest and mine was a noble of the highest house and one of his advisors. We both held, in our own way, some of the highest seats in our tribe by virtue of our birth.
         My Father and Mother were envoys to Sandor, sent to deliver our conditions for a cease fire. They were killed on the road by bandits. Or so that was all that could be deduced. After they died, Rathon's family adopted me. Then when Rathon's own Father died of injuries he suffered from battle, he inherited his title. Enraged by his Father's death and his people's servitude to Sandor he shook the forest loose of our enemies by savage tactics which his father had refused to use and finally won us the liberty to call ourselves a kingdom. Rathon was made King and I became his ward. In a moment I was suddenly filled with resentment and rage.
       "I am feeding our people with my body. Do you think of that." I said cooly.
       A cruel thing to say to my closest friend, the man who kept me when I had noone. He never hurt me, never took me. A longing crept over me again as I met his eyes. I was horrified to see they were filling with tears.
        "No Rathon, I am sorry. I didn't... Please don't, I don' t know what's come over me lately". I cried out, no longer carrying if the other nobles heard me.
      I reached for him but he snatched my wrist with his free hand and held it at bay. Tears were threatening to spill over like soldiers falling from a wall.
     "Oh no please" I thought. I did not think I could bear to be the cause of this mighty warrior falling from such a height. He called out loudly, so all the others could hear.
      "The Lady Andley requires discipline. She is forgetting her place and must be reminded before she goes to live among our neighbors, lest she shames us."
        I was horrified. Never, he's never struck me. I could hear murmuring and gasps from within the treeline.
       "Rathon!" I sputtered. Trying to wrench my worst free from his grasp.
      "Leave us wholly. All of you I will not beat her before your eyes." He called out.
       I saw his yellow eyes gleam with rage, and something more. His therio shifted outward, overbearing me, his voice was a thunder of rage. I heard rustling and shouts as the party behind us began hastily to withdraw. Although He held my wrist immobile for the duration, his grasp was almost gentle. His claws barely pressing into my forearm. His touch was so light, yet so strong, I could not move my arm even an inch.
       "Parkab" He called out. "Make sure they are all away"
       Parkab  emerged, slinking from the darkness, holding his therio also a wolf. He yipped an acknowledgement and disappeared into the shadows. Faithful Parkab, never asked why, never told a secret. He was Rathon's most trusted commander and friend. I knew he would never disobey to save me from Rathon's coming wrath, nor tell anyone what he did to me.
         I tried to crouch down in a bow giving Rathon my neck to submit. I was terrorized not only with fear for the injuries of my body but with deep soul tearing regret.
        Rathon stared down at me as I attempted to bow. He dropped the ceremonial spear to the hard packed dirt. And with his now free hand reached beneath my chin. He grabbed my throat cradling my jaw in the pad of his hand and held it up, forcing me to look upon him. His stare shattered my heart and my breath caught. His therio was receding and his golden eyes became their pale ocean blue green as he returned to his human body. The tears were spilling down his rough cheeks.
        "Don't." He whispered hoarsely. "Just stop".
          He dropped my wrist and put his forearm behind my waist, pulling me close to him. His grip on my chin softened as he caressed my throat and then my cheek. My heart fluttered madly, I felt Leadanah politely turn away and disconnect her mind from my own. Rathon's brow furrowed as he leaned into me, the intensity of his eyes holding my own. His lips parted and met mine. We held each other there. I wished we could become stone and never have to leave or move or see anyone in the world ever again. It was my single greatest longing since I was a little girl. This moment, the happiest and most terrible. I felt my heart tearing itself apart at the same time all the wounds of my longing knitted together and healed. "Gods why now? When it is too late for us".  I thought in agony.
I felt the wooden beads pressing into my flesh as he pressed my body into his. I was astonished as the skin of my breast pressed into his bare chest. Never before had we made physical contact with our skin touching, we had never even touched hands. I realized suddenly that Rathon had never touched me. I was shocked, he had always felt so close to me I never noticed the lack of physical contact. I sobbed and pulled away, over whelmed.
      "Rathon, I want this, but I can't". I said.
       Rathon said, "I can't either".
       He drew my face back to his with a firm gentleness. He kissed me again and began running his hands through my long colorful hair.
         "Never the same". He muttered. Every time I look upon you you are never the same. Your hair, your eyes, the way you walk, your smile. You're new every time I see you. I can never look at you twice".
       My hands, which had been cradling his back clenched at his words, digging my fingertips into the space between his shoulder blades. His voice alone made me want to moan with pleasure. No words had ever affected me like that before.
      "I was always waiting, why do you come to me now? I have to go". I whispered.
      "Please Andley, I must tell you my heart. Will you hear me?" He asked.
        I nodded. Still holding him, caressing the muscles along his back. Up and down savoring his warmth, his strength. Imprinting the texture of his skin into my mind.
        He paused and looked unsure, shy even, for the first time in his life. "I mean it. I have never seen you twice, you are always a marvel, new to me. When we were children I would see you and not recognise you at first. It was like, seeing a glimmer of light. It always there but it never shines the same way. I never took a mate, even when my advisors told me to start my harim. I just never wanted one. I don't want one".
       My thoughts ceased racing as it occurred to me what he might be saying. "He can't mean that. He's not a fairy tale".
      "I don't understand Rathon, you have had many women. What do you mean?" I asked
       "I could have you, or I could have had you, and been satisfied. Fulfilled. I know it". He stated it as though it was the only truth he ever had to tell.
      I felt the hot tears fall from my eyes and mingle with his where they had landed on my chest.
      "I never knew, If I had known, Rathon, I would never have". I stammered. "I'd have done things differently".
       I thought of Leadanah and was grateful she was gone for the moment, for the thought I had she would not have liked. 
"You have a double meaning in that". He said.
       He suddenly held me away and looked so deeply into me that I felt as though I was caught naked in the light. All I could do was stare back "How could he know" I wondered. "He can't possibly".
     "You have not integrated your therio. We know, Marlette and I."  He said.
      My mouth dropped open when he said it. The breath within me hung like air in a jar.
      "No". I whispered, disbelieving.  "How can you..."
      "We're your friends Andley. We have grown up together. Marlette practically raised us both". You can't hide yourself so completely". He smiled a little, a small chuckle escaped him.
       Before I could speak he pulled me back into himself and this time his tenderness subsided only a little with earnest. I held him closer too while we kissed. He pressed his whole body against mine and I felt him, through the thin silk of my gown. I had chosen it for it's colour, it reminded me of the forest and I think Rathon favors green. I had been dismayed over it's scant design and thin materials. Now I was grateful for its thin, sheer, silkiness. Grateful now for its open plunging front, for the feeling of his skin on my skin. For his heat mixing with mine. My breath became short and as my excitement threatened to overcome me. He began making small steady thrusting movements with his hips into me. I put my hand on his hip and felt the muscles flexing there with each small movement. Both of us wanting more. He placed a large calloused hand between my breasts and found the wooden beads there, blocking his way. I felt his hatred for the symbol that it was as he closed his fist around the wire and tore it away. The beads flew from me and scattered to the ground.
       "Never wear those for him." He said heatedly. An order I was finally pleased to obey.
        He plunged his hand into the bodice of my dress and held my breast for a moment feeling my hard nipple beneath his large palm before stopping and looking up as though seeking something. He lifted my leg and placed it around his waist, then moving my other leg to the other side doing the same, he lifted me up and began walking towards the tree line.
       When he found a spot with deep shadows he bent down and placed me on the soft moss filled ground.We had somehow found a rare niche in the forest, where darkness and moisture met perfectly to create a cave like effect in the decaying dead fall around us. The light glowed around us causing a melancholy halo effect around his gleaming body.
         He stood briefly, taking a final look around to see that we were alone. I gazed up at him from my knees. His body was gleaming in the dimness and I realized we were surrounded by glowing dead wood. Of all the world's little miracles, bioluminesce has always been my favorite. I could see it a thousand times and still feel like I've never seen it before. I felt a warmth rise up in me as the thoughts ran through me. Never see it twice. The connection tore through me with devastating realization.
        I reached up from my knees to his waist and grasped the grass mesh skirt and thought to tear it from his body. I paused though. Still remembering the stark reality, he would have to redress later. I pulled the ties holding it up instead and the skirt fell to the ground. I looked up at him again and saw him staring down. I think our faces were a mirror of mutual surprise as a startling decision was made by us both in that moment. His face softened into a look of nervous but pleased surprise. I watched as he raised one strong arm to his head, his biceps bunched and flexed into the succession of motion running his fingers through his hair. I watched his chest rise and fall in rapid shallow breaths, he seemed to want to lean back and reached behind himself with his other hand as though seeking purchase. There happened to be a large boulder, his finger tips met it and he seemed to calm a little, as though finding grounding.
       "Odd", I thought "He's so powerful". 
           It wasn't something often practiced even with familiar mates. Never offered for the want of doing it. It is an act of control and power typically demanded from the most forceful men onto the most submissive of his mates, or a defeated enemy. It is so, because well, our mouths have very sharp teeth.
       For the first time a long time, I felt nervous with him. His phallus was already erect and it surprised me for a moment. I sucked in a little breath of air and gazed at it for a moment. I had always imagined myself and him together but I could never bring myself to be so vulgar as to fantasize so directly about his manhood. I had not prepared myself for the actual sight of him. It stood to his bellybutton, curving gently inwards, nearly touching it. The large vein running along its underside bulged slightly, wanting to be caressed. I followed it's inviting line to the head and saw the subtle change in his skin colour there where the swelling and pulsing of the blood had gathered into a slight rosiness.
       The head was already glistening in wet anticipation. I reached out, my fingers gently curved and grazed the base  and slid them to the top. It stirred under my touch. I moved my forefinger to the head of his penis and slid it around with the clear wetness there, causing him to shiver slightly.
     "Mmm" he hummed quietly.
      My eyes fluttered upwards to his face. He was looking down at me with soft grinning interest. I used my finger to press the throbbing head against his lower abdomen and firmly ran it up and down the outside edge of it from the top, just beneath the shaft. It throbbed again releasing more sweet wetness. I'd never experienced precum this early before, just the idea of my mouth had gotten him this excited. I imagined how it might feel on my tounge and my mouth salivated a little. Acting on the urge, I leaned forward sticking out the tip of my tounge with the intent of licking it teasingly. I started at the base and slid it slowly up his shaft, giving it a final slow flick at the top. He groaned again.
     "Yes" he said excited.
       I repeated the motion a few more times and eventually I had my whole tongue licking and gliding up and down while he pressed his hips forward wanting more. He reached out and dug his fingers into my hair, gabbing it firmly without pulling.
      "Good girl" he said huskily.
        I felt a surge of warmth run through my goin at that and knew I was getting wet. I parted my lips and pressed them over the head of his cock, I slid down to the bottom edge of it massaging with my tongue. I wanted him hungry still. I wondered if he knew how much I was enjoying keeping him in anticipation. I closed my lips around his girth and began sucking and massaging it from the base of his cock to its swelling tip. I moved my head up and down slowly but earnestly. His grasp in my hair tightened and he began making small thrusting movements into me. I pressed both my hands on his hip bones and held them back. As though taking a cue, he leaned back and sought the wall of the rock behind him so he could lean on it.
         I began moving faster and at the bottom of each stroke, I pressed his head harder to the back of my throat, Pushing so it went a little farther each time. I wondered how it would feel with the tightness of my throat encompassing his cock, squeezing it while he thrusted. I imagined what it might be like to feel him throbbing there as he came. I felt more wetness pulsate from me at the idea. I had never imagined liking it this much or wanting to do so many things to him with my mouth.
       Little goans escaped him gently with every quick movement of my mouth sliding along him and I could feel little warm spurts of his precum hitting the back of my throat. I made my way back to the head of his cock slowly easing off the intensity of my motions. When I could feel its pulsing beat behind my lips, I pressed it gently between the roof of my mouth and my tongue making a short steady rocking motion, only ever allowing it to enter part way. His moans intensified and he grabbed his cock at the base squeezing it and rubbing it in a short upwards motion as though willing it forward so I would take more of him in. I reached out and replaced his hand with my own. It was slick with my saliva and I savored the feeling of his warm skin moving over that marble like hardness. I began rubbing it lightly, still wanting him to wait for more.
I released him from my mouth so I could watch my hands glide along his length. When I realized my small hands couldn't wrap around his girth I began rubbing it with both. I looked up at him and saw he was watching my hands with a vague look of smirking satisfaction. Thr aching between my legs grew and my nipples pressed harder against my dress, as though my body were calling and reaching for his cock to be inside. He let his head fall back as his passionate sighs became low, sultry grunts. His hips were thrusting rhythmically.
As wonderful of a sight it was, I knew if I didn't slow down it would be over before I had everything I wanted from him. I slowed the rhythm of my hands and kissed the head of his cock, lightly caressing it with my lips. He put a hand in my hair again pulling my head back softly.
     "Are you getting close" I asked in a whisper.
      "Fuck, to close" he said.
       I leaned back resting on my calves, still massaging him lightly. I looked up at him questioning, but before I could say anything more he leaned forward and pushing himself over top of me, forced me on my back.
        He placed his hand around the back of my head cushioning it as I went down. His kiss was intense as he pressed himself against my body. I felt his tongue slip between my lips and begin caresse my own. I played back, feeling him too. Soon his powerful hand was slipping gently into my bodice. I felt the hard callouses on his palms as he cupped the swelling of my breast. My whole body flushed with the pleasure of his warm hands and I absent mindedly began stroking the muscles between his shoulder blades. I could feel his manhood pressing against me through the thin silk dress. He removed his hand from my breast to slide the sleeve off my shoulder, exposing me to the crisp air. He leaned forward again and kissed me. This time I could feel his teeth grazing my lips and his nails digging slightly into my skin. As though his desire was  to ravage me as gently as possible. He pressed his mouth onto my neck and bit down, careful not to leave a mark mixing the slightest pain with my pleasure. 
        How would it be if when the Prince laid himself on me at the ceremony and he saw the marks of someone else covering my body? I suddenly wished that Rathon's gentleness would cease and he really would bite me and tear into my smooth flesh, to make me his before he gave me away.
      His kisses were working hungrily down my neck. He ran the tip of his tongue from the bottom swell of one breast to the tip of my nipple. My body responded with the same wanting shudder as though he'd touched me below. Soon his lips were working upon it and I felt his teeth graze me there too.
     I moaned "bite me Rathon."
     "shhhh" he responded "why do you torment me with things I cannot do?"
      He pressed me again with his light caressing lips and bit down on me a little harder, sucking the tender skin before releasing it. The control he displayed over his own desire sent me further into my lust, causing me to squirm and raise myself into him, wanting more.
He slid the dress off of my other arm, the light silk slid smoothly across my body like cool water. Exposed and unguarded now, he went to work teasing, biting, caressing and licking all over my breasts moving methodically down my stomach to where the plunging neckline ended, below my belly button. He reached up with one hand, running it along the curvature of my waist line, feeling the length between my hip and ribs, Stopping, at the height of my ribcage. He squeezed, digging his nail into my skin tearing at it in a slow drag. At the same time he glanced up at me from down there and pulled the sash from around my waist, loosening it from the only place it was still fastened to me, blocking his way. I lifted my hips as he worked the dress down.   
Once I was free of the gown, he sat upright, towering over me, looking down upon my now fully naked body. I gazed back up at him through blue light, watching his chest rise and fall with every quick shallow breath. His muscular thighs were straddled over mine and I felt their pressure holding me still. My eyes wandered down his muscular body to his hard cock. A cold breeze passed between us and goosebumps rose up all over my flesh. I wanted his warmth on me, to feel his naked skin on mine. Rathon leaned forward again and simultaneously moved one of his knees between mine, gently, almost politely spreading them apart. Next he placed his other knee inside and it was now my shaking legs which held him. He kissed my inner thigh as he slid downward. I drew in rapid breaths, not believing what he was about to do. I felt his lips graze the soft flesh just above my clit. He kissed around it gently. The sound that escaped me was a kind of excited whimper and I tried to keep it in.
      "Andley" he whispered. His voice had a hint of delight.
       He pressed my hips down, holding me still as his kiss finally pressed down on the aching pulsing spot, like a cooling relief. He began sucking gently, pulling slightly upwards at each release. He did this smoothly and slowly as my hips tried to thrust upwards in time, all the while he firmly held me in place. He began to slide his tongue beneath my clit, moving across the swelling flesh there, he grazed lightly along up and down alternating his kissing lips with his sliding tongue. All the while, he whispered my name every so often in a voice so low and deep I could hardly hear it.
    "Rathon" I nearly sobbed.
      My moans were becoming light musical notes, pulsating out of me at each stroke, like I'd become his instrument.
         His tongue found its way inside me just at the entrance and pushed lightly in and out. I reached down squeezing his shoulders and my hands began running through his hair, stroking him mindlessly. I could feel the pressure mounting in me as my pleasure grew with every slow steady flick of his tongue.
      He worked methodically, rhythmically. His hand slid past my thigh and with his fingers he reached up into me pressing steadily. I covered my mouth to muffle the cries of pleasure. Finally there was a rush pulsing from my clit and radiating throughout my body like a wave. I felt the walls of my vagina constrict around his fingers in a rapid pulses. He pushed his fingers deeper into me, never letting up as I plummeted into an orgasm.
        He sat upright again, watching me writhe within myself as he circled the outer edge of my clit lightly with his thumb, drawing out all of the pleasure. Still watching me intently, a small grin appeared in his sharp features, he pressed his hand around my throat, squeezing gently. I raised my hands up and ran them along his flexing forearm. He thrust his whole body onto me, I felt him replace his fingers with his cock inside me. All at once, feeling his naked body against mine, my orgasm began again. I felt tears welling in my eyes as though the ecstasy of him inside me created so much pressure that it had to escape.
         He grunted a low growl as though his therio would take over. His thrusting became more intense and urgent as he rocked in and out of me. Each time he did this a new wave crashed through me forcing more cries of pleasure to escape my throat. I had never felt this sensitive inside before. No one has ever made me cum first, then pleasured themself upon my orgasim.
      "Fuck, Andley." he rasped.
      "Don't stop, please, please" I begged.
       He began to move more slowly as though savoring the sliding movements inside me.
    "Are you going to cum" I asked
     "Mhm" his voice was guttural.
     "I want to feel you" I told him.
      He pressed forward and up as though trying to lift my body with the strength of his cock. I placed my hand on his pelvic bone running it lightly up and down feeling all of the involuntary flexing of his muscles as he began to cum.
        I gasped as his cock throbbed inside me, felt him surge and fill me. The sensation caused another rush through me and I felt myself tightening around him. Our breathing matched the pulsating of his orgasm in short rasps. It went on seemingly endless, before it slowed and ebbed to a stop.
          When it was finally over he relaxed his body and presented me with some more kisses while making light slow thrusts inside me still. I wrapped my hands around his back massaging him again and he ran his hands in my hair and along my cheek bones, cupping my chin, kissing me tenderly.
        When we finished basking in the afterglow of what we'd done he handed me my dress shyly. I took it and quietly stood up. Shaking slightly, I strolled to the small stream running lazily a few meters in front of us. The clear water was very cold compared to the heat coming off my body. I washed everything away sitting on my knees and humming with satisfaction. I could feel Rathon's eyes on me, like the hot sun warming my back. I washed my breasts, arms and neck, hoping to rinse away the smell of sex. I found that it also excited me to have done this thing now when it was more forbidden than ever, rather than earlier when it wouldn't have caused much more than some scandalous gossip. I imagined us carrying out this affair in the coming years. Rathon coming to the palace as and ally of the King, all the while fucking me in dark corridors and smirking at eachother knowingly when the Prince could not see. I felt a smirk curving mischievously on my lips now.
      An earnest voice came suddenly from the depth of the tree line.
      "My lord Rathon, the Prince's party is arriving".
        I crouched down into the water startled trying to hide myself. Reality forced itself on me as I remembered the danger of being caught even now. I covered myself looking back to where I thought the voice came from.
      "There is no need to fear, my lady, I did not look upon you." The voice of Parkab was soft and kind.      
       "There is little time my Lord, but you are not in danger".
I lingered in the stream for a moment giving Parkab time to leave. I shook out my gown and watched grass fly from its folds. I stepped into it through the top pulling it upwards over my round hips. Rathon handed me the silk sash  as I pulled the rest of my clothing together and adjusted my hair. We walked silently back to the clearing.  As we stepped into the sunny Clearing, back to the stone pathway, Rathon merged himself to his half form once again adopting both the features of a man and a therio.
      "Will you visit me?" I asked quietly
       "I must wait for the King to call me to counsel first, but yes I will visit you". He said looking down at me kindly.
"Maybe, it will be, fun". I said pausing tauntingly.
He grinned.
      "Maybe it will be". He agreed.
We both turned our heads abruptly, Rathon's ear turning simultaneously towards the sound of Prince Maston's delegation approaching. It was rowdy with the sound of revelry and music and the high persistent squeaking of wheels on the stone. Rathon turned back to me with a withering look of worry and sadness.
       "I will be okay, Rathon" I said assuringly.
He pulled me into himself and held me tight.
     "I am sending you away with my heart". He said pulling away. "I pray you never forgive me for selling you to our enemies.
        "I have a duty for our people too, Rathon. If my freedom is the cost for their lives, it is the Prince and his Father who are slavers. Not you."
Parkab re-emerged from the tree line, followed closely by three other wolves. It was very rare to witness full transformation even by the inner pack who often took on their full therios for missions. Except for his size, one would never perceive that they were any different from true wolves. striding towards us, intent on Rathon, in one swift motion Parkab rose up on his hind quarters and swiftly shifted from his therio. I stared fixedly in the opposite direction down the road.
        "The pack is in place and can watch the delegation to the city gates. Our scout in the City returned a few hours ago with a comprehensive lay out of the interior castle walls". Said Parkab.
     "Was he able to get inside the castle?" Rathon asked. His tone was not hopeful.
      "No, but she believes he discovered all ways in and out. These are all heavily guarded twenty four hours, there were no exceptions. The scout also found that the King places troops to act as a screen outside the walls, for early warning when anyone is approaching. They send a call indicating an approach, there seem to be several types of calls acting as a code for who is approaching and if they should be allowed into the interior.
       "Have we all the codes?" Rathon inquired patiently.
      "No, the scout thinks she has deciphered about a third. They have developed nearly a language, with apparently decoy sounds intermixed. It will take time for him to learn all and then to teach it all.  He began that today Sire".
       Parkab's lips still twitched fighting a grin whenever calling Rathon by any rank. 
     "Rathon why are you spying on Sandor?" I asked.
"Because they will have you". He said matter of factly.
     "I don't understand."
     "I want to be able to take you back if they betray us or if they hurt you".
"Rathon, I have wings. I can leave whenever I want" I said, giggling. 
His expression darkened as he scowled.
        "Now there you are being ridiculous again. Andley I don't know how to make you understand these people but I am sure you will soon enough. The moment I am able to get someone in the castle you will know. Likely I will send Parkab, but he will change out with others that you will also recognise. They will bring you information from time to time if I think you need it but otherwise they are there to report to me on your living conditions. That is, if we can get into the castle."
      "To take me back Rathon? You'd start a second war while you are fighting one already? Now who is being ridiculous?" I said, resolving to never report anything that would cause Rathon to steal me back.
His eyes narrowed and he opened his mouth to retaliate, but I cut him off.
       "You are our King. You will not start a war over one woman. You will also not undermine my own sacrifice to our people by plunging them into war to save me from it. I am not helpless either, Rathon. You have not seen my therio as a grown woman but I assure you I do possess claws and teeth".
      "Not to mention a strong lust for blood and violence." Ledanah laughed in the back of my mind.
At that moment the first cart turned the bend into the clearing. Rathon looked forward sternly, his grasp on the his spear tightened. The only manifestation of his rage. I watched the muscles straining in his forearm, admiring his fur glimmering in the sunlight.
      "Andley." He started
        "You're, uh, you're standing too close". He finished in a defeated sort of whisper.
       "Oh" My voice seemed small as I moved away.
The first carts passed us as the middle of the delegation approached and finally a large magnificent cart being pulled by dozens of horse type therios, stopped in front of us. It was wildly decorated with riches and carvings. I thought it was a pretty gross display of decadents, as I was aware of the poverty that average citizens in Sandor faced. I had heard that people often choose between paying their rent and buying bread. I made another vow that if I ever gained influence as the highmate, I'd put an end to that.

Possessing Andley       Part 1Where stories live. Discover now