Your Child Grows Up (Part 3 Ashton) - Preference 96♠

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Your Child Grows Up (Part 3 Ashton)

(Super sorry for taking a while :( ily guys! And I can't believe there's a million of you reading! Btw have you heard the new single? She's kinda hot I love it they sound super punk rock!)


(Hey guys! Here's another preference! I hope you enjoy! Were ALMOST AT 1 MILLION READS wow that shocks me that ONE MILLION 5 SOS family members are reading. And I will be having another questionare thing so PLEASE ASK QUESTIONS IN THE COMMENTS! :) ILY GUYS SO MUCH! So here's another preference hope you enjoy it! Read my other books, follow, vote, comment and recommend! ily all!)


There will be 4 parts to Your child grows up

Part 1 is Luke ✓

Part 2 is Calum ✓

Part 3 is Ashton ✓

Part 4 is Michael


Your POV

Although you had one kid, it was his birthday where he was turning Sixteen. Fletcher was dating Calum's oldest Alexa. You and Ashton had talked to Fletcher who was obviously dropping hints about what and where he wanted for his birthday.

"Fletcher?" You say as you enter his room. He groans.

"Happy Birthday My Boy!" Ashton says.

"Happy birthday honey!" I say.

"Thanks." Fletcher says and turns to face us.

"Well?" Ashton says.

"What." Fletcher says.

"You want to see your presents?" I say.

"Yeah hold on." Fletcher says and stretches, then heads to his bathroom.

You and Ashton walk out of his room and head downstairs.

"Babe he seems out of it." I say.

"What do you mean?" Ashton says.

"I mean he was excited he was dull and acted almost like he didn't care." I say sad.

"Hey, he's always gonna love his birthday especially with his amazing parents." Ashton says.

"I guess he was really tired." I say shrugging it off.

You grab three plates and set up breakfast for the three of you. Fletcher's favorite breakfast, pancakes, scrambled eggs, hash browns and sausage also a cup of orange juice. Ashton sat down and you both began ate. Fletcher comes down in a navy blue flannel around his waist with a black Pink Floyd shirt some skinny jeans and some black vans. He sits down and begins eating.

"So son you look really colorful." Ashton says attempting to make conversation.

"I guess." Fletcher says.

"Fletcher Issaic Irwin you'd better lighten up your mood and stop being rude. Were trying to postiviely celebrate your birthday. And you should be grateful your father works everyday and he's able to provide us with food, a home, clothes and presents for you every year." I say.

"I-I'm sorry." Fletcher says and begins to cry.

"What's wrong Fletch?" Ashton says going over to him.

"Alexa broke up with me." Fletcher says.

"Why?" I ask.

"She says I'm getting too antisocial and busy playing drums and playing video games with the other band mates boys, and barely taking her on dates." Fletcher says.

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