Trips To The Pet Store Part 1 (Luke) -Preference 63♠

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Trips To The Pet Store Part 1 (Luke)


There will be 4 parts to Trips To The Pet Store

Part 1 is Luke ✓

Part 2 is Calum

Part 3 is Ashton

Part 4 is Michael


(A/N: Hey Guys! Here's another preference and I hope you'll like this! Please remember leave some questions in the comments below!  Also please check out my other books please? I love you guys!)



You and Luke were randomly walking hand in hand through the streets of London, and pass by a little shop. You dragged Luke and saw in the window puppies running towards the glass licking it and barking. You were joyed with awe and turned to Luke.

"What Y/N?" Luke chuckles.

"Can we look around?" You ask, with a pout. Luke smiles.

"Sure babe." Luke says and kisses your forehead. You both enter the pet shop hand in hand looking at the various animals around you. First you went to the puppies from the window. You picked up a little golden retriever, the pup licked your cheek, and barked in joy when Luke played with him. You saw the gender from the slot that you picked him up from. You put the golden retriever back and played with some other puppies.

After playing with the puppies you saw some kittens. Luke picked up a baby tabby cat. She purred and snuggled into Luke's chest, meowing when you pet her. The tabby was very small, fragile, and cute. Luke set her back as you ventured to see the other animals.

You both watched fish swim around, taking in their colors, and all the different shapes and sizes. Luke tapped the tank and watched how all the fish flinched and sawm away from where he tapped. You dragged him along as you continued to look around. An employee comes by and Luke tells you he wants to ask a question.

"Hello, I have a question." Luke says. The emplyoyee looks.

"Yes?" the guy asks.

"Do you happen to sell penguins?" Luke says. The employee looks at Luke.

"No, sir you can ask a zoo that." the guy says and walks away dumb-founded.

"Darn no peguins!" Luke whines and you laugh. You both stop at the repitles, hamsters, and bunnies. You both look in awe at each tank.

"Babe I want a bunny." You say. Luke looks at you.

"But I want a peguin!" Luke argues.

"No, we can't adopt a peguin! Now let's get a bunny, it's more fuzzy and cute." You say.

"Fine, which one?" Luke gives in. You look around and choose the same colored fur as the golden retriever. Luke calls the same employee over and you both tell him that you want to buy her, and the employee brings the bunny inside a box.

"How much?" Luke asks.

"$40.00 plus the food is an extra $20.00, so in total $60.05." The employee says. Luke hands him his credit card and he swipes.

"Alright sir sign here and you can take your recipt. Thank you for buying with Kenny's Pet Store and have a lovely day." The employee says.

"Thanks man." Luke says and grabs the recipt. You carry the box with the bunny in it, and you also had the bunny food, and etc. in a bag. And Luke carries the bunny cage. Luke hauled a cab so that you wouldn't take a bus carrying all this crazy stuff. Once you got back to your apartment, you set up the bunny cage with bedding, and a house, and some toys. Then Luke grabbed a little dish and you pour the bunny food in and close the cage. You and Luke admirered your little cute bunny as it ran around finding little treats, and toys in the cage. Then Luke toke it out so you can take a picture so he can announce to his fans that he got a bunny and tweeted out what to name her.


Hey guys there was a Preference I hoped you liked it. Please vote, fan,follow me if you haven't and comment what other Preferences you want okay? Also check out my books their One Direction (; I love you all!

I love you all!



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