What Your Parents Think Of Him - Preference 34 ♣

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What Your Parents Think Of Him



Caring, Sweet, & Handsome

Your parents may be scrict but at times, they know how to let loose. Once they met Luke, their fun side came out. They all had fun talking, and meeting. You knew this would be a keeper. None of your past boyfriends had pleased your parents expectations, but so far Luke has met them, and they loved that you and Luke were together. 



Charming, Humerous, & Musical

Your mom was pretty scrict when it came to dating, but over time Calum learned to please your mom, she gained his trust in him dating you. While your dad was laid back but still protective of his daughter. Once he met Calum he knew you and him would be perfect for each other.  



Fun, Out going, & Chirpy

Your Mom was one of those supportive, laid back mom's, she'd let you do what ever you want as long as you come home alive. Your dad was the scrict type of dad, he always needed to protect his daughter. But once Ashton bounded with your father he was alright with Ashton being your boyfriend. Your mom thought you'd two would last which it did.



Different, Colorful, Loving

Your parents were both scrict they, hated how Michael influnced you. But once they got to know Michael they loved his personality, and how happy he made you. Even thought your parents made judgements before meeting him, you were happy they learned to love and accept Michael. 


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