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I'm busy looking at papers that were sent over from my brother's pack when my beta Jason rushes into the room. “Do you not know how to knock?'' I say after I put the papers down. I look up at Jason just to see him covered in blood and a worried look on his face. “WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED!”  I growled. “we…umfoundanotherroguefacilityandthoughtthatitwassmallenoughtotakeonourown.itendedupbeingthemainbranchbutwekilledmostallofthemanddidn'tloseanyonebutwefoundthatthereisapackworkingwiththem.” Jason mumbled. “Jason, slow down and tell me right out.” “We found another rogue facility and thought that it was small enough to take on our own. It ended up being the main branch, but we killed most all of them and didn't lose anyone, but we found that there is a pack working with them.” He said. “Fine, I'll deal with it, but you should go clean up before I lose control. After you are done, I'll call a pack meeting, and I'll call in my brothers. Go, I'm losing control.” I said, he hurried out of the door. I turned around and opened my blood fridge and grabbed a bag of blood and drank it dry. As soon as I was done with that, I called my brothers. “Hello?” Jake said over the phone. “Ni trovis alian friponan instalaĵon.” I said in Esperanto. “Mi estas survoje.” “Ni renkontiĝu en la kunvenejo” “ok see you then” then he hung up I then call Jackson. After the third time, his beta Eugen picked up. “Hello.” “Pon a mi estúpido hermano al teléfono.” I growled, “¿quién es este?” “¿Quién diablos crees que es? ¿Caspe? Soy yo, idiota.”  “Fine, here he is.” “Saluton?” “ni trovis alian friponan instalaĵon.” I said, “Mi estas survoje.” “ni renkontiĝu en la kunvenejo.” “Ok, see you then.” he said and hung up. Just then, Jason came in. “You are so lucky I don't kill you. Now let's find out what pack is working with them.” with that we got to work… we searched around for about an hour when Jason jumped up, surprising me, and yelled “RED MOON. That is the pack. The Red Moon Pack. They have a history of working with rogues. If they are working with the rogues, they have a tendency to disappear off of the map till they are done with business.” “And bingo was his name’o.” I said darkly. After our pack meeting, I picked out two of my best warriors to go with me, my brothers, The Warlock twins of Blade and Soul, and The Witch of a Thousand Faces. “After years of hiding, you finally call upon us. So what do you want?” Blade asked. “Brother, be nice, we don't want the mutts to kill us.” Soul said. “Ugh, why do they have to come with us?” Faira asked. “Because they are the best assassins there are.” Jackson said. “ And because they have a tendency to knock down everyone's ego, they're superb. Wait, you guys have only been in hiding for 2 months. “I said. “Can you guys stop.” a familiar voice said. I turned around and saw my father's face. I grabbed Faira by the throat and pinned her against the wall behind her. “ Never, I never mean, use our parent's voice, face, or body. Our time with them was hell, if I didn't know it was you, I would have killed you or cower in fear that he was going to try to rape me again. Now change your appearance and stay here. I have to go find my brothers since you scared them.” my wolf and I growled. I let her go and followed their energy to my office in our secret room. Furthermore, I opened it up and walked in. The lights were off, so I turned them on and saw two wolf pups cowering in my dog bed. (they have the ability to shift into any wolf form, since they have multiple powers.) I shifted into my wolf and closed the door and went over and lay with them. Once I lay down, they curl up against my belly. Soon they went to their own beds and fell asleep… I was awakened by a tongue licking my face and a nose rubbing my neck. I opened my eyes and saw my brother's wolves back to normal. I got up and shifted, and then walked out the door with my brother's wolves on either side of me.

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