A baby who need's mother love and care unites two souls forever....let's step into the story. If you are a fluffy family drama lover yes you are in a right place. Welcome my dear taekookers..read the intro before story
Kook enter Tae's cabin with file but Tae is nowhere to find, but someone got his attention. A little little babblings from nearby crib. Kook went near the crib and for his surprise it was the same bubba whom he saved 2 weeks ago, he has no idea how he came here no one is here and even his granny also not there, he can't resist that tiny figure so he took him in his hand. That doe eyes blinked cutely..awww😘 (Zara: I want to nom nom)
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JK: bubba how come you are here? "Little bean smile cutely with his doe eyes" aww..choo cute wait why your smile remaind me someone I have seen this boxy smile ......what!!!.... Are you son of mr. Kim? which means he married already and had a kid?
"kook got upset and that feel is unfamiliar to him. He can't describe his emotion right now.
Jk: Come on kook, he is your boss and just good friend of you that's it why you'r feeling strange....
"he got zoned out, but a sudden movement in his arms made him come to reality that Baby starts to rub his face on kook's chest, and sleepy too but kook understands baby is hungry. He search for milk in baby basket that time one girl enter Tae's cabin with feeding bottle. Girl: who are you sir? Jk: Hi, I am a employee in a new department, who are you miss?
Girl: oh , actually I am Janitor Lily who appointed to take care of young master kim,I went to get milk for him, give him to me he is hungry.
"while took baby from kook, the bottle slipped from her hand and all the milk spilt on the floor. She got panic"
Girl: Oh! God he is already hungry from long time. What to do now, Sir can you please take care of him for some time I will get another bottle for him.
"She went hurriedly and locked the door outside without her knowledge"
JK: okay miss, no problem please come soon. "baby started to wail, kook try to calm him, but no use baby is crying continuously and rubbing his face into kook's chest continuously.
Jk: sshh ..bubba don't cry dear, just some time you will get your feed.
"But seeing that little bean's wobbly lips he can't help it he is already a mother ( He is a boy but have fembody for storyline so I prefer to call him mother)he knows that baby can't be hungry more time. Baby's becoming so red due to crying, baby get suffocating here so he thought to get fresh air as well as checking of his janitor.
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Jk: why she is taking too much time. Let me check and get some fresh air for bubba. " He twisted the door knob but it was locked from outside. Baby's condition getting worse by time passing.
JK: Oh! No! Who she accidentally locked it. God why you are so cruel to this little bean. Please do something I can't see him like this " kook eyes teared up now, he can't control baby's crying and baby's noise getting subsided he became panic baby rubs his face in his chest by seeing the cute little teary doe eyes kook don't want to delay any second so...." Jk: now I have only one solution.
"Kook sat on the sofa and unbutton his shirt and guide baby towards his buds, baby hurriedly latched. Getting his feed while seeing kook with doe eyes . The moment is so Euphoric to kook. He never expect he will get cherish his motherhood again. Slowly baby's breathe got normal and only suckling sound is echoed in that room alone. Now kook is on cloud nine after a long time he blessed to have this experience again. He can't express this overwhelming emotion. It's pure bliss to being a mother. He felt some burden reduced from his heart. He wiped his bubba's tear stained cheeks and kissed the tiny little hands. Joys of motherhood"
~ some minutes later "Door knob twisted, but unexpectedly Tae entered into his cabin Tae: My bear! My little tiggie! What ar.. " he halted in his step and smile repalced with shock after witness that scene of kook is breastfeeding his cub. Kook got shocked and adjusted his top and instantly stood on his feet with the baby"
JK: S..Sirr, I..I, uh, b..baby started crying, ppleasee f..forgive me "he has no words to describe what happened. That time Lily entered with milk and apologized for being late for baby's feed and explained the previous happenings. Tae: Lily u wait outside. "he Turned his gaze to kook as if he asking for explanation and kook explained remaining and felt fish out of water"
Jk: sorr- " cut off by tae" Tae: Jungkook! Thank you so much you know what my bear never had mom's feed even it is essential for him, but we can't appoint one wet nurse for him, he haven't comfortable with anyone. But now my bear got his first feed. Words can't describe my Gratitude. "He expressed his sincere thanks while having happy tears"
JK : No mr.Kim here I am the luckiest to have this life time experience once again "he expressed his emotion in weak voice" Tae : *Now reality hits him which means Is Jeon already married?* Jungkook you have baby? " But the sudden question became the moment awkward
Tae : * sh!t you idiot Kim what did you just ask? Are you out your mind, it is his personal* s.sor.sorry mr.Jeon ..I.I- JK: unlucky mother who lost his baby immediately after an hour of birth. Tae: I am really sorry Jungkook for your loss. JK: It's okay sir. That's my fate. "He laid baby in nearby crib and excused himself went out.
~It's already night both taekook in their respective dwelling place thinking about today's incident . Both of them felt some starnge pain in their heart but don't know the reason beacuse they has some feelings for each other unknowingly they didn't expect this sides of their life. But they have no idea of what was actually happened in their life..let's wait and watch what destiny planned for them.
~ 3.am kook was asleep but suddenly woke up because of his phone, wihout seeing the caller Id, he answered the phone but his eyes shut opened by horror and sat on the bed. Jk: mr.Kim what happened? Why are crying?
Tae: " crying and stuttering" jun..jungkook P..please come to my pl..place I need you..you only help me pleaseee...
Jk: don't worry sir S..send me address I will be there "He hurriedly changed into casuals and locked his main door and turn met with Kim's driver
Dri: please come with me sir, master is waiting
(Zara_author: Afrerall he is a CEO, he can get any of his employee's details in a fraction of second😌)
To be continued......
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