Chapter 16

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~~Namjoon flat
Tae: what happened hyung? Why you reject grandma's offer
Sara : yes oppa, she will take care of jin oppa well
NJ: I know that, but...
Jin: but? What?
NJ: Already you all know he has low chance of getting pregnant but by God's grace he conceived, but he has so many complications, he need complete observation and treatment Tae, we need tests to do for positive delivery, we can't let Grandma to know, because this baby is important to make Jin as part of our family. Let's make this possible.
Tae: Don't worry Hyung nothing going to happen, we will have our prince after 9 months safe and secure.
Sara: yes we will  beside you always...let's cross this together.
Flashback ends here》》》

Sara: Finally Tae, hobi oppa and me back to Seoul, everyone was happy about this news  and after a day Aunty kiara and Tae went to Busan to stay with them everything went well, but after a month of stay Kiara aunty return to seoul because grandma had minor accident, she slipped from stairs.
My family(Jung's) again went back to states only Hobi Hyung stayed here, he and tae both visit busan often. Everything went well until seojoon's birth, after two days of his birth, they planned to visit Seoul without any prior information even Tae and Hobi was in Seoul, we don't know the reason why they want to visit seoul this soon without any discussion, beacuse Grandma and Aunty kiara planning to take them Kim villa after a week after Jin's  little recovery of childbirth. But during the travel they met with an accident both of them dead on the spot, Tae and Hobi oppa went to rescue them after heard the news but we only had Seojoon alive "she got little emotion "
Jk: Relax Noona, relax!
Sara: So, Grandma thought seojoon was inauspicious to Kim family so she told to take him away for sometime, Tae took his responsibilities and Move to his Own mansio n with aunty Kiara.

~time skip..
"Sara went to Kim villa after sometime seojoon and his feeding bottles at evening."

~~Meanwhile Kim Clothing Brand
Amy told everything about taekook to Hobi
Hobi : They already had responsibilities of a baby like real family, still pretending like teenagers, without confessing...poor souls
Amy : oh I see, confessing is that easy boss?
Hobi : of course! It's a piece of cake for me
Amy : I know right, You had numerous GFs till date *Scaredy cat still avoiding my intense gaze, speaking like romeo..aishh!*
Hobi : You don't have any idea about my charm
Amy : I know boss, just use your charm in  upcoming client meeting with Ms. Jennie
Hobi : what Jennie is coming, do we have new project with her?
(Jennie is their client's daughter who took a new position in her dad's company just for hobi, she is trying her hard to get hobi🤭)
Amy : Hahaha! Yess boss have a good time
"She went out of CEO cabin"
Hobi :Silly girl still playing hide and seek with me, I am the CEO for the reason baby, I will wait until your confession isn't it ladies first...I know my girl is a warrior.. I like this phase of hidden game of ours, isn't it cool by knowing the feelings of each other but still choose to remain silent hahaha!

~~somewhere in same country in a luxurious apartment, a Man was shouting like a maniac after releasing from jail
? : Mark any news?
Mark : No boss, but we are searching - cut off by slap
?: (shouting) I don't want your stories I want him..I want my Jungkook as soon as possible got it, get out of my sight!
  ?: Kang why are you shouting like a mad man, You just released today after I used all my influence and fortune
Kang: Dad! I want to him, because of him I suffered these months, I want him dad, he is Mine only MINE!
Mr.Kang Daebi :Kang! Don't do the same mistake again, this time I want you to surrender to russian dealer's, we are just coordinates, we can't be against them.
Kang: No dad! I want him for my life, I can't let him go away
Mr.kang: you are doing wrong next time I won't rescue you, keep that in mind
"Mr.kang  sighs and went away"
Kang:No matter what baby, I want to you,  this time you can't escape from me, I will find you just wait for sometime "laugh like maniac"

~~early morning in kook's flat, he was in deep slumber but someone entered the door password and enter into bedroom and laid next to kook and hugged him from backside.
?: morning sweetheart "husky voice"
"Jk stirred from sleep but didn't open his eyes"
Jk: let me sleep Hyung "in a sleepy voice"
Jm: you brat, how can you sleep casually when a intruder laid next to you
Jk: don't be overdramatic hyung we both only knows this flat password
Jm: Intelligence I see,fine let me sleep
"Both cuddled and slept until sunrise, first ray of sun hit bunny's face he just woke up and done his morning routine without waking up his tired Jimin hyung and went to kitchen to prepare breakfast, mobile rings"

Jk: good morning Aunty
Kiara: Kook I sent driver to collect cub's feed
Jk: okay Aunty, I will take care
Kiara: But kook, someone is missing you "holding junie in hand, he is wiggling while hearing kook's name"
Kiara: he is searching you kook, by hearing your name haha!
Jk: I too miss my puppy Aunty, but Jimin hyung arrived already, aunty can hold mobile in bubba's ear
"Mrs.kiara put it on speaker, place it near to Seojoon"
Jk: My puppy mumma miss you so much bubba, but your uncle jimin arrived here so I will visit my puppy later for sure, until be a good boy
"our tiny bun want to have that phone in his little mouth, laughing by her Grandson's antics"
Kiara: Fine kook, take rest
Jk: bye Aunty
"Call disconnected, jimin seated in livingroom but kook lost somewhere"
Jm: So you are staying because of my arrival
Jk: then what else?
Jm: oh! Then why it seems like you don't want to meet him
Jk: "acting innocent" who?
Jm: "glaring" Kim Taehyung, your handsome CEO
Jk: nothing like that Hyung
Jm: aahaan
"kook just rolled his eyes and handover the coffee mug to jimin and sat opposite to him"
Jm: I can clearly sense you are off
Jk: "slow voice" I am okay Hyung
Jm: kook "kook eyes got teary"
Jk: "sniffing" it's end before it's even have a start
Jm: kookie relax! First tell me, what's bothering you
"Kook told everything  from their visit to Kim villa including Namjin's story"
Jm: so Now you became insecure beacuse he is neither married nor a Father
Jk: "sobbing" he deserve better Hyung
Jm: Yes kookie He deserve someone great like you that's why he is trying to open this thick head of yours
Jk: what..Hyungggg "whinning cutely"
Jm : then why are pushing him like this Jungkook, he was behind you after known that you gave birth to a child? Right?
Jk: But he don't know me completely
Jm: Jungkookah, it was your situation, you don't had any choice then, he will be proud of you once he came to know about your past
Jk: but my own family not ready to hear me hyung
Jm: they are not your family kook they never been one, even I am sure that Taehyung already started to dig your past
Jk: Did he know something Hyung
Jm: by listening the happenings, I thought not yet but soon he will, but leave everything concentrate on your feelings, work on your relationship, face everything this time, stand for yourself kookie, don't you want to gave a happy family with your little puppy
"Jk closed his eyes and remember his puppy's boxy smile, with determination opened his eyes"
Jk: I will Hyung

~ Both hot ready for their Office, Jimin's first day at  Kim's corporation.
Tyler: Welcome to Kim's corporation
(Tyler(Ty): Kim corporation's new food project head) Mr.park Jimin
Jm: Thank you sir! It's a great honour to work with you all "eye shrinking smile"
Ty: Please have a look over the project outline mr.park, we are planning to launch healthy snacks and beverages for corporates, today afternoon we have meeting let's discuss everything in detail there until please make yourself comfortable and just visit our company I will assign one of our employees
Jm: Thank you Mr.Tyler

To be continued....🖤💫


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