A baby who need's mother love and care unites two souls forever....let's step into the story. If you are a fluffy family drama lover yes you are in a right place. Welcome my dear taekookers..read the intro before story
Tae: Baby "horror eyes" Jk: GET LOST! Tae: Noo baby let me ex- "Jk slammed the door without noticing Tae's rested his hand on door" Tae: aahhh! ....wait What? " his hand is bleeding of stuck between the door crack of his car, he turn around and observe,that's when tae realize still he is daydreaming" Tae: aishh! ...am I sitting in the car still? Will your mommy forgive me Junie? "A little fluff ball came with his dad as a peace pigeon who is now busy shoving entire rhino plushie into his little mouth while sitting sitting next to his daddy on baby's seat" Tae: oh God I should have revealed it earlier "Tae resting is head on steering worriedly" Tae: Junie can you melt your mumma's heart with our premium boxy smile?...then only he will forgive us ?: not us it's you who seek forgiveness Tae: Jiminahh Jm: my pookie... "he opened the door and get that little cub and went inside without caring his poor soulmate" Jm: I missed you soo much my pookieeee "smooching that chubby cheeks" Yg: Oh is that our Little bunny Jm: yes Meet my nephew Ax: Are you sure? He is our nephew Jm: come on Alex, he is the actual product of my bestie and my soulmie so what's wrong? Ax: where is the lie? Haaha! Let me meet my nibling too Yg: oh my little young man ...are you came to meet your uncle Mr.jeon: Who is that little Star? Ax: our important guest dad "Junie was shifting from one arms to another arms, everyone fondly embraced that little sunshine, which was admired by his proud dad who standing on the door" Mr.jeon: He is look like our kookie Alex Ax: yes dad Jm: He is excat carbon copy of my Tae Yg: your tae? "Raising one eyebrow" Tae: Anyeonghaseyo! "Everyone turned their head to the sound source there stood our world most handsome with snacks and fruits" Yg: Taehyung come Mr.Jeon: Oh son welcome Ax: Hyung! Please come "He bowed 90° respectfully, after chitchat with everyone finaly he find himself on his baby's room door with that wiggling Cub in his arms" . . Kim villa Mina: Kiara what's with that decoration team Kiara: Mom are we doing this still? Mina: ofcourse already decided so no more discussions Aeri: but mom Mina: Enough, let's prepare for Hobi and Amy's engagement...we planned two one it's one "Heri was fuming while standing aside and left to her room" . . Heri: can't you do anything? Mr.kim: your son already done enough Heri: I know but still please do something Mr.kim: we can't go against Mom heri "Mr.Kim's phone is ringing" OTP Mr.kim: Who is that? ?: Your savior Mr.kim: what nonsense...who are you ?: Oh Mr.Kim Daewon, be calm Mr.kim: I don't have a time to hear any nonsense ?: then why shouldn't we discuss some deal Mr.kim: Cut the crap before my patience wanes ?: haaaha! Fine then come to business Mr.kim: why should I do deal with some creep ?: Because I have a great deal for you to fulfill your dream of capturing Kim Empire Mr.kim: who are you? What are you blabbering ? ?: Mr.kim I have a evidence against you by submitting that to Kim brothers...you know the rest Mr.kim: why should I trust you? ?: Just check your phone "He checked the video and became Horrified" Mr.kim: how much you want ?: haaha! Will connect you later "Call ended" . . "Tae twisted the door knob" Tae: see your mumma is sleeping peacefully "He went near the bed and placed Junie near Kook, junie climbed over Kook, he stirred from sleep, found that little star candy and sat" Jk: Puppyy ...you are here to see mumm- What are you doing here? Tae: Baby "pouting with puppy eyes" Jk: Don't baby me just go away Tae: kook please let me ex- Jk: explain what? Hah? Are you going to lie again that you love me more than anything? Tae: That's true Jk: oh really? That's why you prioritize your family over me Tae: Jungkook please I have my reasons Jk: so you let me mourn for my baby who is alive in our hands Tae: I am sorry I was about to sa- Jk: just shut up and get lost tae " his eyes became glossy, he stood with junie to leave but Tae back hugged him from behind" Tae: I am sorry ..."he too became emotional" I didn't mean to hide this from you Jungkook but First I came to know this- Jk: I don't want any of your explanation Tae... "tears sliding continuously, Junie was wiggling so he left him on mattress but can't get out of that tiger's hold" Tae: baby please Jk: You didn't trust me in the first place...."sobbing" Jk: I am not saying you should share everything with me but you know it already how I was suffering of the loss see tae...see our son "he turned in his hold and met his teary eyes face to face" Jk: You always say he is ours...For god sake Tae he is actually ours ....our own blood and flesh..a hidden puzzle of our life ...our prized possession...I know we don't own him still I had him in my womb without even knowing it's a identity of love of my life...I would be over the moon if I heard it from you...but you choose to be silent Tae: "with heavy heart of regret with red teary eyes" I am sorry kook..."rested his forehead on him" I am extremely sorry... Jk: May be you have a valid reasons but still It can't replace the agony I am going through...so it took time...but I trust you..I always choose my love over anything "he cupped Tae's face and kissed his forehead" Jk: I need time to reconcile with you...but I love you Tae: "seeing the floor" I won't repeat this....but please accept me soon "Jk cooed his big baby but hide his smile from him" Jk: fine get out now, we need some private time Tae: we? Jk: it's My son, Me and Tae: and? ?: prettyyyyy Jk: my little friend Tae: what he is doing here Jm: here Tae strawberry shake for you and here kook coffee for you, here baby cereal for my pookie Tae: Mr.Rival? didn't I warn you before stay away from my Husband Jackie: Pretty why this uncle always scolding me "sad puppy eyes" Jk: Behave Mr.Kim Taehyung Jm: Tae there is a talk of choosing Jackie instead of you so behave as a gentleman Tae: whattt?
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