Chapter 37

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Jk: Come soon jimina "whinning"
Jm: you idiot, Everywhere lockdown, how could I?
Jk : you both are meanies hmmf "sulking"
Yg: you little bunny what should we do? we both stuck here, the situation is severe, or else do you think we choose to stay here when our little baby is literally suffering
Jk: Miss youuuuu Hyungieee
Yg: miss you bubba take care, I gonna cook here speak with jimin, take care of Jeon appa
Jk: yeahh Hyungie
Jm: Wait......yeah he went away now tell me what was the most important matter you wanna share
Jk: that Jiminaa..Clara Noona
Jm: what with her Haan? Did she pick up a fight for that Bullsh!t(kang🤭) sent you his proposal?
Jk: No jimina that..
Jm: Don't tell me she still doing shoping after you bankrupt
Jk: jimina let me talk first...that Today I went to hospital....Uncle smith....blood test.....Kim vacancy....evening again blood test.....finally I see another lady doctor....Noon is pregnant "jungkook told everything to jimin"
Jm: I know that B!tch sister of yours jungkookah...she is whor!ng around and get filled her womb with someone sin
Jk: I am sacred chim...what would happen if dad came to know this..already he was so stressed and highly trying for loan with all the possibilities...I am worried
Jm: such a S!ut she is ....without any care she is...........
Jk: what? Why did you stop....nowadays she is........."both stoped that something strike to them"
Jk&Jm : with that Kang!! "Said in unison"
Jm: I am swear she pregnant with Kang's sin
Jk: I too feel the same what will we do now?
Jm: let's wait she is trying to abort right?
Jk: I am worried for that unborn jimina she/he is innocent
Jm: Born as a son/daughter of your b!tch sister is way more better than die
Jk: whatever All I want is My dad should unaware of this.
Jm: don't worry she is a better actress......what about ur client?
Jk: I didn't meet him jimina I stuck with clara noona so I missed the appointment
Jm: Fine take care I am trying for loan here even yoongi Hyung too but due to pandemic we can't rely any source
Jk: it's okay already you both helped me a lot ...I owed let it be ...take care ...miss you ....come soooon
Jm: bye baby umaaah!

Time skips ......
Jeon mansion became war zone because of Clara
Mrs.j: how could you this careless Clara, what should we do now?
Mr.j: Clara tell me who is the father of this child haan?
Ax: Clara don't you know already we are facing huge loss but you are spoiled our total reputation
Mrs.J : how can I face our relatives clara
"She is so furious"
Cl: It's all because of you Alex, why did you tell this to everyone. If you know this you have to dealt  with it to me "mrs.jeon slapped her"
Mrs.J: shut up you brainless fool, now that's not thing you are idiot...I never thought you will be this ignorant Clara...Thank god Alex went to collect our reports that doctor recognized him and gave him your reports or else what would happen if any of our relatives known about this
Cl: Mom... "sobbing" why just worried about relatives not me
Mrs.j: // whispering to her - I told you to just date him not sleep with him and get pregnant, Jungkook is way more better than you//
Mr.J: Alex did that report have father's name?
Ax: Let me check Dad..."but he became shock"
Mr.J: Alex who?
Ax: It's Kang!
Mr.J : what? "He stood suddenly"
Didn't they send proposal to kook ? Then how come........Clara what's wrong with you?
Cl: it's all wrong with that Jungkook, he want to snatch Kang from me Dad...we love each other "
Mr.J : Don't blame Jungkook for your mistake clara ...he is innocent and I didn't expect this from you
That time Kang arrived there ...
Kg: Helo uncle "with fake smile and placed some shopping bags when he observed that horrible status of that family"
Kg: Uncle I am here for the answer?
Cl: kang why didn't you attend my calls and  reply to my messages?
Kg: we will talk later Clara...Uncle what is the answer?
Cl: seriously kang You want to marry Jungkook?
Kg: YES! I want  him...I love him
Cl: then what about me
Kg: clara, I never commit myself with you..did I?
Cl: I am fu*king pregnant with your Child kang
Kg: Are you sure is that mine?
Cl: Kang! "She grabbed his collar, he slowly back away"
Kg: Don't you have Bf?
Cl: I had but It's your child ...I am sure about that "Mr&Mrs.jeon and Alex became shocked"
Mr.J: we failed as a parent
Mrs.J: don't say like that honey...please "crying"
Kg: Clara...whatever happened inbetween us it's nothing....Uncle please don't mind her and I don't think that's not my child
Mr.J: I trust my Daughter Kang, you have to marry her
Kg: No...I love jungkook
Mrs.J: weren't you said you like him as a brother
Kg: I realized my feeling Aunty
Ax: after made clara pregnant
Kg: we slept together I don't deny that but it was in I love Jungkook and it's final
Mr.J: Sorry Kang we can't marry off Jungkook before Clara and Jungkook don't like this proposal
"Kang get furious and changed his tone"
Kg: I am not asking you Uncle...I want Jungkook... I have my ways but I want him to marry me with his own concern...If you order him he will do that
Ax: Not happening kang...Even I don't think you good for Clara..
Kg: Then ready to face consequences ..but still I want you to reconsider the's not too late but don't forget I will have him anyhow
Mr.J: Get out! "he went angrily"
Mr.J: don't tell anything to kookie
Busan hospital....
"Mrs.jeon crying and Alex is comforting her, Jk reacher the hosipital hurriedly"
Jk: Hyunggg!...."panting" what happened to dad?
Ax: "crying" Kookie ...D..Dad got first attack "hiccuping"
Jk: what! "Freeze" what happened? How come all of a sudden
Ax: "he told everything from Clara pregnancy to Kang's threatening" Kook he sent notice for the debt we borrowed from him, he seized our house
Jk: but we settled every loan only the house is remained right? And we got loan from his friend to pawned our house? How come he summoned us to vacate?
Ax: he faked the documents kookie ...he planned everything even he is the reason behind all our misery and our factory got seized
Jk: But why?
Mrs.J: its all because of you "she shouting at kook"
Ax: Mom please be calm's not my kook's fault
Mrs.j: if he not seduced kang by his charm, our family wouldn't face any of this misery and Clara won't be hospitalized like this "she is speaking everything in a abusive way"
Jk: what happened to Noona hyung?
Ax: She drank poison kook, that time kang gave us notice and it all happened "he express everything in a painful state"
Jk: I will find the solution Hyung
Ax: we can't kookie we need to vacate the house or settle the the amount with interest in one month
Jk: I  will see that Hyung, I will talk to him
Ax: No kook
Jk: trust me Hyung
"Jk went from there but before meet kang he called Jimin and told everything"
Kang's mansion
Kg: Oh darling I know you will come
Jk: why are you doing this kang
Kg: you knew it well darling
Jk: I told you I don't like you
Kg: fine you don't need to marry just be my mistress for one month, I can't get over you just with one or two fu*ks "he said everything being in close proximity of kook"
Jk: Don't daydream Kang..I will settle all your money...before he deadline
Kg: I knew it you would say this doll ..after all you are a brave boy who made me to put lot of efforts for just stay this close to you...I done everything for just this moment. But don't underestimate me
Jk: what do you mean?
Kg: oh my innocent darling...I just used your family just for you but no use now I have another jackpot to lure you to my bed
Jk: kang You never going to succeed in your plan, I will settle everything and save my family...but until don't do anything
Kg: I haven't done anything for money it's all for you wait let me show you something
"Kang played a video of Clara and him having sex, Kook stunned at the moment can't able to stay still, his body lost the balance his mind lost the sanity"
Kg: haaaaaahaha! I love this face of yours my doll, I can't wait to fu*k you...
"Jk crying with all red Horrified face"
Kg: You have one month time kook, I want you to come to me with all your sense or else I will release this on internet...Hey drop my darling safely.
"Jk just glared and step out and started walking with no aim, he never thought this cruelty of kang in his dream"
?: wait Jungkook
Jk: who are you?
?: I am Rex, I am Kang's right hand
Jk: did he send you to pursuade me...then please go away
Rex: No Jungkook I am here to help you
Jk: But why should I trust you
Rex: Beacuse we are on the same boat
Jk: how come?
Rex: he betrayed me "smiled in pain"
Jk: what are you even saying?
"Rex told his love and breakup with clara
Jk: but isn't it Noona at fault?
Rex: I hate her Jungkook, she done all this because of greediness and her mother's compulsion and I know kang very well he is a snake Jungkook he made business deal just for you when he want to use Clara he knew I love her but still he done everything behind my back "he knelt and tears sliding from his eyes" I got cheated Jungkook...I am alone now...It's a greatest betray of my life...I have nothing to lose
Jk: "he placed his hand on Rex's shoulder by comforting him" It's okay Hyung please relax I trust you ......but Hyung...
Rex: I know what you want tos's all happened to me becoz of my sinful Acts
Jk: you choosed the wrong path Hyung
Rex: even I chose wrong path I was loyal to him Jungkook
Jk: He is no worth for anyone's good side hyung such a disgusting man I ever met in my life
Rex: Don't worry kook I have all the evidence against him, we will plan together and send him behind bars
Jk: But a single mistake... it will change everything
Rex: Don't worry Kook I take care everything you can trust me.

To be continued💫🖤

I will end this Flashbacks on next chapter....guys I feel bad becoz no taekook moments...but trust me I will write beautiful scenes for my babies...and you won't became old by just pressing that vote button.

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