Chapter 50

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It's midnight ...Club
?: what are we?
?: huh? Pardon?
?: stop drinking Rex...answer me
Rex: we are friends with benefits
Mia: that's it!'s been a month we started to date, clubbing, long drive, sleeping with each other and sharing our problems, helping each other but still you are calling this FWB?
Rex: what do you want Mia?
Mia: you
Rex: Didn't I clear everything before we start this?
Mia: you said you don't want a commitment Rex: And you accepted it
Mia:Yes because I needed you that time I don't know about my feelings
Rex: feelings?
Mia: still I am not sure Rex...But I need you for me only you
Rex: Listen Mia you deserve better...I am not good to anyone..please let's end it here
Mia: Please understand Rex...I never felt like this before ...I thought I was in love with Tae oppa but after that night we got intimate..I can't help myself not to think about you
Rex: Please Mia you are a good girl may be little Snobbish but yeah that's fine...we will be freinds like real friends...not this FWB...but still I don't want to commit myself with anyone
Mia: Then why you accepted to date me in the first place
Rex: It's just a infatuation so move on ....are we good now?
Mia: No....I will wait for your answer
"Mia step out from the club with teary eyes without anyone notice,she is in her car"
Mia: I have changed my Personality just for you I thought you will realize your feelings..but I was wrong "she is crying her heart out in the paring lot,after kook's kidnap both started to spend time together Mia completely forget Tae and her status, it's because Rex taken care of her well..such a gentleman"

After some days...
"Everyone get back to track and Kims corporation,modeling,food department,Textile are working like fire coz of family drama works are at pending, Namjoon started to look after Kim Industries from home beacuse he started walk with help of someone, Minashi was beyond the sky..finally her dream comes true...
Kim villa....
Hobi: Joonie ..I arranged everything it's time for you to take over the Chairman position..Grandma ask me when will you ready?
Tae: Yes Hyung all done...just say the date
Nj: Before that  I want to see Kim Daewon and Kim Max behind the bars
Cha: It's all done Hyung but they are very clever all we need is to made them confess everything on their own
Hobi: evidence are strong and against them Cha why are we waiting?
Tae: cha is right Hyung ...they will come up with some other plan if we attack them directly with evidence...afterall Kims have influence...uncle Daewon is not easy target .."he clenched his jaw while remembering their deeds towards his dad and Hyungs"
Amy: relax tae... we will made them confess
Hobi: how?
"Amy&Nj smirks and reveal their plan"
Cha: Nice plan ...but Hobi and Amy it's your engagement what if they ruined it
Amy: Family comes first's okay we will manage...we need to expose them infront of whole family so our day will be the best chance
Tae: still-
Hb: Amy is right..we will plan accordingly don't worry
Nj: until keep an eye on them both
Junie's nursery...
Jk: slow down bubba ...mumma is here you can drink as much as you can
"Junie's full attention on kook and he fisted his hand full of kook's shirt
Kiara: hahaha! He missed you last two days kook that's why he became ferocious tiggy, see he holding you like anytime you will disappear
Jk: haha! Ouch! Ouch!...bubba don't
Kiara: what happened...are you alright?
Jk: He biting my buds auntie
Kiara: haha he is angry on you
Jk: aahh! He is teething auntie...I miss my little puppy..
?: still my seo is little Jungkook
Jk: Hyung! See he is biting me
Jin: that is your punishment
Jk: haa! How are you Hyung
Jin: I am super cool mom with this active cub ..why didn't visit us for 2 days...
Jk: we launched new food product Hyung ...the work was hectic, I didn't even meet Tae for whole week "but he stopped middle and felt embarrassed"
Jk: that...ab..I meant Taehyung Hyung
Jin&Kiara: burst into laughter of kook's cute flustered face
Kiara: it's okay we all know everything...after Hobi&amy and Max&Ria engagement we arrange yours
"Kook became living tomato fully turn into all shades of red due to shyness"
Jin: here have this muffins and feed my Seo with sweet boo boo
Jk: of course ..did you bake it's delicious
Jin: I know right
Kiara: Jungkook what about your parents
"Kook face became pale immediately"
Kiara: sorry kook but I asked it for-
?: If he have parents..then why he is serving to Kims for survival
Kiara: Heri..please
"Jin became sad as well tears welled up in kook's eyes
Heri: what's wrong with you Kiara, you accepted a middle class boy for Namjoon...he became pregnant so we accepted him..but For our tae why are you doing injustice
Kiara: Heri..Jin is Kim's SIL can't degrade him like this and for my Tae I know what is best...they love each other is important to get married not status or power Heri and I trust my both sons choice they found diamonds
Aeri: Hope your brain works this time Heri ...before degrade orhers we have to see our life...we all know how Max ended with Ria
"Heri moved from there while fuming"
Aeri: Come both wipe your became a part of Kim clan is not that have to be strong and speak back and roast back when it requires "she teases them, both chuckled,Then Jk share some required past history to the ladies except the problematic part and revealed his surrogacy and family"
Aeri: what!! Is that true.....which means no one in your past life..I am happy kook
"She hugged him with love"
Kiara: don't take her wrong kook, we thought what if your ex husband or bf come and ruin your and Tae's happy life..we it's crystal clear
Aeri: we decided everything long back...okay let's get ready we need to do shopping for upcoming engagements
Jk: you all go Auntie... I need to go back are pending..already I took long leave
Jin: come on kook..let's go for shopping
Aeri: I will order Your boss to give you leave
Jk: fine
Kims Modeling They were reopened the case and investigating everything
Max: don't worry dad..they don't get anything against us don't underestimate them Max
Max: Dad please make me get all powers back Fool, I built everything from years, I made my Hyung's Accident..then I want to keep Namjoon as my puppet but He fell in love and gave Heir to Kims.
Max: Dad first time we planned a accident but that Namjoon escaped but as a hospital report that was a miscarriage but how Come they had a baby they are hiding something that's why Taehyung kept them secretly
Max: Yes dad we have to find their hidden truth before they find ours Yes, if we proved a single fault agaisnt them, then Mom will get that Heirship back
Max: we can't wait until dad...please do something immediately "he glared Max" That wasn't in my hands.. be a good grandson to your grandma
Max: what? I will arrange your marriage soon just act like you regret for your mistake and being good infront them and don't spoil anything this time
Max: I won't dad just give my powers then I show them who is this Kim Max
At shopping Mall
Amy: Oppa your card please
Hb: Isn't it Grandma who invited for shopping?
Amy: Don't be a stingy Husband already
"By saying that she grabbed Hobi vault and went for shopping, Tae was controlling his laughing"
Sara: Tae Give me your card fast
Tae: Ask ur woo
Sara: I am asking it for Kook, he won't do that my innocent baby
Tae: I see then let me go with my baby
Jin: Jungkook see It's so good and nice color too
Jk: Hyung But the size too small for Junie
Jin: wait let me check
Yeah you are right
Jk: see how is this?
Jin: I don't like this color Jungkook
Jk: but my puppy look handsome in all color "he smooched that tiny hands which is desperately trying to capture all the colorful hanging materials everywhere, but someone moved near kook without his making noise and whispered in a small voice"
?: I too look more handsome without even cloths
"Jungkook became blushing mess just heard that deep husky voice near his cheeks, and his movement also stopped when that boxy lips brushed on his cheeks, But junie saved his koo mumma by wiggling when he saw Tae"
Tae: Aww my baby missed me, come to Dad
Jin: are here
Tae: yes Hyung sara called us for shopping
Jin: thank god Tae..we are staying in same house but seeing each other twice or thrice a week
Tae: It's we are working for our new chairman
"Jin smiled and took juniee to give privacy for Them and moved with Aeri"
Tae: baby come
Jk: Finally someone remember me
Tae: sorry know's hectic in office
"Jk sassily turned his head to other side"
Jk: don't talk
"Tae chuckled"
Tae: I want to compensate with gifts...but it's okay I am going
Jk: gifts "bunny smile" let's go "he locked his  arms on Tae's bicep....but Jk jungshook when seen that shop and glared Tae but cutely"
Jk: Victoria secret? "Disbelief look"
Tae: come let's explore something sexy for you "he dragged kook into the shop"
Jk: Hyung, don't embarrass me I will buy it on my own
Tae: shut up ..It's only me who going to see you in let me claim my rights baby "he pecked Jk's lips"
Jk: Aissh Hyung we are in public "he checked if someone saw them or not"
Tae: let them babe
Saleswoman(sw): what do you want sir?
Tae: Nursing br@s and Lace pant!es
Jk: "both ears turned into red and poor bunny avoiding eye contact with the SW"
I never face this much awkwardness in my life...wait who will buy nursing br@ with lace pant!es
Tae: you can't wear sexy bra!let baby that's why come let me check your size
Jk: "sulking and fake crying" I want to go home
SW: here sir ..tape check his size
Tae: yes come baby....Baby!! It's grown 2 inch more see "boxy smile with brightest smile"
"That SW suppressing her laugh with that excited tiger, kook prayed that land swallow him immediately, Tae enthusiastically gave measurement to that SW,double bunny gave death galres to tae"
Tae: heehe...let's try new colors come
Jk: Tae keep your excitement with you
Tae: I can't baby see last time it was smaller but with my hardwork it grown 2 inches more..instead of thanking me you are scolding me "puppy pout"
Jk: ssh! You Shameless...No more boøbs for you anymore
Tae: baby stop I am sorry...I won't say anything
Jk: show me some light colors
SW: here sir...these are light pastel colors
Tae: Show us Wine Red set and dark purple
Jk: Tae!
Tae: what let's try something new...wait...OMG I was searching this from long
Jk: huh? What?
"He went to see the showpiece near kook"
Tae: pack this color
Jk: why are you so excite as if you are going to wear this?
Tae: not bad idea but I will once we back home
Jk: Aish! I am not going with you dress shopping anymore...but what's with that color?
Tae: baby don't you get it see your bűds is same color the first time I explored your blossoms I wan to buy this
"Jk just stunned by this answer"
Jk: at least you know the spelling of Hesitation? are hopeless..I want divorcee
Tae: baby but we are not married yet
Jk: oh yeah then let's break up
Tae: okay after the trail
Jk: "confused....but realized" Not happening
Tae: pweaseeee "tata mic face"
Jk: Fine "sighs"
"Both moved to Trial room with selected collections"

but realized" Not happeningTae: pweaseeee "tata mic face"Jk: Fine "sighs""Both moved to Trial room with selected collections"

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To be continued🖤💫

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