A baby who need's mother love and care unites two souls forever....let's step into the story. If you are a fluffy family drama lover yes you are in a right place. Welcome my dear taekookers..read the intro before story
"Tae cupped kook's cheeks and eyeing him adorably with overwhelming love, our bubba try to get that giant human's attention but they are sincerely loving each other and forget that two pair of orbs watching from the balcony with hearty eyes"
Jimin pov I came to attend my cat's video call, but all of a sudden I heard a deep husky voice called 'Baby' who is that? I turned to kook's side, also turned my phone back camera showing everything to yoongi, we both witnessed such a wonderful view Jm: Yoongz, Did you see that? "With all smily" Yg: Didn't they fight with each other, I thought the patch up session need our contribution but they loving like no tomorrow Jm: aww, isn't my babies are adorable Yg: your babies? You meant bunny and tiggy? Jm: I meant Bunny and Tiger Yg: Jimin! Stern voice Jm: I take Kim Taehyung as my soulmate, by seeing his gentlemanness Yg: what gentlemanness you have seen in him Jm: A man with zero male ego, he was mad on kook, but he came straightaway to take kook in his arms after knowing that kook was victimized with that office incident, without asking anything he comfort him and apologized even it is not his fault....Husband material yoongiahh! So he will be my soulmate, I am gonna greet my Soulmie so I will talk to you later my cat! Yg: jimi- "Jimin cut the call and slide open the balcony glass door, clears his throat to get that love birdie's attention" Jm: ahem ahem! "But they are not in the mind to leave each other, Tae cupped kookie's cheeks, kook placed his hands on Tae's broad chest both drowned into each other's eyes, went to another world, Jimin took that little puppy" Jm: Don't worry my pookie, I will save your innocence from your unholy Dad and mom, He went out with bubba, while closing his tiny cute eyes" Tae: Sorry for made you upset that day Jk: No Tae, mistake was mine, I was overeacted Tae: It's sounds amazing from your mouth, call me again Jk: Taeè! "Hide his face into Tae's neck and whinning cutely" Tae: haahaa! My baby is shy Jk: shut up! ..mummbling from Tae's neck Tae: Come on let me see my baby's cute face, show me kook "Kook back away and locked his oceanic orbs into that hazel orbs, both lost into each other, Tae caresses kook's cheeks lovingly,then his gaze travel from eyes to that plumpy rose lips, kook noticed and became all tomato" Tae: May I ? "Kook nodded then closed eyes, Tae could clearly hear Kook's pounding heart's beat, kook but didn't feel anything, he opened his eyes and saw Tae still staring his lips" Tae : I want words baby, Can I ? Jk: YESS! "With sparkling eyes" "Tae wasted no time, smashed his lips on kook, it was a long smooch, which was slow and passionate filled with love and longings from both sides, the world around us just froze at the moment, only them with untold feelings Tae backed away and joined his forehead with kook, our prince slowly opened his eyes" Tae : I missed you so much Jk: but I didn't "mischievous smile" "Tae raised his eyebrow as if asking 'why though?' Jk: It's because of your Mini version Tae: Little kim? "Smirking" Jk: yes my little tiggy loves me so much Tae: Big Tiger also loves his Mommy so much "winks at kook" Jk: Aish! Tae "hides his face embarrassingly, the laughter filled the room"
TIme skips.... "Kook and Jimin headed to their flat" Jm: I am happy about you my bunny and Yoongi too Jk: you told him everything? Jm: He was on the VC when you loving your Man Jk: What??? Seriously chim, yaah it's embarrassing how could you do this Jm: don't act like you care, you both brats literally eating each other with eyes, almost ruined my pookie's innocence Jk: Hyung! We..we just hugged each other that's it Jm: I know.. I know, Rose called me Kookie the who share cabin with you Jk: what did she say Hyung Jm: Tae dismissed all the employees who are all bad mouthed you and filed the case over that two punks, Now I am content that you are in safe hands with my Soulmie Jm: ofcourse! Tae and me had a good time after your make out session and beacme soulmates Jk: whatt! 》》Flashback "Tae was in office room, while jimin knocked the door" Tae: come in......Jimin right? Jm: Yes Taehyungie "Tae raised his eyebrow in a questioning manner with lips curved after heard that name from Jimin" Jm: heehe! I want to bless you with the offer of being my Soulmate for lifetime Taehyungie what say? "Tae chuckled" Tae: who will deny this golden opportunity of lifetime Jiminie "boxy smile" "Jimin gave him eye shrinking smile with bone crashing hug, Tae laughed loud by seeing his soulmate enthusiasm" Jm: Thank you so much for coming into my babies life Tae Tae: Excuse me soulmate He is mine now "raising his single eyebrow, with smirk" Jm: yaah! You possessive a*s okay okay.......Keep him Happy Tae, he deserve love and care Tae: Trust me Jimin Flashback ends
Kim's Modeling Industry Max: why arrange sudden meeting, It's been 3 days I visited home * I heard my baby boy visited Home* Sec: Sir there was a meeting with Busan client for upcoming project Max: postpone it Sec: Sorry sir, but they arrived already without a prior notice Max: WTH! Fine "annoyed tone" "Max called Mia over phone" OTP Max: Mia, where are you? Mia: At shoot, wasup? Max: Tae arrived from his trip, I am scheduled to meeting, so You go home and have eye on him don't let Tae beside Jungkook Mia: Taehyungie oppa arrived!! "Shouted from other line, but max declined the call"
~~Meeting hall ?: Gald to meet Mr.Kim Max Max: Nice to have you here Mr.Kang Kang: sorry for the unannounced arrival Max: It's okay Mr.kang, so what was the deal Kang : I want to collaborate with that upcoming deal Max: I went through your previous stacks, It wasn't that much good to make a new deal Kang: I was on personal hiatus mr.max, now want to get back on track Max: Fine let me have some time, we will notice you shortly Kang: Hope you won't deny 60% profit of these deal Mr.max Max: Isn't it too much? Kang: yes it is but All my Aim is regain my psoition in this business field, for that, I want a strong investors like yours Max: Understand, by the way, I will announce soon Kang: I will take my leave "Handshook was done before called off the meeting"
Kang's car Assistant(Ast): Boss, are you sure of 60% deal Kang: Yes, Afterall I am investing that for my baby doll Ast: boss? "Kang showed him a Picture of Jungkook having seojoon in his arms in the shopping complex, which was taken by Kang's man secretly" Kang: Kim max will be my trap card to get my doll back, so isn't it a investment? Ast: yess boss! Kang: Go to this address, I want to see my Baby doll, I missed him soooo much " cunning smirk"
~~Kook's apartment "Kook was doing the laundry, Calling bell was rang" Jk: Lily arrived for bottles? Let me see "Kook opened the door, but frown at the sight a man holding bouquet with yellow roses" ?: Hello babyyy Jk: what is this behavior Mr. Kim Taehyung? "Crossing his arms over his chest" Tae: we missed you baby "cute pout" Jk: We? " That's when kook noticed a baby carrier in Tae's hand which he hold behind, kook's eyes became bright and he immediately bend down and took his puppy and left Tae at door unattended but not grabbed before the bouquet" Tae: seriously this mom&Son duo abandoned me already!😳 (Z: playing fake love fake love)
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