A baby who need's mother love and care unites two souls forever....let's step into the story. If you are a fluffy family drama lover yes you are in a right place. Welcome my dear taekookers..read the intro before story
Tae: He is just a puppet of someone, I risked much to kidnap him but not worth it u knew it already Nj: I know him, no self knowledge to take decisions Hb: Cha is calling . . OTP ...on speaker Cha: Hoba, Rex is also on line Tae: hey Cha and Rex what's up? Rex: Boss it's a big news Cha: Kang abducted by Tae: By? "Both Hobi and Tae Shocked" Rex&cha: Russian mafia Hobi&Tae: what!!! Nj: when did it happen Cha: Oh Joon Hyung ....how are you NJ: I am fine woo and you? Cha: Alright Hyung Rex: Boss I told you that previosu deal Russian mafia are ruthless and cunning they he failed to supply the demand that 50 goods Tae: oh yeah I remember Cha : he was escaping, since he was under crime branch...Mafia abduct him now Hb: your snipper team cha...who giving him flase data about jungkook Cha: they come back after this news Tae: I want to take his life from hands "he saying while gritting his teeth and fuming on wrath" Nj: relax Tae Tae: You have no idea Hyung ...he was behind my Jungkook "boiling in anger" Rex: trust me boss I made a best plan for him...but he escaped but don't worry Russian mafia are dangerous in the whole under world, they only to how to kill and gave a torturous punishment who deceived them...kang is in a place which 1000 times danger than Hell Tae: that brute will payback for his deeds Cha: Yes Tae, so we no more threats for Jungkook anymore And the murder mystery we almost got the culprit Tae...just few more days until Namjoon Hyung be careful Hb: yes cha..inform me once done "After some discussion all went inside" . . __livingroom Jin: Where did you all went ? Tae: Just a walking Hyung Sara: give me few mins I will back then oppa we will go for shopping Nj: Shopping? Jin: yeah Joonie I want to purchase some pleasantries for our family it's been so long Nj: why not of course Jin: Tae and Hobi go and fresh up we all are going.....and Jungkook you too hurry up fast "Jk became all smiley after heard Jin" Jk: Really Hyung? You want me to come? Jin: yes and yeah please make ready Junie too I have to do pre preparations for dinner Nj: thanks for understanding Jin, "he placed his hands over Jin's hand" Hb: Jin let's dine out ...you will be tired after shopping Jin: No hoba I want to cook for you all until our stay here Hb: okay "All went to their room and getting ready" . . Taekook room... "Tae was in front of mirror drying his wet hair, that time Kook entered with his cub, he froze at door step, and blinked cutely" Jk: *woah! Is he really doing Gym for me, I know he was all fit but that muscles and abs...fvck, I wanna lic- shut up you pervert kook, but isn't he is mine?....still ....ufff... that water droplets on his chest from his hair, ahha! God* "Tae smirking while eyeing kook's stunned state and flexed his biceps by combing his hair intentionally" Jk: fvck! Fvck!...."his breath hitched" Tae: Baby...don't curse infront of our tiggy "smirking and giving sensual gazes to Kook" Jk: * Kook don't fall on his trap, but isn't he setting my whole body on fire...ahhaa! "Whinning and sulking internally" relax kook...* Jk: Are you seducing me? Tae: is it working "winking at him" Jk: "disbelieved look" for god sake ..act as a gentleman Hyung Tae: Oh baby I am a gentleman but not for you "chuckled" but trust me I will be gentle "wink at him" Jk: huh? ..."sudden realization" yeah We'll go to next room...you shamless creature "But before that both bunny and tiggy was under tiger hold" Jk: Hyung let us go "whinning avoiding eye contact with tae" Tae: oh are you resisting? "Teasing smirk" Jk: you are doing this for purpose right? I know you...move...move Tae: but you didn't appreciate my hardwork Jk: its...its hot "blushed" and yeah you won seduced me Tae: haha! Cute "pecked his cheeks" "All got ready and waiting for sara to join them" Jin: Sara, baby come fast we are getting late Sara: 2 mintues Oppa "shouting from her room" Jin: See my lilliput is all ready by this time...but see your auntie taking all time bun "Junie was all excited seeing everyone dressed well" Jin: Is my baby excited to go out? Haan "smooching that chubby cheeks" . . __At Mall After sometime everyone purchasing... Jin: joon I done shopping for all family members except Junie...so let's move to kids section Sara: Oppa we are coming with you Jin: it's okay sara ...you and kook shop something I will take care Sara: No oppa we love to buy dresses for junie it all look so cute Jin: haha! True come "Jin was happily purchasing dresses for Junie" Nj: oh my! Sara I am gonna bankrupt because of this new mumma Sara: haha! Let it be Oppa, afterall he is doing it to compensate past 7 months "But kook is batting his lashes while seeing the shopping cart of Jin and Sara noticed that,Junie was in Namjoon lap on wheelchair" Sara: what happened kook? Jk: Nuna...that J..Jin Hyung choosed those fabrics for Junie, he don't like that material...he will feel uncomfortable that Jin: Are you telling me how to be a mom or insulting me not know anything about my baby jungkook? Jk: Hyungg "worried" No nothing like that, what I sa- Jin: stop! I Know about my baby and yeah if he don't feel comfortable ...I take care I don't need your suggestion Nj: Jin behave we are in public Jin: Joon I don't anyone suggestion to be a good mom especially who became a mother by luck Sara: Oppa...please...what he meant is..it's for Junie's well being, he is exactly like Taehyung not comfortable with all clothes, that's what kook try to say and yeah we all spent some months with Junie so we know better than you...so please don't insult kook's care Jin: wow! How come everyone take his side? Sara he is insulting my parenting since the day we met...he is purposefully telling what to do with my baby...Why no one thinking about my feelings? For God don't judge my care for Junie "He frustratedly took junie on one hand and cart on other hand moved to billing section, kook was crying and seeing the fading figures" Jk: I am sorry joonie Hyung I..I didn't mean- Nj: don't be sorry Jungkook, you are not at fault Sara: come we will purchase something let's bright your mood "he dragged kook along with joon" . . At night.....home Taekook room Tae: you purchased this for Junie right? Jk: hmm Tae: then ...why you are keeping it still? Jk: that..I will dress him when he will stay with us Tae: why so Jk: ab..That.. Tae: you can't hide anything to me...u know that right? "Kook burst out, crying while leaning on Tae's chest" Tae: it's okay, see my Bunny is so strong don't cry Jk: Hyung I didn't mean to hurt him...it's just Junie don't like that fabric Tae: It's okay Jin hyung will understand you soon just give him time just for my sake Jk: will he? "Cute curious doe eyes" "Tae kissed that nose and nodded his head" Tae: definitely "boxy smile" who will resist my baby's cuteness "kissed his head fondly" Jk: *I can't bare the pain if again I destined to stay away from my puppy* Tae: *I never allow your smile fade away baby*
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To be continued🖤💫
100+ views but still....15 votes? Seriously I don't feel like continuing